string(95) "" string(12985) "[{"templateId":70661,"typeId":69,"typeName":"WooCommerce Theme","typeUrl":"woocommerce-themes","categoryId":157,"categoryName":"Fast Food Restaurant Templates","templateTitle":"Fast Food Restaurant Responsive WooCommerce Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Aahar - Restaurants WooCommerce Theme - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Aahar - Restaurants WooCommerce Theme #70661","typeShortName":"WooCommerce","templatePreviewFBTitle":"
Foodies love food, whether it is healthy or not! If you are a food lover or a gourmand only, even totally a foodie entrepreneur that is not a big deal for Aahar – Food Delivery Service WordPress Theme. It has your back completely. This food delivery template is specially a polished and glossy design, which is absolutely perfect for Chinese, Restaurant, Food Catering and Home Delivery Services.
The clean and appetizing design will not only sooth your eyes, but also feed your requirements of creating a professional quality website. It is based on powerful Bootstrap4 framework which smooths your work so that you can entirely relax. The faster Drag & Drop page builder gives you complete flexibility. You do not need any coding knowledge to handle your website even. Definitely, the most responsive Aahar WordPress Theme is your ultimate time savior! In addition, your customers can access your website or reach at you, using any type of devices. It’s quite fine that Aahar WordPress Theme is multiple web-browser compatible also.
In Aahar, 4 different Homepage layouts, 15+ necessary pages are predefined for you, such as Service, Cart Page, Checkout Page, Contact Page, Blog Page with various styles, and beautiful Gallery Page. You can create, edit and customize your website layout actually as you want. Theme layout is available in full width and boxed both. Attain the beautiful sliders like Carousel and Slick to slideshow enticing content, food images, and service logo. The use of effects and animations is aesthetically pleasing, like sleek Zoom in and Zoom out animation in the very first slider. This food delivery template offers a commercial menu, pagination, header and footer setting and full functional features list.
You can showcase alluring food menu in different category, special items, prices, online food delivery service, mobile app, opening time, and every little necessary thing. Promotion is the crucial element in food business. Brand yourself and your restaurant, as well as, promote your services, special promotional offers. Most importantly, expand your network for commercial purposes. Your customers will easily find you through contact page. And everything is easily possible with SEO-friendly template Aahar.
Start your fresh food delivery service with Aahar – Food Delivery Service WordPress Theme. Definitely it would be proved as the best appetizer, because of the availability of the essential ingredients for your food service website. Try it now fast!
Note: Images are not included.
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The clean and appetizing design will not only sooth your eyes, but also feed your requirements of creating a professional quality website. It is based on powerful Bootstrap4 framework which smooths your work so that you can entirely relax. The faster Drag & Drop page builder gives you complete flexibility. You do not need any coding knowledge to handle your website even. Definitely, the most responsive Aahar WordPress Theme is your ultimate time savior! In addition, your customers can access your website or reach at you, using any type of devices. It’s quite fine that Aahar WordPress Theme is multiple web-browser compatible also.
In Aahar, 4 different Homepage layouts, 15+ necessary pages are predefined for you, such as Service, Cart Page, Checkout Page, Contact Page, Blog Page with various styles, and beautiful Gallery Page. You can create, edit and customize your website layout actually as you want. Theme layout is available in full width and boxed both. Attain the beautiful sliders like Carousel and Slick to slideshow enticing content, food images, and service logo. The use of effects and animations is aesthetically pleasing, like sleek Zoom in and Zoom out animation in the very first slider. This food delivery template offers a commercial menu, pagination, header and footer setting and full functional features list.
You can showcase alluring food menu in different category, special items, prices, online food delivery service, mobile app, opening time, and every little necessary thing. Promotion is the crucial element in food business. Brand yourself and your restaurant, as well as, promote your services, special promotional offers. Most importantly, expand your network for commercial purposes. Your customers will easily find you through contact page. And everything is easily possible with SEO-friendly template Aahar.
Start your fresh food delivery service with Aahar – Food Delivery Service WordPress Theme. Definitely it would be proved as the best appetizer, because of the availability of the essential ingredients for your food service website. Try it now fast!
Note: Images are not included.
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