string(95) "" string(15831) "[{"templateId":95584,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":213,"categoryName":"Landscape Design Templates","templateTitle":"Landscape Design Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Gardenion - Landscape and Garden Design Website Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live preview for Gardenion - Landscape and Garden Design Website Template #95584","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Reliable Landscape And Garden Design Website Template

A landscape and garden design website template is all your business needs to create a fully-functional gardening business website. With this template, you’ll easily become the number one in search results. Launch your brand new resource that meets the latest trends in the world of web development. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to customize this premium solution.

Gardenion HTML template will help you introduce your services to the world in the best possible way. A built-in convenient control panel and lots of other great features will emphasize your website. This solution offers a suitable and clean design. It is fast and easy to use guaranteeing that you will enjoy working with it. Its W3C valid code is perfectly commented and is made SEO-ready. The template is based on the Bootstrap 4 framework. It provides high responsiveness for all pages of your website.

Lots of Awesome & Powerful Features

Our landscape and garden design website template offers a great number of features. Among them are cleanly designed header and footer. Also, the template supports dropdown menus. All these and many other features & parameters can completely transform your website. Moreover, to give your resource more powerful options, our template provides:

  1. Cool CSS3 animation effects and transitions;
  2. Rich UI Kit;
  3. CrossBrowser;
  4. Working Contact Form;
  5. Blog;
  6. Optimized for Speed.

The Gardenion landscape and garden design website template has a universal and quality design. Our developers made every effort to simplify it as much as possible. Also, we avoided any complications with the structure and the template's features. Also, our product supports deep customization. All this and a perfectly designed UI guarantees the best user experience for you and your visitors.

Deep Customization & 24/7 Premium Support

Our solution is supplied with an impressive and detailed UI kit. It grants access to the better refurbishing of the website's look. Our website template will also give you a better page appearance. For the design of text and content on your site, feel free to use Google fonts. Any startup business can easily benefit from this solution. It will perfectly represent your business online.

To make your work with Gardenion even more simple, we have included easy-to-read documentation. It explains how to configure this HTML template and use it according to your needs. Creating a reliable website also gets easier with our 24/7 qualified support team always ready to answer your questions. We aim to deliver the best user experience, so don't hesitate to contact our support team!

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

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Reliable Landscape And Garden Design Website Template

A landscape and garden design website template is all your business needs to create a fully-functional gardening business website. With this template, you’ll easily become the number one in search results. Launch your brand new resource that meets the latest trends in the world of web development. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to customize this premium solution.

Gardenion HTML template will help you introduce your services to the world in the best possible way. A built-in convenient control panel and lots of other great features will emphasize your website. This solution offers a suitable and clean design. It is fast and easy to use guaranteeing that you will enjoy working with it. Its W3C valid code is perfectly commented and is made SEO-ready. The template is based on the Bootstrap 4 framework. It provides high responsiveness for all pages of your website.

Lots of Awesome & Powerful Features

Our landscape and garden design website template offers a great number of features. Among them are cleanly designed header and footer. Also, the template supports dropdown menus. All these and many other features & parameters can completely transform your website. Moreover, to give your resource more powerful options, our template provides:

  1. Cool CSS3 animation effects and transitions;
  2. Rich UI Kit;
  3. CrossBrowser;
  4. Working Contact Form;
  5. Blog;
  6. Optimized for Speed.

The Gardenion landscape and garden design website template has a universal and quality design. Our developers made every effort to simplify it as much as possible. Also, we avoided any complications with the structure and the template's features. Also, our product supports deep customization. All this and a perfectly designed UI guarantees the best user experience for you and your visitors.

Deep Customization & 24/7 Premium Support

Our solution is supplied with an impressive and detailed UI kit. It grants access to the better refurbishing of the website's look. Our website template will also give you a better page appearance. For the design of text and content on your site, feel free to use Google fonts. Any startup business can easily benefit from this solution. It will perfectly represent your business online.

To make your work with Gardenion even more simple, we have included easy-to-read documentation. It explains how to configure this HTML template and use it according to your needs. Creating a reliable website also gets easier with our 24/7 qualified support team always ready to answer your questions. We aim to deliver the best user experience, so don't hesitate to contact our support team!

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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