string(95) "" string(13825) "[{"templateId":70821,"typeId":24,"typeName":"Joomla template","typeUrl":"joomla-templates","categoryId":418,"categoryName":"Business Templates","templateTitle":"Business Responsive Joomla Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Joomza - Business Joomla Template #70821 - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Joomza - Business Joomla Template #70821","typeShortName":"Joomla","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

This is a simple and modern template which will be an ideal option for companies, firms, and corporations working in the business sector. It includes all the sections for a quality business website: Services, Portfolio, Team, Reviews, and others. There are several color presets for decoration. The page builder constructor has an interface in the spirit of drag & drop and add-ons for easy development. Unlimited portfolio options and mega menu. It will be convenient for newcomers. This is the adaptive template and it has passed the tests on mobile friendliness. Your business needs such a solution, so take a closer look at this template and learn more about it.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is a Bootstrap Business Services Joomla design

What is it?

Bootstrap is actually a super well-liked framework, that makes the work with Html code, Style sheet and JS more effortless. It was established as the tool to put together a responsive design, although over the years it introduced lots of additional overall performance.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is a handy instrument and that is the simple reason it is very well-known. Utilizing this framework, you'll be able to build responsive design, fitting for any type of screen size, prototype fresh new designs without having challenges and make sure your current webpage is really cross-browser compatible.

Click for more Bootstrap Joomla templates here

This Business Services Bureau Joomla theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive layouts alter to scaled-down as well as larger display dimensions promptly.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design will help your business site look equally well on screen of any existing laptop or hand held device.

Fresh Responsive Joomla design templates here

This Business Services Joomla design theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina screens are named so since they have this sort of resolution that the people eye doesn't recognize independent pixels within just it. Hence, the retina-ready web template is produced for such screens and that means that your current webpage is going to seem wonderful on a Retina screen.

Why is it Good?

Retina Ready designs make all pictures and website content appear clearer, brighter, and more vivid.

Latest Retina Ready Joomla design themes here

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This is a simple and modern template which will be an ideal option for companies, firms, and corporations working in the business sector. It includes all the sections for a quality business website: Services, Portfolio, Team, Reviews, and others. There are several color presets for decoration. The page builder constructor has an interface in the spirit of drag & drop and add-ons for easy development. Unlimited portfolio options and mega menu. It will be convenient for newcomers. This is the adaptive template and it has passed the tests on mobile friendliness. Your business needs such a solution, so take a closer look at this template and learn more about it.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is a Bootstrap Business Services Joomla design

What is it?

Bootstrap is actually a super well-liked framework, that makes the work with Html code, Style sheet and JS more effortless. It was established as the tool to put together a responsive design, although over the years it introduced lots of additional overall performance.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is a handy instrument and that is the simple reason it is very well-known. Utilizing this framework, you'll be able to build responsive design, fitting for any type of screen size, prototype fresh new designs without having challenges and make sure your current webpage is really cross-browser compatible.

Click for more Bootstrap Joomla templates here

This Business Services Bureau Joomla theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive layouts alter to scaled-down as well as larger display dimensions promptly.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design will help your business site look equally well on screen of any existing laptop or hand held device.

Fresh Responsive Joomla design templates here

This Business Services Joomla design theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina screens are named so since they have this sort of resolution that the people eye doesn't recognize independent pixels within just it. Hence, the retina-ready web template is produced for such screens and that means that your current webpage is going to seem wonderful on a Retina screen.

Why is it Good?

Retina Ready designs make all pictures and website content appear clearer, brighter, and more vivid.

Latest Retina Ready Joomla design themes here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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