string(95) "" string(15072) "[{"templateId":94207,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":240,"categoryName":"Food Store Templates","templateTitle":"Food Store Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"LiveDrink - Smoothie Shop Website Template - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for LiveDrink - Smoothie Shop Website Template #94207","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Creative Smoothie Shop Website Template

A smoothie shop website template can serve your company in establishing a proper online presence. Especially if you own a business providing healthy organic drinks. Modern customers pay a lot of attention to their health. And this is why organic and healthy food becomes highly demanded products. Moreover, in modern days a healthy food store is a profitable business that may bring you a nice profit.

Yet, after all, you have to overcome your competitors to create a profitable healthy food store. And the most effective way is to advertise your business online. Nowadays, the best way to do so is to create a website. And we are here to help you with it. To succeed in pursuing this purpose, our team has built LiveDrink, a responsive HTML template. it is designed specifically for organic drink stores and smoothie shops.

Colorful HTML Template Loaded with Features

In this smoothie shop website template, our designers used bright color tones. It helped them to decorate LiveDrink and make it eye-catchy. They also included many visual effects like transitions and the Parallax effect. Moreover, this HTML template is fully editable for you to change any part of it. Thus, it can be a perfect choice for your business. also, you might want to take the benefit of the following features:

  1. eCommerce page template;
  2. Google Fonts & Google Map;
  3. Powerful search engine;
  4. Working contact & newsletter subscription forms;
  5. Responsive layout built with Bootstrap 4.

LiveDrink is also a multipage smoothie shop website template. And due to its sheer number of pages, you can sort information on your website as you wish. There is a wide variety of opportunities that you get with LiveDrink. For example, you can present your team, or inform customers about prices. You can also blog and use a gallery page to present images most attractively.

eCommerce-Ready HTML Solution for Your Store

Our template is optimized for eCommerce. It has an informative cart design and it allows you to accept digital payments. In addition, you can create a delivery service with a LiveDrink. This HTML template has a reliable and responsive coding. It works great on all gadgets and provides you with an SEO-friendly website. With the LiveDrink smoothie shop website template, you will undoubtedly rank higher on global search results.

In addition, if you want to keep in touch with customers you can use social options. Or you can use testimonials to present feedback. Moreover, to better understand how LiveDrink works, we have supplied it with clear and easy-to-read documentation. You can always turn to our 24/7 support for additional clarification. We are always happy to assist you with improving your user experience of our templates.

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Creative Smoothie Shop Website Template

A smoothie shop website template can serve your company in establishing a proper online presence. Especially if you own a business providing healthy organic drinks. Modern customers pay a lot of attention to their health. And this is why organic and healthy food becomes highly demanded products. Moreover, in modern days a healthy food store is a profitable business that may bring you a nice profit.

Yet, after all, you have to overcome your competitors to create a profitable healthy food store. And the most effective way is to advertise your business online. Nowadays, the best way to do so is to create a website. And we are here to help you with it. To succeed in pursuing this purpose, our team has built LiveDrink, a responsive HTML template. it is designed specifically for organic drink stores and smoothie shops.

Colorful HTML Template Loaded with Features

In this smoothie shop website template, our designers used bright color tones. It helped them to decorate LiveDrink and make it eye-catchy. They also included many visual effects like transitions and the Parallax effect. Moreover, this HTML template is fully editable for you to change any part of it. Thus, it can be a perfect choice for your business. also, you might want to take the benefit of the following features:

  1. eCommerce page template;
  2. Google Fonts & Google Map;
  3. Powerful search engine;
  4. Working contact & newsletter subscription forms;
  5. Responsive layout built with Bootstrap 4.

LiveDrink is also a multipage smoothie shop website template. And due to its sheer number of pages, you can sort information on your website as you wish. There is a wide variety of opportunities that you get with LiveDrink. For example, you can present your team, or inform customers about prices. You can also blog and use a gallery page to present images most attractively.

eCommerce-Ready HTML Solution for Your Store

Our template is optimized for eCommerce. It has an informative cart design and it allows you to accept digital payments. In addition, you can create a delivery service with a LiveDrink. This HTML template has a reliable and responsive coding. It works great on all gadgets and provides you with an SEO-friendly website. With the LiveDrink smoothie shop website template, you will undoubtedly rank higher on global search results.

In addition, if you want to keep in touch with customers you can use social options. Or you can use testimonials to present feedback. Moreover, to better understand how LiveDrink works, we have supplied it with clear and easy-to-read documentation. You can always turn to our 24/7 support for additional clarification. We are always happy to assist you with improving your user experience of our templates.

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Technical operations

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