string(95) "" string(15167) "[{"templateId":96970,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":125,"categoryName":"Book Reviews Templates","templateTitle":"Book Reviews Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"BookHouse - City Library Website Template - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for BookHouse - City Library Website Template #96970","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Reliable City Library Website Template

A city library website template is a unique and multifunctional tool for any modern library. The latter requires a special attitude to design and content. It means that you need a website developed by professionals. Of course, you can create a website from scratch. But why bother yourself and lose time & money on hiring a web developer? Especially when you can get a pre-developed product with all the necessary features.

With all this in mind, we have developed the BookHouse multipage HTML template. It is created to match any modern library. The template has a clean and appealing design. Yet, at the same time due to its bright color scheme, it creates an atmosphere of comfort. Moreover, this template is perfect for advertising your library and its services. Your website visitors will enjoy the responsive layout based on the Bootstrap 4 framework.

Feature-Rich Multipage Template for City Library

BookHouse city library website template also includes over 20 pre-developed pages. They are created to provide visitors with information. You can tell them your schedule, which books are available, what type of books you store and so on. You can also blog about the newest arrivals or the latest news. The blog on a library website can be a piece of art itself. Besides, you can take advantage of the following features:

  1. Cross-browser support;
  2. Working contact & newsletter subscription form;
  3. Google Fonts;
  4. Parallax effect;
  5. Speed optimization.

Our developers also put a lot of effort to decorate the design of the BookHouse HTML template. They included CSS animations and transitions to help you with decoration. An extensive set of UI elements & blocks is available to make your website interactive. Moreover, there are SCSS and Pug source files. You can work with them and modify them to build a unique resource with our city library website template.

SEO-Ready HTML Template with 24/7 Support

When it comes to coding, the BookHouse city library website template relies on W3C Valid coding. Your website will work and look great on any device due to its coding. Moreover, due to high optimization, BookHouse is fast and SEO-friendly. It guarantees the best global search results rankings. Besides being highly reliable, the template's code is easy-to-edit. It will allow you to create any type of website you want for your library.

Also, our template has very detailed documentation. It includes all you may want to know about the BookHouse HTML template. However, if you have any difficulties with template installation or configuration, don't hesitate to contact our team. Our 24/7 customer support is always ready to help you. We hope you get the best user experience with BookHouse that will allow you to create an outstanding & successful website.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

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Reliable City Library Website Template

A city library website template is a unique and multifunctional tool for any modern library. The latter requires a special attitude to design and content. It means that you need a website developed by professionals. Of course, you can create a website from scratch. But why bother yourself and lose time & money on hiring a web developer? Especially when you can get a pre-developed product with all the necessary features.

With all this in mind, we have developed the BookHouse multipage HTML template. It is created to match any modern library. The template has a clean and appealing design. Yet, at the same time due to its bright color scheme, it creates an atmosphere of comfort. Moreover, this template is perfect for advertising your library and its services. Your website visitors will enjoy the responsive layout based on the Bootstrap 4 framework.

Feature-Rich Multipage Template for City Library

BookHouse city library website template also includes over 20 pre-developed pages. They are created to provide visitors with information. You can tell them your schedule, which books are available, what type of books you store and so on. You can also blog about the newest arrivals or the latest news. The blog on a library website can be a piece of art itself. Besides, you can take advantage of the following features:

  1. Cross-browser support;
  2. Working contact & newsletter subscription form;
  3. Google Fonts;
  4. Parallax effect;
  5. Speed optimization.

Our developers also put a lot of effort to decorate the design of the BookHouse HTML template. They included CSS animations and transitions to help you with decoration. An extensive set of UI elements & blocks is available to make your website interactive. Moreover, there are SCSS and Pug source files. You can work with them and modify them to build a unique resource with our city library website template.

SEO-Ready HTML Template with 24/7 Support

When it comes to coding, the BookHouse city library website template relies on W3C Valid coding. Your website will work and look great on any device due to its coding. Moreover, due to high optimization, BookHouse is fast and SEO-friendly. It guarantees the best global search results rankings. Besides being highly reliable, the template's code is easy-to-edit. It will allow you to create any type of website you want for your library.

Also, our template has very detailed documentation. It includes all you may want to know about the BookHouse HTML template. However, if you have any difficulties with template installation or configuration, don't hesitate to contact our team. Our 24/7 customer support is always ready to help you. We hope you get the best user experience with BookHouse that will allow you to create an outstanding & successful website.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

","bitLyUrl":"","tags":["author","business","digital","knowledge","library","mall","market","online","publisher","shop","shopping","story","study"],"customUrl":"/website-templates/bookhouse-city-library-website-template-96970.html","webForms":["Contact Form","Newsletter Subscription","Search Form"],"badge":"badge-responsive","nameOfTheTemplate":"BookHouse - City Library Website Template","loyaltySells":"1","pHPVersionCompatibility":"7.x","topic":["Books","Book Reviews Templates","Education & Books"],"styles":"Neutral","marketplaceMembership":"One","category":"Website templates","dqi":"90"}}]" array(17) { [0]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" [1]=> string(20) "Server: nginx/1.22.0" [2]=> string(35) "Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 18:18:17 GMT" [3]=> string(45) "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" [4]=> string(17) "Connection: close" [5]=> string(130) "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Pagination-Current-Page, X-Pagination-Page-Count, X-Pagination-Per-Page, X-Pagination-Total-Count" [6]=> string(12) "Vary: Accept" [7]=> string(27) "X-Pagination-Total-Count: 1" [8]=> string(26) "X-Pagination-Page-Count: 1" [9]=> string(28) "X-Pagination-Current-Page: 1" [10]=> string(25) "X-Pagination-Per-Page: 20" [11]=> string(290) "Link: ; rel=self, ; rel=first, ; rel=last" [12]=> string(38) "Expires: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 18:23:17 GMT" [13]=> string(26) "Cache-Control: max-age=300" [14]=> string(16) "Direct_API: true" [15]=> string(22) "X-Cache-Status: BYPASS" [16]=> string(24) "X-Up:" } #96970 Preview

Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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