string(95) "" string(19367) "[{"templateId":68858,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":128,"categoryName":"Marketing Agency Templates","templateTitle":"Marketing Agency Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Aparto - Real Estate Responsive Multipage HTML Website Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for Aparto - Real Estate Responsive Multipage HTML Website Template #68858","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Aparto is a comprehensive multipage HTML template that is best suited to be used for real estate, design, and furniture sites. If you want to build a successful site that will run smoothly in all web environments, you have to work with a robust and fully-fledged theme, supporting specific functionality. When properly designed, your site can give an impressive ROI. It has a powerful admin panel that allows working with any element of the design, including colors, fonts, backgrounds, structure, etc. If you have any inquiries regarding website layout usage you can look at the descriptive documentation, also you receive round-the-clock priority support aiding to resolve any trouble. If you want a powerful existence of your website, this template is for you!

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is Business Services website template with Appointment Booking functionality

What is it?

Appointment Booking is an online arranging program which allows to manage visits and reservations on your site.

Why is it Good?

Internet users of your web page are able to pick and reserve an occasion online (for example visiting a doctor). The wordpress plugin can be quite good for business internet sites.

Find more Appointment Booking website templates here

This is a Bootstrap Office Building website template

What is it?

Bootstrap is actually a super well-liked framework, which makes the work with Web coding, Cascading stylesheet and also JS far more convenient. It had been developed to be a tool to build a responsive design, but after some time it inserted loads of additional efficiency.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is especially adaptable for any modification. It's simple to work with, features a superb grid system and extended components list.

View latest Bootstrap website templates here

This is a Bootstrap 4 House Staging website design template

What is it?

Bootstrap 4 is the most current and fastest version of an open-source tool kit for building webpages.

Why is it Good?

By means of Bootstrap 4, you will be able construct 100percent responsive internet websites that can provide cyberspace visitors with the excellent exploring experience whatever gadgets they choose to reach web pages.

View latest Bootstrap 4 website designs here

This is a Parallax Marketing Agent website design

What is it?

When you travel somewhere, far away items move a lot slower than the nearby ones. Imitation of such an effect on the internet site - when the background image shifts slower compared to content articles, is called parallax. It's utilized to create a feeling of space in the web-site visitor's eyes.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scrolling allows you to increase details to your internet site look.

View more Parallax website designs here

This Real Estate website design template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the capability of the layout to transform according to the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design implies that the website will offer an excellent viewing experience to all users throughout all devices.

Find newest Responsive website templates here

This Building Inspector website design is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

SEO Ready is the kind of website design that enables search engine robots to examine and index its content.

Why is it Good?

Search Engine Friendly layouts will let you maximize your webpage rank in internet search end results.

Find fresh Search Engine Friendly website designs here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

Premium And Free Bootstrap Dashboard Templates

Top 50 Real Estate HTML Templates

Top 50 Twitter Bootstrap Themes: Free and Paid

Top 50 Bootstrap 4 Themes: Free and Paid

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Aparto is a comprehensive multipage HTML template that is best suited to be used for real estate, design, and furniture sites. If you want to build a successful site that will run smoothly in all web environments, you have to work with a robust and fully-fledged theme, supporting specific functionality. When properly designed, your site can give an impressive ROI. It has a powerful admin panel that allows working with any element of the design, including colors, fonts, backgrounds, structure, etc. If you have any inquiries regarding website layout usage you can look at the descriptive documentation, also you receive round-the-clock priority support aiding to resolve any trouble. If you want a powerful existence of your website, this template is for you!

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is Business Services website template with Appointment Booking functionality

What is it?

Appointment Booking is an online arranging program which allows to manage visits and reservations on your site.

Why is it Good?

Internet users of your web page are able to pick and reserve an occasion online (for example visiting a doctor). The wordpress plugin can be quite good for business internet sites.

Find more Appointment Booking website templates here

This is a Bootstrap Office Building website template

What is it?

Bootstrap is actually a super well-liked framework, which makes the work with Web coding, Cascading stylesheet and also JS far more convenient. It had been developed to be a tool to build a responsive design, but after some time it inserted loads of additional efficiency.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is especially adaptable for any modification. It's simple to work with, features a superb grid system and extended components list.

View latest Bootstrap website templates here

This is a Bootstrap 4 House Staging website design template

What is it?

Bootstrap 4 is the most current and fastest version of an open-source tool kit for building webpages.

Why is it Good?

By means of Bootstrap 4, you will be able construct 100percent responsive internet websites that can provide cyberspace visitors with the excellent exploring experience whatever gadgets they choose to reach web pages.

View latest Bootstrap 4 website designs here

This is a Parallax Marketing Agent website design

What is it?

When you travel somewhere, far away items move a lot slower than the nearby ones. Imitation of such an effect on the internet site - when the background image shifts slower compared to content articles, is called parallax. It's utilized to create a feeling of space in the web-site visitor's eyes.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scrolling allows you to increase details to your internet site look.

View more Parallax website designs here

This Real Estate website design template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the capability of the layout to transform according to the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design implies that the website will offer an excellent viewing experience to all users throughout all devices.

Find newest Responsive website templates here

This Building Inspector website design is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

SEO Ready is the kind of website design that enables search engine robots to examine and index its content.

Why is it Good?

Search Engine Friendly layouts will let you maximize your webpage rank in internet search end results.

Find fresh Search Engine Friendly website designs here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

Premium And Free Bootstrap Dashboard Templates

Top 50 Real Estate HTML Templates

Top 50 Twitter Bootstrap Themes: Free and Paid

Top 50 Bootstrap 4 Themes: Free and Paid

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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