string(95) "" string(15585) "[{"templateId":67603,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":166,"categoryName":"Car Repair Templates","templateTitle":"Car Repair Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Guardian - Responsive Car Rental Company Multipage HTML Website Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Guardian - Responsive Car Rental Company Multipage HTML Website Template #67603","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Guardian Multipage HTML template is a real treasure both for experienced web-developers and beginners. Installation and maintenance don't require coding skills, but the template has an advanced UI tools kit for professional website creators. Different blog, gallery and portfolio layouts are included in the template pack, so you will be able to customize your website appearance. The impressive slider on the top of the page and different animation effects make the website more up to date and responsive design guarantees that all the pictures stay sharp and beautiful no matter what device your clients use to enter the site.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Car Wash website template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders a website page same exact perfectly on any display screen size.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design can help your site or blog look equally perfect on display of any desktop or hand held device.

Click for more Responsive website templates here

This is a Bootstrap Car Cleaning website template

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for crafting web-sites.

Why is it Good?

Choosing this type of framework noticeably speeds up the entire process of producing website pages. Common styles are super easy to adjust, which supplies a versatile and simple method for building web page themes.

Newest Bootstrap website templates here

This is a Parallax Car Towing website design

What is it?

Parallax effect is a solution in website design wherein the background page content shifts slower than the foreground.

Why is it Good?

Parallax permit your potential customers correspond with your internet site and achieve much better user experience. It allows you you to be noticeable among your competitors.

Fresh Parallax web templates here

This Car Service Center website template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

This is a feature that can help to fulfill all individual and search engine expectations and achieve rank positions in the search.

Why is it Good?

The Search Engine Friendly layout is without question a wonderful basic platform to start selling and also increasing search ranks of the web-site. It is considerably easier to deal with this sort of web-site for Website seo expert considering that half of the work is previously accomplished.

Fresh Search Engine Friendly website templates here

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Click through the pages, examine the images, press the buttons, explore the features.","shortDescription":"

Guardian Multipage HTML template is a real treasure both for experienced web-developers and beginners. Installation and maintenance don't require coding skills, but the template has an advanced UI tools kit for professional website creators. Different blog, gallery and portfolio layouts are included in the template pack, so you will be able to customize your website appearance. The impressive slider on the top of the page and different animation effects make the website more up to date and responsive design guarantees that all the pictures stay sharp and beautiful no matter what device your clients use to enter the site.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Car Wash website template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders a website page same exact perfectly on any display screen size.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design can help your site or blog look equally perfect on display of any desktop or hand held device.

Click for more Responsive website templates here

This is a Bootstrap Car Cleaning website template

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for crafting web-sites.

Why is it Good?

Choosing this type of framework noticeably speeds up the entire process of producing website pages. Common styles are super easy to adjust, which supplies a versatile and simple method for building web page themes.

Newest Bootstrap website templates here

This is a Parallax Car Towing website design

What is it?

Parallax effect is a solution in website design wherein the background page content shifts slower than the foreground.

Why is it Good?

Parallax permit your potential customers correspond with your internet site and achieve much better user experience. It allows you you to be noticeable among your competitors.

Fresh Parallax web templates here

This Car Service Center website template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

This is a feature that can help to fulfill all individual and search engine expectations and achieve rank positions in the search.

Why is it Good?

The Search Engine Friendly layout is without question a wonderful basic platform to start selling and also increasing search ranks of the web-site. It is considerably easier to deal with this sort of web-site for Website seo expert considering that half of the work is previously accomplished.

Fresh Search Engine Friendly website templates here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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