string(95) "" string(16623) "[{"templateId":71241,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":157,"categoryName":"Fast Food Restaurant Templates","templateTitle":"Fast Food Restaurant Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Bake-a-cake - Cakery WordPress Elementor Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Bake-a-cake - Cakery WordPress Elementor Theme #71241","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"
The bakery industry is becoming a huge business, in demand in every even the smallest village. If you are in this business or planning to start it, we advise you to find useful tools, methods, and strategies for successful promotion.
To make your business stand out from the rest, there must be a good website that meets your needs. With this list of bakery website templates, you will have a professional and intuitive bakery website in no time. We made sure that everything you needed to work was at your fingertips, and the site setup itself turned into an exciting experience. Learn more about the WordPress theme. You will find something here that will help you improve your business.
If you prefer to make your website more secure, dynamic, and easy to maintain, you can opt for a WordPress theme. It is suitable for bakeries, pastry shops, and food-related websites. The template comes with 5 unique and easy-to-install pre-made pages. In addition, this theme integrates various useful plugins and many shortcodes and widgets to improve the quality and overall performance of the theme.
What's more, you can easily create pages as this theme is fully compatible with Elementor. Now you can mix and match elements to populate your site's pages. If you want to showcase your products and sell them to customers, this theme makes it possible: here you will find the online ordering function and feedback forms. Food & Drink Template is optimized for SEO and speed. Hence, getting good positions in search engines is possible.
Create a professional website template. Responsive, fully customizable with a simple editor. Adjust colors, fonts, header, footer, layout, and other design elements, as well as content and images.
A responsive website is a must these days. That's why Bake-a-cake is fully responsive and Retina-ready - your graphics will look crisp on all devices. Optionally, you can choose a full-size or rectangular layout. Integration with WordPress plugins allows you to create a functional store and organize online trading. In addition, the theme is SEO optimized, meaning the codes are valid and will follow SEO best practices, which will ensure good search engine rankings.
Other benefits of the theme:
The Blog and gallery should be separated. If you set up these pages correctly and keep the information up to date here, they will become a source of traffic to your site. It is the blog that is still considered one of the critical factors that affect the promotion of the site. Since the theme supports the mega menu function, you can easily organize intuitive navigation with a large number of menu items. And the presence of a gallery allows you to create a stylish display of several materials.
Bake-a-cake is an impressive bakery WordPress theme with a bright, eye-catching design. If you want to impress all your visitors, you better not miss the opportunity to take a closer look at this topic. You have excellent preparation at your disposal, which guarantees you an enviable result. If you want to quickly enter the baking industry, then you choose Bake-a-cake.
There are many possibilities, you will appreciate them as soon as you download the demo. Here are just a few of the features you can work with and benefit from.
Since the template is responsive, your customers can easily access your site from different devices, which will improve reach and increase conversions. In addition, the theme is integrated with a plugin to easily create different types of customer interaction forms.
With this theme, your customers will be able to book an event or make a reservation. Don't miss the opportunity to install the theme and create an amazing website for your business!
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To make your business stand out from the rest, there must be a good website that meets your needs. With this list of bakery website templates, you will have a professional and intuitive bakery website in no time. We made sure that everything you needed to work was at your fingertips, and the site setup itself turned into an exciting experience. Learn more about the WordPress theme. You will find something here that will help you improve your business.
If you prefer to make your website more secure, dynamic, and easy to maintain, you can opt for a WordPress theme. It is suitable for bakeries, pastry shops, and food-related websites. The template comes with 5 unique and easy-to-install pre-made pages. In addition, this theme integrates various useful plugins and many shortcodes and widgets to improve the quality and overall performance of the theme.
What's more, you can easily create pages as this theme is fully compatible with Elementor. Now you can mix and match elements to populate your site's pages. If you want to showcase your products and sell them to customers, this theme makes it possible: here you will find the online ordering function and feedback forms. Food & Drink Template is optimized for SEO and speed. Hence, getting good positions in search engines is possible.
Create a professional website template. Responsive, fully customizable with a simple editor. Adjust colors, fonts, header, footer, layout, and other design elements, as well as content and images.
A responsive website is a must these days. That's why Bake-a-cake is fully responsive and Retina-ready - your graphics will look crisp on all devices. Optionally, you can choose a full-size or rectangular layout. Integration with WordPress plugins allows you to create a functional store and organize online trading. In addition, the theme is SEO optimized, meaning the codes are valid and will follow SEO best practices, which will ensure good search engine rankings.
Other benefits of the theme:
The Blog and gallery should be separated. If you set up these pages correctly and keep the information up to date here, they will become a source of traffic to your site. It is the blog that is still considered one of the critical factors that affect the promotion of the site. Since the theme supports the mega menu function, you can easily organize intuitive navigation with a large number of menu items. And the presence of a gallery allows you to create a stylish display of several materials.
Bake-a-cake is an impressive bakery WordPress theme with a bright, eye-catching design. If you want to impress all your visitors, you better not miss the opportunity to take a closer look at this topic. You have excellent preparation at your disposal, which guarantees you an enviable result. If you want to quickly enter the baking industry, then you choose Bake-a-cake.
There are many possibilities, you will appreciate them as soon as you download the demo. Here are just a few of the features you can work with and benefit from.
Since the template is responsive, your customers can easily access your site from different devices, which will improve reach and increase conversions. In addition, the theme is integrated with a plugin to easily create different types of customer interaction forms.
With this theme, your customers will be able to book an event or make a reservation. Don't miss the opportunity to install the theme and create an amazing website for your business!
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","types":"WordPress Themes","templateIcon":"icon-wordpress","hELPURL":"/quick-start-guide/wordpress/","followUpLetter":"wp-themes-offers","productFamily":"None","templateGroup":"Wordpress Store","category":"Website templates"}}]" array(17) { [0]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" [1]=> string(20) "Server: nginx/1.22.0" [2]=> string(35) "Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 14:26:51 GMT" [3]=> string(45) "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" [4]=> string(17) "Connection: close" [5]=> string(130) "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Pagination-Current-Page, X-Pagination-Page-Count, X-Pagination-Per-Page, X-Pagination-Total-Count" [6]=> string(12) "Vary: Accept" [7]=> string(27) "X-Pagination-Total-Count: 1" [8]=> string(26) "X-Pagination-Page-Count: 1" [9]=> string(28) "X-Pagination-Current-Page: 1" [10]=> string(25) "X-Pagination-Per-Page: 20" [11]=> string(290) "Link:Technical operations