string(95) "" string(11685) "[{"templateId":76625,"typeId":61,"typeName":"OpenCart Template","typeUrl":"opencart-templates","categoryId":503,"categoryName":"Crafts Templates","templateTitle":"Crafts Responsive OpenCart Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Craft Room - Handmade Responsive Stylish OpenCart Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Craft Room - Handmade Responsive Stylish OpenCart Template #76625","typeShortName":"OpenCart","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

A mega menu, designed with a great taste could be a decoration by itself. Besides its attractive look, the mega menu makes navigation through the website much easier. This OpenCart template is a real treasure for a handmade stuff online shop - it has not only a well-thought0out menu but a whole set of useful tools too. Thanks to the included modules the user can create his personal account, add product cards to the shopping cart and wish list. Customers can share their wish lists to the social media, which increases your visibility. Product cards can be compared, so defining the best item is quick and easy.

This Entertainment OpenCart ecommerce template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready WordPress themes are templates that can adapt to Retina screens and always look sharp and vivid.

Why is it Good?

Your illustrations and the whole entire content can look highly detailed and beautiful. Colors are intense, dazzling and it makes your web page to look far better on any sort of gadget.

Fresh Retina Ready OpenCart ecommerce themes here

This is a Bootstrap Games OpenCart theme

What is it?

Bootstrap is definitely a costless front-end framework that gives for faster plus trouble-free website development training.

Why is it Good?

Applying this kind of framework considerably speeds up the whole process of building website pages. Ordinary patterns are really simple to modify, that offers a flexible and easy process for developing web page templates.

Find latest Bootstrap OpenCart design themes here

This Nightlife OpenCart ecommerce template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design means well adjusted to the screens of all resolutions on any device.

Why is it Good?

Considering the expanding popularity of smartphones, the quantity of individuals who log on to the websites from cell phones has expanded a lot. This sort of feature allows you to modify websites to cellular devices and different screen extensions, finally offering cellphone consumers with enhanced options.

Find more Responsive OpenCart themes here

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A mega menu, designed with a great taste could be a decoration by itself. Besides its attractive look, the mega menu makes navigation through the website much easier. This OpenCart template is a real treasure for a handmade stuff online shop - it has not only a well-thought0out menu but a whole set of useful tools too. Thanks to the included modules the user can create his personal account, add product cards to the shopping cart and wish list. Customers can share their wish lists to the social media, which increases your visibility. Product cards can be compared, so defining the best item is quick and easy.

This Entertainment OpenCart ecommerce template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready WordPress themes are templates that can adapt to Retina screens and always look sharp and vivid.

Why is it Good?

Your illustrations and the whole entire content can look highly detailed and beautiful. Colors are intense, dazzling and it makes your web page to look far better on any sort of gadget.

Fresh Retina Ready OpenCart ecommerce themes here

This is a Bootstrap Games OpenCart theme

What is it?

Bootstrap is definitely a costless front-end framework that gives for faster plus trouble-free website development training.

Why is it Good?

Applying this kind of framework considerably speeds up the whole process of building website pages. Ordinary patterns are really simple to modify, that offers a flexible and easy process for developing web page templates.

Find latest Bootstrap OpenCart design themes here

This Nightlife OpenCart ecommerce template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design means well adjusted to the screens of all resolutions on any device.

Why is it Good?

Considering the expanding popularity of smartphones, the quantity of individuals who log on to the websites from cell phones has expanded a lot. This sort of feature allows you to modify websites to cellular devices and different screen extensions, finally offering cellphone consumers with enhanced options.

Find more Responsive OpenCart themes here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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