string(95) "" string(19480) "[{"templateId":63919,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":219,"categoryName":"Summer Camp Templates","templateTitle":"Summer Camp Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"AppyTimes - Summer Camp WordPress Theme - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for AppyTimes - Summer Camp WordPress Theme #63919","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"Adventure Camp WordPress Theme is a fully-fledged solution for taking your travel business online. Grab it and prepare for you site to be boasting of mouthwatering design and smooth functionality. Integrated social buttons is an easy way to spread a word about your business across multiple platforms and increase the follower count on your profiles. The WordPress Live Customizer can be used to switch theme color scheme, typography, headers, and footers. The Power Page builder gives you an opportunity to spice up your future website with various static, dynamic elements, plugins, modules and widgets in order to make it more interactive and highly functional. Testimonials module is a tool to add credibility to your online image and make potential clients choose exactly your services. Take advantage of flexible blog functionality with various layouts and post styles to provide the target audience with a full information about your services. In addition, you will get detailed documentation that will let you manage this theme on the fly. Learn more about Adventure Camp WordPress Theme with a live demo preview.

This is Boy Scout Shop WordPress design theme with Sample Data Installer

What is it?

Sample data installer WordPress themes enable to add sample data to the template with ease.

Why is it Good?

Sample Data Installer lets importing and enabling sample data in a couple of clicks.

Browse for more Sample Data Installer WordPress templates here

This Boy Scout Camp WordPress theme is WPML ready

What is it?

WPML ready themes can help to translate pretty much any code-embedded written text on your internet page.

Why is it Good?

Making it possible to translate the site into different languages WPML package helps you grow the prospect database with foreign customers.

View more WPML ready Wordpress design templates here

This Boy Scout WordPress template is Responsive

What is it?

This is an ability of the website to instantly adapt to any display size and resolution.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design makes sure that the website will provide an excellent viewing experience to all users across all gadgets.

Latest Responsive WordPress design themes here

This is Family History Search WP theme with GPL License

What is it?

GPL is a cost-free software license permitting the author to give the software to public domain.

Why is it Good?

It offers a person the right to copy, adjust and spread (together with a commercial basis) solutions, as well as to ensure that users of all derivative solutions will receive the above rights.

Find latest GPL License WP themes here

This Society WordPress template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search engine ready is a theme that lets easily crawl and index the website.

Why is it Good?

By using it, you are able to bring in numerous targeted customers to the site from search engines.

Fresh Search Engine Friendly WP templates here

This Boy Scout WordPress design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a type of screen that shows more pixels per square inch.

Why is it Good?

Together with the quality and beauty of the picture, this display has the best viewing perspective. And also at the same time - no regulations on the screen speed.

Find fresh Retina Ready WordPress themes here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

30 Most Lovely Premium Children WordPress Themes

Best Family WordPress Themes

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Take advantage of flexible blog functionality with various layouts and post styles to provide the target audience with a full information about your services. In addition, you will get detailed documentation that will let you manage this theme on the fly. Learn more about Adventure Camp WordPress Theme with a live demo preview.

This is Boy Scout Shop WordPress design theme with Sample Data Installer

What is it?

Sample data installer WordPress themes enable to add sample data to the template with ease.

Why is it Good?

Sample Data Installer lets importing and enabling sample data in a couple of clicks.

Browse for more Sample Data Installer WordPress templates here

This Boy Scout Camp WordPress theme is WPML ready

What is it?

WPML ready themes can help to translate pretty much any code-embedded written text on your internet page.

Why is it Good?

Making it possible to translate the site into different languages WPML package helps you grow the prospect database with foreign customers.

View more WPML ready Wordpress design templates here

This Boy Scout WordPress template is Responsive

What is it?

This is an ability of the website to instantly adapt to any display size and resolution.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design makes sure that the website will provide an excellent viewing experience to all users across all gadgets.

Latest Responsive WordPress design themes here

This is Family History Search WP theme with GPL License

What is it?

GPL is a cost-free software license permitting the author to give the software to public domain.

Why is it Good?

It offers a person the right to copy, adjust and spread (together with a commercial basis) solutions, as well as to ensure that users of all derivative solutions will receive the above rights.

Find latest GPL License WP themes here

This Society WordPress template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search engine ready is a theme that lets easily crawl and index the website.

Why is it Good?

By using it, you are able to bring in numerous targeted customers to the site from search engines.

Fresh Search Engine Friendly WP templates here

This Boy Scout WordPress design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a type of screen that shows more pixels per square inch.

Why is it Good?

Together with the quality and beauty of the picture, this display has the best viewing perspective. And also at the same time - no regulations on the screen speed.

Find fresh Retina Ready WordPress themes here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

30 Most Lovely Premium Children WordPress Themes

Best Family WordPress Themes

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Technical operations

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