string(95) "" string(13837) "[{"templateId":67130,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":150,"categoryName":"Italian Restaurant Templates","templateTitle":"Italian Restaurant WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Cuisinette - European Restaurant Cross-browser WordPress Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for Cuisinette - European Restaurant Cross-browser WordPress Theme #67130","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Cuisinette is an elegant and illustrative template for a restaurant of every scale. The design is responsive, so all the awesome photos will look sharp on every device a client would like to use. The convenient commenting system will encourage visitors to leave comments that raise sites reliability and authority. Not only images but also audio and video could be easily added to the page and a blog functionality allows you to increase SEO with interesting articles. The template is compatible with WooCommerce and Ekwid plugins, so you could create an online store on your site with ease and an understandable contact form will help clients make a reservation with one click.

This is Hispanic Restaurant WP template with Events Calendar functionality

What is it?

Event Calendar is a WP extension which makes handling events from your web page quick and simple.

Why is it Good?

Events Calendar is a lightweight solution to maintain your activities and display additional information much like your locationsand stuff like that.

View more Events Calendar WP templates here

This is a Parallax Greek Diner WordPress template

What is it?

A parallax scrolling effect is a method in web design when background image moves at a less quick pace compared to a front article, leading to the illusion of depth.

Why is it Good?

Parallax enable your site visitors correspond with your internet site and have a better visitor experience. It helps you to be noticeable among your opponents.

View latest Parallax WordPress design themes here

This is Greek Diner Wordpress design template with Background video

What is it?

Background video is a feature which allows you to put a video as a general background of your own internet resource.

Why is it Good?

Graphic material is far more easy to understand and also appealing when compared to the text or perhaps even tables. Say you decided to shot an excellent video relating to your products or services - it is advisable to put it to the background. It'll help to make the web page far more eye-catching and also would allow you to impress the potential client.

View more Background video WP templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

Top 30 European Cuisine WordPress Themes

100 Best Free WordPress Blog Themes

Top 100 Food and Restaurant WordPress Templates

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Cuisinette is an elegant and illustrative template for a restaurant of every scale. The design is responsive, so all the awesome photos will look sharp on every device a client would like to use. The convenient commenting system will encourage visitors to leave comments that raise sites reliability and authority. Not only images but also audio and video could be easily added to the page and a blog functionality allows you to increase SEO with interesting articles. The template is compatible with WooCommerce and Ekwid plugins, so you could create an online store on your site with ease and an understandable contact form will help clients make a reservation with one click.

This is Hispanic Restaurant WP template with Events Calendar functionality

What is it?

Event Calendar is a WP extension which makes handling events from your web page quick and simple.

Why is it Good?

Events Calendar is a lightweight solution to maintain your activities and display additional information much like your locationsand stuff like that.

View more Events Calendar WP templates here

This is a Parallax Greek Diner WordPress template

What is it?

A parallax scrolling effect is a method in web design when background image moves at a less quick pace compared to a front article, leading to the illusion of depth.

Why is it Good?

Parallax enable your site visitors correspond with your internet site and have a better visitor experience. It helps you to be noticeable among your opponents.

View latest Parallax WordPress design themes here

This is Greek Diner Wordpress design template with Background video

What is it?

Background video is a feature which allows you to put a video as a general background of your own internet resource.

Why is it Good?

Graphic material is far more easy to understand and also appealing when compared to the text or perhaps even tables. Say you decided to shot an excellent video relating to your products or services - it is advisable to put it to the background. It'll help to make the web page far more eye-catching and also would allow you to impress the potential client.

View more Background video WP templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

Top 30 European Cuisine WordPress Themes

100 Best Free WordPress Blog Themes

Top 100 Food and Restaurant WordPress Templates

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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