string(95) "" string(10883) "[{"templateId":73769,"typeId":76,"typeName":"Shopify Theme","typeUrl":"shopify-themes","categoryId":434,"categoryName":"Food & Drink Templates","templateTitle":"Food & Drink Responsive Shopify Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Gurman Shopify Theme #73769 - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Gurman Shopify Theme #73769","typeShortName":"Shopify","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Gurman Shopify template combines everything you would expect from a top-notch eCommerce template. You can use the website for your cafe or a restaurant and get many new clients. An online shop selling food and drink would also benefit from such a theme. It features flexible layout modules, various post types, product lists and tags, multiple languages and currencies. There's also a sticky menu and Ajax shopping cart. The template is responsive and works perfectly across all browsers. The code is valid and semantic, so there will be no problem using the theme.

This Food & Restaurant Rewies Shopify ecommerce template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the ability of the layout to transform based on the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

Considering the growing popularity of mobile devices, the quantity of users who log on to the internet sites from devices has increased considerably. This sort of functionality helps you to adjust websites to mobile devices and a variety of screen extensions, eventually supplying smartphone users with enhanced possibilities.

Fresh Responsive Shopify designs here

This is a Bootstrap Food & Restaurant Magazine Shopify design

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for website and apps design.

Why is it Good?

Due to the use of Bootstrap a website will be able to adjust its content to any screen resolution. It's important for both SEO and website visitors.

View latest Bootstrap Shopify ecommerce templates here

This Food & Restaurant News Shopify ecommerce theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina ready concept relates to a high-resolution display, where pixel density can be so high, so the person's eye can't see specific pixels.

Why is it Good?

Retina Ready layouts make all photos and content appear clearer, brighter, and more colorful.

Find fresh Retina Ready Shopify ecommerce themes here

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Gurman Shopify template combines everything you would expect from a top-notch eCommerce template. You can use the website for your cafe or a restaurant and get many new clients. An online shop selling food and drink would also benefit from such a theme. It features flexible layout modules, various post types, product lists and tags, multiple languages and currencies. There's also a sticky menu and Ajax shopping cart. The template is responsive and works perfectly across all browsers. The code is valid and semantic, so there will be no problem using the theme.

This Food & Restaurant Rewies Shopify ecommerce template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the ability of the layout to transform based on the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

Considering the growing popularity of mobile devices, the quantity of users who log on to the internet sites from devices has increased considerably. This sort of functionality helps you to adjust websites to mobile devices and a variety of screen extensions, eventually supplying smartphone users with enhanced possibilities.

Fresh Responsive Shopify designs here

This is a Bootstrap Food & Restaurant Magazine Shopify design

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for website and apps design.

Why is it Good?

Due to the use of Bootstrap a website will be able to adjust its content to any screen resolution. It's important for both SEO and website visitors.

View latest Bootstrap Shopify ecommerce templates here

This Food & Restaurant News Shopify ecommerce theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina ready concept relates to a high-resolution display, where pixel density can be so high, so the person's eye can't see specific pixels.

Why is it Good?

Retina Ready layouts make all photos and content appear clearer, brighter, and more colorful.

Find fresh Retina Ready Shopify ecommerce themes here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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