string(95) "" string(14593) "[{"templateId":67400,"typeId":27,"typeName":"Magento theme","typeUrl":"magento-themes","categoryId":367,"categoryName":"Boxing Templates","templateTitle":"Boxing Responsive Magento Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"RedDragon - Martial Arts Shop Magento Theme - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live preview for RedDragon - Martial Arts Shop Magento Theme #67400","typeShortName":"Magento","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Meet new inspirational and highly energetic Magento 2 theme for Martial Arts Addicts! RedDragon is the perfect one to start you own eCommerce business and launch an online store to sell Boxing and MMA gear. This theme can be transformed into boxing, karate, judo, yoga, fitness, gym supplies, or sports clothing online store. Turn your store to a well-recognizable and self-promotional eCommerce website. Enrich your website with bespoke and individual sliders and banners in a matter of seconds. The theme is loaded with literally everything you need to succeed in managing and setting up your web-store. The advanced Featured Products extension is available to showcase your new, sale, most-viewed, bestseller, or top-rated products in a most effective way. Keep in touch with your customers and inform them about upcoming sales and deals with the help of Newsletter extension. RedDragon is fully responsive and comes ready for all devices, like mobile, table and desktop. It is also speed and SEO optimized, which is very important in obtaining higher sales. Moreover, the theme is powered by a brand new AMP technology which makes your store mobile content to load amazingly quickly, just in 2-3 seconds! Hit the Live Demo to see the theme in action!

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Box Magento design template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a design that is easily adapted to high pixel density screens.

Why is it Good?

Apple gadgets were very first to get Retina displays, though nowadays their competitors utilize that technology as well. A huge number of smartphones and tablets currently have Retina displays, if you decide to want your site to appear perfect for each and every user - you need a Retina-ready theme.

Newest Retina Ready Magento themes here

This Boxing Association Magento design is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders an online page exact well on any display size.

Why is it Good?

Mobile phone devices drive 80percentage of worldwide online usage. It's imperative to help make your web site responsive when you do not desire to lose your current target audience.

Click for more Responsive Magento themes here

This Sport Magento design template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search engine friendly is a design that allows to successfully crawl and index the website.

Why is it Good?

SEO allows to make it to the top of search results and fit the ranking factors necessary for the most popular search engines. Because of thas your website is visible on the web.

View latest Search Engine Friendly Magento designs here

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Go through the pages, examine the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","shortDescription":"

Meet new inspirational and highly energetic Magento 2 theme for Martial Arts Addicts! RedDragon is the perfect one to start you own eCommerce business and launch an online store to sell Boxing and MMA gear. This theme can be transformed into boxing, karate, judo, yoga, fitness, gym supplies, or sports clothing online store. Turn your store to a well-recognizable and self-promotional eCommerce website. Enrich your website with bespoke and individual sliders and banners in a matter of seconds. The theme is loaded with literally everything you need to succeed in managing and setting up your web-store. The advanced Featured Products extension is available to showcase your new, sale, most-viewed, bestseller, or top-rated products in a most effective way. Keep in touch with your customers and inform them about upcoming sales and deals with the help of Newsletter extension. RedDragon is fully responsive and comes ready for all devices, like mobile, table and desktop. It is also speed and SEO optimized, which is very important in obtaining higher sales. Moreover, the theme is powered by a brand new AMP technology which makes your store mobile content to load amazingly quickly, just in 2-3 seconds! Hit the Live Demo to see the theme in action!

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Box Magento design template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a design that is easily adapted to high pixel density screens.

Why is it Good?

Apple gadgets were very first to get Retina displays, though nowadays their competitors utilize that technology as well. A huge number of smartphones and tablets currently have Retina displays, if you decide to want your site to appear perfect for each and every user - you need a Retina-ready theme.

Newest Retina Ready Magento themes here

This Boxing Association Magento design is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders an online page exact well on any display size.

Why is it Good?

Mobile phone devices drive 80percentage of worldwide online usage. It's imperative to help make your web site responsive when you do not desire to lose your current target audience.

Click for more Responsive Magento themes here

This Sport Magento design template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search engine friendly is a design that allows to successfully crawl and index the website.

Why is it Good?

SEO allows to make it to the top of search results and fit the ranking factors necessary for the most popular search engines. Because of thas your website is visible on the web.

View latest Search Engine Friendly Magento designs here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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