string(95) "" string(15261) "[{"templateId":91590,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":239,"categoryName":"Wine Templates","templateTitle":"Wine Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Winehouse - Online Wine Store Website Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for Winehouse - Online Wine Store Website Template #91590","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Simple Online Wine Store Website Template

An online wine store website template is the best tool for promoting a business online. If you own a specific type of business like a winery or wine store, it will be especially useful. Such companies require a specific attitude to every detail including advertising. That is true when you decide to create an online wine store. However, not every website is suitable for wine stores.

To make a proper website for your wine store, you can hire a web developer or you can save a lot of money. The latter is possible thanks to website templates. They can help you have a website developed specifically for wine stores and wineries. Are you looking for an HTML template, which is a simple yet feature-rich solution? Then Winehouse developed by our expert team is definitely what you need.

Lots of Built-In Features and Options

This online wine store website template has an impressive look and UI made in gentle color tones. Moreover, it has lots of stunning elements with which you can customize your website. At the same time, it allows you to make an accent on products and important information. In case you want to change your website or rebuild it, you can edit any part of it. Besides, Winehouse offers you a variety of great features, such as:

  1. CrossBrowser support;
  2. Powerful search engine;
  3. Google Map & Google Fonts;
  4. Parallax effect;
  5. Responsive layout built with Bootstrap 4.

Our developers have also included an extensive UI kit & CSS3 animations with impressive transitions. They are made to transform your website's look and to make it more attractive. Lots of other useful features such as informative page sections can help you with content and structure editing. And of course, you can add more various elements to your website. Our online wine store website template allows you to do all this and even more.

Multipage HTML Template with 24/7 Premium Support

Winehouse is a multipage template that can present all your products. It's eCommerce-ready and besides this feature, it has a blog and gallery. We have also made sure that our online wine store website template works like without any issues. Its well-developed cart option allows your clients to easily purchase products. The built-in multilingual support can increase your client base with clients from other countries.

The template's code is its other advantage. It is the basis of Winehouse's stable functioning and it supports all e-commerce features. Moreover, the included code is SEO-friendly to simplify your store's promotion. In case you have any questions about this template's configuration, feel free to consult its documentation. Our 24/7 support team is also available to answer all your questions regarding this HTML template.

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Simple Online Wine Store Website Template

An online wine store website template is the best tool for promoting a business online. If you own a specific type of business like a winery or wine store, it will be especially useful. Such companies require a specific attitude to every detail including advertising. That is true when you decide to create an online wine store. However, not every website is suitable for wine stores.

To make a proper website for your wine store, you can hire a web developer or you can save a lot of money. The latter is possible thanks to website templates. They can help you have a website developed specifically for wine stores and wineries. Are you looking for an HTML template, which is a simple yet feature-rich solution? Then Winehouse developed by our expert team is definitely what you need.

Lots of Built-In Features and Options

This online wine store website template has an impressive look and UI made in gentle color tones. Moreover, it has lots of stunning elements with which you can customize your website. At the same time, it allows you to make an accent on products and important information. In case you want to change your website or rebuild it, you can edit any part of it. Besides, Winehouse offers you a variety of great features, such as:

  1. CrossBrowser support;
  2. Powerful search engine;
  3. Google Map & Google Fonts;
  4. Parallax effect;
  5. Responsive layout built with Bootstrap 4.

Our developers have also included an extensive UI kit & CSS3 animations with impressive transitions. They are made to transform your website's look and to make it more attractive. Lots of other useful features such as informative page sections can help you with content and structure editing. And of course, you can add more various elements to your website. Our online wine store website template allows you to do all this and even more.

Multipage HTML Template with 24/7 Premium Support

Winehouse is a multipage template that can present all your products. It's eCommerce-ready and besides this feature, it has a blog and gallery. We have also made sure that our online wine store website template works like without any issues. Its well-developed cart option allows your clients to easily purchase products. The built-in multilingual support can increase your client base with clients from other countries.

The template's code is its other advantage. It is the basis of Winehouse's stable functioning and it supports all e-commerce features. Moreover, the included code is SEO-friendly to simplify your store's promotion. In case you have any questions about this template's configuration, feel free to consult its documentation. Our 24/7 support team is also available to answer all your questions regarding this HTML template.

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Technical operations

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