string(95) "" string(12029) "[{"templateId":76379,"typeId":61,"typeName":"OpenCart Template","typeUrl":"opencart-templates","categoryId":346,"categoryName":"Software Company Templates","templateTitle":"Software Company Responsive OpenCart Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Nosoft - Software Parallax Stylish OpenCart Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Nosoft - Software Parallax Stylish OpenCart Template #76379","typeShortName":"OpenCart","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

The software is the product that could be sold just the same way any other items are sold - from the online store. If you want to create such a shop, no matter if you want to sell your own programs or become a marketplace, this OpenCart template will fir you. Its design has nothing redundant and is really simple. But besides that, it is stylish and up-to-date. It has a few cool and stylish features like video background used for categories tiles and parallax effect in the Brands module. So, don't waste time and don't have doubts - this template is just what you were looking for!

This Internet OpenCart design theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina ready concept refers to a high-resolution screen, where pixel density is so high, so that the person's eye can't see individual pixels.

Why is it Good?

Apple devices were first to have Retina displays, nonetheless these days their competitors use that technology as well. A large number of mobile phone handsets and tablets have got Retina displays, so when you want your web-site to seem excellent for pretty much every website user - you may need a Retina-ready design template.

Find latest Retina Ready OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This Software OpenCart theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design ensures that the page adjusts its size and shape to suit any kind of screen, from the tiniest smartphones to the largest Laptop screens. For each and every gadget, webpage elements enlarge or decrease to appear perfect.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design provides an improved user experience for those who browse a webpage on a mobile or any other gadget, and additionally can help to increase rankings of a website in Google search.

View more Responsive OpenCart templates here

This is a Bootstrap Software Company OpenCart design

What is it?

Bootstrap is a set of tools with an open source code. It is perfect for making websites and web apps using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Why is it Good?

Thanks to Bootstrap, you can set up absolutely responsive web designs using HTML and CSS based site templates for typography, fonts, forms, buttons, tables, and the like.

View more Bootstrap OpenCart ecommerce templates here

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The software is the product that could be sold just the same way any other items are sold - from the online store. If you want to create such a shop, no matter if you want to sell your own programs or become a marketplace, this OpenCart template will fir you. Its design has nothing redundant and is really simple. But besides that, it is stylish and up-to-date. It has a few cool and stylish features like video background used for categories tiles and parallax effect in the Brands module. So, don't waste time and don't have doubts - this template is just what you were looking for!

This Internet OpenCart design theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina ready concept refers to a high-resolution screen, where pixel density is so high, so that the person's eye can't see individual pixels.

Why is it Good?

Apple devices were first to have Retina displays, nonetheless these days their competitors use that technology as well. A large number of mobile phone handsets and tablets have got Retina displays, so when you want your web-site to seem excellent for pretty much every website user - you may need a Retina-ready design template.

Find latest Retina Ready OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This Software OpenCart theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design ensures that the page adjusts its size and shape to suit any kind of screen, from the tiniest smartphones to the largest Laptop screens. For each and every gadget, webpage elements enlarge or decrease to appear perfect.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design provides an improved user experience for those who browse a webpage on a mobile or any other gadget, and additionally can help to increase rankings of a website in Google search.

View more Responsive OpenCart templates here

This is a Bootstrap Software Company OpenCart design

What is it?

Bootstrap is a set of tools with an open source code. It is perfect for making websites and web apps using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Why is it Good?

Thanks to Bootstrap, you can set up absolutely responsive web designs using HTML and CSS based site templates for typography, fonts, forms, buttons, tables, and the like.

View more Bootstrap OpenCart ecommerce templates here

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Technical operations

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