string(95) "" string(15258) "[{"templateId":78186,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":157,"categoryName":"Fast Food Restaurant Templates","templateTitle":"Fast Food Restaurant Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Black Bear Bar - Food & Restaurant Ready-to-Use Modern HTML5 Website Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for Black Bear Bar - Food & Restaurant Ready-to-Use Modern HTML5 Website Template #78186","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

This Bar Modern Multipage HTML5 Template will be a worthy solution for your bar website. In this template, you'll have a special constructor - The Novi Builder - which will allow you not to worry about the speed of development of your new site from scratch. All components are ready to work and will help to create a unique design for your future bar resource.

The template uses a convenient main menu with categories of the content of various sections. The header can be customized, which will simplify the navigation and will please many of your visitors. Also, you'll have pre-defined color styles and awesome icons. The theme is based on the HTML5 code, which provides its adaptability for various devices. If you need a cool template for a bar website, you won't find better. This template is perfect for bar websites.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

This Fast Food Restaurant website template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search engine friendly layouts are improved as per the modern-day SEO standards. The following expands the chances they'll be spotted online, hence expanding your home page's ranking positions in google search.

Why is it Good?

SEO helps to make it to the top of Google search results and fit the ranking factors required by the most popular search engines. Thanks to that your website is visible on the web.

Latest Search Engine Friendly web templates here

This Quick Service Restaurant web template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive layouts alter to little and bigger display sizes promptly.

Why is it Good?

Along with the expanding fascination with mobile phones, the quantity of individuals who log on to the internet sites from cell phones has grown a lot. This type of functionality permits you to change websites to mobile devices and diverse screen extensions, eventually providing cellphone consumers with better alternatives.

Browse for more Responsive website design templates here

This is a Parallax Cafe and Restaurant Equipment website template

What is it?

Parallax is a front-end visual approach which involves pictures shifting more slowly than the background content to make a \"multidimensional\" effect.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scrolling offers your site visitors an impression of depth in 2D spaces of your website. It makes your resource more vivid and distinctive. Parallax is good for spicing up a single-page site, refreshing infographics, or perhaps displaying a portfolio.

Fresh Parallax website designs here

This is a Bootstrap Fast Casual Restaurant web template

What is it?

Bootstrap is a collection of tools with an open source code. It is great for building websites and web apps with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap allows you to build better websites .

Latest Bootstrap website design templates here

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This Bar Modern Multipage HTML5 Template will be a worthy solution for your bar website. In this template, you'll have a special constructor - The Novi Builder - which will allow you not to worry about the speed of development of your new site from scratch. All components are ready to work and will help to create a unique design for your future bar resource.

The template uses a convenient main menu with categories of the content of various sections. The header can be customized, which will simplify the navigation and will please many of your visitors. Also, you'll have pre-defined color styles and awesome icons. The theme is based on the HTML5 code, which provides its adaptability for various devices. If you need a cool template for a bar website, you won't find better. This template is perfect for bar websites.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

This Fast Food Restaurant website template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search engine friendly layouts are improved as per the modern-day SEO standards. The following expands the chances they'll be spotted online, hence expanding your home page's ranking positions in google search.

Why is it Good?

SEO helps to make it to the top of Google search results and fit the ranking factors required by the most popular search engines. Thanks to that your website is visible on the web.

Latest Search Engine Friendly web templates here

This Quick Service Restaurant web template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive layouts alter to little and bigger display sizes promptly.

Why is it Good?

Along with the expanding fascination with mobile phones, the quantity of individuals who log on to the internet sites from cell phones has grown a lot. This type of functionality permits you to change websites to mobile devices and diverse screen extensions, eventually providing cellphone consumers with better alternatives.

Browse for more Responsive website design templates here

This is a Parallax Cafe and Restaurant Equipment website template

What is it?

Parallax is a front-end visual approach which involves pictures shifting more slowly than the background content to make a \"multidimensional\" effect.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scrolling offers your site visitors an impression of depth in 2D spaces of your website. It makes your resource more vivid and distinctive. Parallax is good for spicing up a single-page site, refreshing infographics, or perhaps displaying a portfolio.

Fresh Parallax website designs here

This is a Bootstrap Fast Casual Restaurant web template

What is it?

Bootstrap is a collection of tools with an open source code. It is great for building websites and web apps with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap allows you to build better websites .

Latest Bootstrap website design templates here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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