string(95) "" string(14556) "[{"templateId":68511,"typeId":61,"typeName":"OpenCart Template","typeUrl":"opencart-templates","categoryId":579,"categoryName":"Wholesale Store","templateTitle":"Wholesale Store Responsive OpenCart Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Big Store - Elegant Wholesale Online Shop OpenCart Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Big Store - Elegant Wholesale Online Shop OpenCart Template #68511","typeShortName":"OpenCart","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

You can sell, literally, everything from the website, built on this wholesale OpenCart template! Fashion stuff, electronics, toys, furniture - it will fir both solo businessman and a group of merchants united under one \"roof\". The stylish color scheme focuses user's attention on important buttons and offers. The design is elegant and will look perfect on any type of the screen, either a smartphone or PC. Template functionality allows categorizing all the products in an understandable manner to make navigation smoother for the customer. If you have an Instagram account of your business you will be able to add its gorgeous gallery to the website, thanks to a set of included extensions.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Wholesale Store OpenCart design template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive web page design solution makes a internet site's screen adaptable to any type of screen resolution.

Why is it Good?

Along with the expanding popularity of mobile phones, how many users who log on to the websites from smartphones has increased considerably. This type of functionality helps you to modify websites to smartphones and different screen extensions, finally providing smartphone consumers with enhanced alternatives.

Find more Responsive OpenCart design themes here

This is a Parallax Wholesale Directory OpenCart ecommerce template

What is it?

Parallax effect is a method in web page design wherein the background page content shifts less quickly than the foreground.

Why is it Good?

Computer animation effects make the webpage more powerful and attractive. Parallax is a type of modern-day trend, consequently having it at your own internet site not just makes it more attractive but additionally fancier.

Find fresh Parallax OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This is a Bootstrap Wholesale Store OpenCart theme

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for producing online pages.

Why is it Good?

Thanks to the use of Bootstrap a website can adapt its content to any screen resolution. It's important for both Search engine optimisation and website users.

Find more Bootstrap OpenCart designs here

This Wholesale Store OpenCart design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina screens are named so basically because they have this kind of resolution that the person's eye doesn't identify separate pixels within it. Consequently, the retina-ready design was created for such displays and that means that your current webpage may seem fantastic on a Retina screen.

Why is it Good?

Your current images and the whole website content can be sharp and beautiful. Colors are intense, smart and it makes your site to look significantly better on any kind of device.

Fresh Retina Ready OpenCart design templates here

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You can sell, literally, everything from the website, built on this wholesale OpenCart template! Fashion stuff, electronics, toys, furniture - it will fir both solo businessman and a group of merchants united under one \"roof\". The stylish color scheme focuses user's attention on important buttons and offers. The design is elegant and will look perfect on any type of the screen, either a smartphone or PC. Template functionality allows categorizing all the products in an understandable manner to make navigation smoother for the customer. If you have an Instagram account of your business you will be able to add its gorgeous gallery to the website, thanks to a set of included extensions.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Wholesale Store OpenCart design template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive web page design solution makes a internet site's screen adaptable to any type of screen resolution.

Why is it Good?

Along with the expanding popularity of mobile phones, how many users who log on to the websites from smartphones has increased considerably. This type of functionality helps you to modify websites to smartphones and different screen extensions, finally providing smartphone consumers with enhanced alternatives.

Find more Responsive OpenCart design themes here

This is a Parallax Wholesale Directory OpenCart ecommerce template

What is it?

Parallax effect is a method in web page design wherein the background page content shifts less quickly than the foreground.

Why is it Good?

Computer animation effects make the webpage more powerful and attractive. Parallax is a type of modern-day trend, consequently having it at your own internet site not just makes it more attractive but additionally fancier.

Find fresh Parallax OpenCart ecommerce templates here

This is a Bootstrap Wholesale Store OpenCart theme

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for producing online pages.

Why is it Good?

Thanks to the use of Bootstrap a website can adapt its content to any screen resolution. It's important for both Search engine optimisation and website users.

Find more Bootstrap OpenCart designs here

This Wholesale Store OpenCart design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina screens are named so basically because they have this kind of resolution that the person's eye doesn't identify separate pixels within it. Consequently, the retina-ready design was created for such displays and that means that your current webpage may seem fantastic on a Retina screen.

Why is it Good?

Your current images and the whole website content can be sharp and beautiful. Colors are intense, smart and it makes your site to look significantly better on any kind of device.

Fresh Retina Ready OpenCart design templates here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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