string(95) "" string(11724) "[{"templateId":76473,"typeId":61,"typeName":"OpenCart Template","typeUrl":"opencart-templates","categoryId":429,"categoryName":"Entertainmnet Templates","templateTitle":"Entertainmnet Responsive OpenCart Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Vape World - E-Cigars Responsive Fancy OpenCart Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Vape World - E-Cigars Responsive Fancy OpenCart Template #76473","typeShortName":"OpenCart","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

The more popular vapes and electronic cigarettes become - the more online shops with vapes accessories start working. This OpenCart template was created to sale any items connected with smoking - including vapes, e-cigars, tobacco, pipes, etc. The design is rather typical and ordinary - big slider with sharp photos, categories tiles, accurately animated content boxes. When entering the vape online shop the user expects to see all those, and that's why it is used in the design. Payment system works smoothly and doesn't cause any troubles, the transaction could be made in several ways and using several types of currency.

This Nightlife OpenCart ecommerce template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina screens are called so basically because they have this kind of resolution that the human eye doesn't acknowledge independent pixels within just it. Consequently, the retina-ready template is made for this kind of displays and this would mean that your webpage definitely will look superb on a Retina screen.

Why is it Good?

Your pictures and the entire content can look well-defined and beautiful. Colors are intense, dazzling and it makes your internet site to look much better on any sort of device.

Browse for more Retina Ready OpenCart design templates here

This Games OpenCart template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design means properly adjusted to the displays of all resolutions on any device.

Why is it Good?

Whatever kind of device your consumers could use to enter the website page - they may discover a stunning picture along with a easy navigation menu. It's an especially fundamental function, bearing in mind that almost all internet users now prefer their mobile phone handsets for web surfing.

Click for more Responsive OpenCart designs here

This is a Bootstrap Games OpenCart ecommerce template

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for starting website pages.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is tremendously adjustable for any modification. It is easy to manage with, contains a excellent grid system and large components variety.

Click for more Bootstrap OpenCart ecommerce themes here

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The more popular vapes and electronic cigarettes become - the more online shops with vapes accessories start working. This OpenCart template was created to sale any items connected with smoking - including vapes, e-cigars, tobacco, pipes, etc. The design is rather typical and ordinary - big slider with sharp photos, categories tiles, accurately animated content boxes. When entering the vape online shop the user expects to see all those, and that's why it is used in the design. Payment system works smoothly and doesn't cause any troubles, the transaction could be made in several ways and using several types of currency.

This Nightlife OpenCart ecommerce template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina screens are called so basically because they have this kind of resolution that the human eye doesn't acknowledge independent pixels within just it. Consequently, the retina-ready template is made for this kind of displays and this would mean that your webpage definitely will look superb on a Retina screen.

Why is it Good?

Your pictures and the entire content can look well-defined and beautiful. Colors are intense, dazzling and it makes your internet site to look much better on any sort of device.

Browse for more Retina Ready OpenCart design templates here

This Games OpenCart template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design means properly adjusted to the displays of all resolutions on any device.

Why is it Good?

Whatever kind of device your consumers could use to enter the website page - they may discover a stunning picture along with a easy navigation menu. It's an especially fundamental function, bearing in mind that almost all internet users now prefer their mobile phone handsets for web surfing.

Click for more Responsive OpenCart designs here

This is a Bootstrap Games OpenCart ecommerce template

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for starting website pages.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is tremendously adjustable for any modification. It is easy to manage with, contains a excellent grid system and large components variety.

Click for more Bootstrap OpenCart ecommerce themes here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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