string(95) "" string(12783) "[{"templateId":75527,"typeId":61,"typeName":"OpenCart Template","typeUrl":"opencart-templates","categoryId":544,"categoryName":"Fashion Store Templates","templateTitle":"Fashion Store Responsive OpenCart Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Manail - Fashion & Beauty Ready-to-use OpenCart Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Manail - Fashion & Beauty Ready-to-use OpenCart Template #75527","typeShortName":"OpenCart","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Thanks to Internet modern customers search and choose products and services online. It is simple and fast. Moreover, the Internet provides customers with an opportunity to choose among many websites and online shops to find the most preferable variant. Various online shops and beauty salons have different price, location, supplies and so on. And this is why it is important for any type of business to be presented in the best way. Especially when it comes to beauty salons and cosmetics online stores. You need to be sure that your website looks good and has high-quality visuals. This is why we present you Manail. It is new ecommerce website template developed specially for nail care and beauty salons. It has a clean and eye-catchy design. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Thanks to Opencart CMS a store developed with Manail, has a wishlist, compare and cart functions for comfortable shopping. It has a compliant code and works with no issues. It has all you need for a successful ecommerce website.

This is a Bootstrap Fashion & Beauty Store OpenCart design theme

What is it?

It is the most widely used HTML and CSS based framework which contain designs for the most important elements used in the HTML coding.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is an extremely handy instrument and that is the valid reason it's very well-known. With this particular framework, it will be easy to build responsive design, suitable to any type of display size, prototype fresh designs with no issues and ensure your current internet page is actually cross-browser compatible.

Browse for more Bootstrap OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This Fashion Designer OpenCart design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a kind of screen that shows more pixels per square inch.

Why is it Good?

Along with the clarity and beauty of the photo, this display has the best viewing viewpoint. And also at the same time - no regulations on the display speed.

Click for more Retina Ready OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This Fashion & Beauty News OpenCart template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders a website page the exact same properly on any existing screen size.

Why is it Good?

Because of the increasing fascination with mobile phones, the amount of individuals who log on to the websites from cell phones has expanded a lot. This kind of feature permits you to adjust websites to smartphones and a variety of screen extensions, ultimately supplying mobile device consumers with improved possibilities.

Find fresh Responsive OpenCart design themes here

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Thanks to Internet modern customers search and choose products and services online. It is simple and fast. Moreover, the Internet provides customers with an opportunity to choose among many websites and online shops to find the most preferable variant. Various online shops and beauty salons have different price, location, supplies and so on. And this is why it is important for any type of business to be presented in the best way. Especially when it comes to beauty salons and cosmetics online stores. You need to be sure that your website looks good and has high-quality visuals. This is why we present you Manail. It is new ecommerce website template developed specially for nail care and beauty salons. It has a clean and eye-catchy design. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Thanks to Opencart CMS a store developed with Manail, has a wishlist, compare and cart functions for comfortable shopping. It has a compliant code and works with no issues. It has all you need for a successful ecommerce website.

This is a Bootstrap Fashion & Beauty Store OpenCart design theme

What is it?

It is the most widely used HTML and CSS based framework which contain designs for the most important elements used in the HTML coding.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is an extremely handy instrument and that is the valid reason it's very well-known. With this particular framework, it will be easy to build responsive design, suitable to any type of display size, prototype fresh designs with no issues and ensure your current internet page is actually cross-browser compatible.

Browse for more Bootstrap OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This Fashion Designer OpenCart design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a kind of screen that shows more pixels per square inch.

Why is it Good?

Along with the clarity and beauty of the photo, this display has the best viewing viewpoint. And also at the same time - no regulations on the display speed.

Click for more Retina Ready OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This Fashion & Beauty News OpenCart template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders a website page the exact same properly on any existing screen size.

Why is it Good?

Because of the increasing fascination with mobile phones, the amount of individuals who log on to the websites from cell phones has expanded a lot. This kind of feature permits you to adjust websites to smartphones and a variety of screen extensions, ultimately supplying mobile device consumers with improved possibilities.

Find fresh Responsive OpenCart design themes here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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