string(95) "" string(18096) "[{"templateId":63845,"typeId":27,"typeName":"Magento theme","typeUrl":"magento-themes","categoryId":373,"categoryName":"Hunting Templates","templateTitle":"Hunting Responsive Magento Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"HardKit - US Army Military Shop Magento Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for HardKit - US Army Military Shop Magento Theme #63845","typeShortName":"Magento","templatePreviewFBTitle":"Looking for a modern pre-made design to power your army shop website? Then, Military Equipment Magento Theme is your absolute match! Here's why. Straight after landing on your homepage visitor's attention will be triggered by newsletter pop-up, you will be able to start generating leads from offline in the blink of an eye. The smart slider will provide for an outstanding presentation of your goods, making it easy for a user to learn about your store in detail. Using MegaMenu and live search your future clients will be able to soar on your site and have a smooth shopping experience. Also, intuitive Ajax cart will give users an opportunity to save items without reloading the page and get back to shopping in an instant. A pack of additional pages is a way to provide target audience with all the necessary information about your business and to express your brand's vision. Try out Military Equipment Magento Theme by means of the live demo and prepare to make your site rock!

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Society & People Services Magento template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina ready displays deliver excessive pixel density which outcomes in the amazing excellence of the visual information web presentation on last-generation gadgets.

Why is it Good?

Your pictures and the whole content will look well-defined and beautiful. Colors are vivid, smart and it makes your website to look significantly better on any type of gadget.

Fresh Retina Ready Magento themes here

This Sport Magento template is Responsive

What is it?

This is an ability of the website to promptly adapt to any screen size and resolution.

Why is it Good?

Responsive web page design allows you to improve user experience and give a extensive access to the web page data from any gadget.

Click for more Responsive Magento designs here

This Hunters Equipment Magento design theme is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search Engine Friendly WordPress themes are templates that are suitable for the most common SEO plugins for WordPress.

Why is it Good?

The Search Engine Friendly theme is definitely a superb standard platform to begin advertising and also boosting search rates of the webpage. It is actually a lot easier to make use of this type of webpage for Website seo specialist mainly because half of the work is previously completed.

Click for more Search Engine Friendly Magento designs here

This is Weapons Magento template with Sample Data Installer

What is it?

Sample Data Installer is an extension that may help you easily download total version of a template which includes all of its components.

Why is it Good?

Sample Data Installer lets importing and enabling sample content in a couple of clicks.

Find more Sample Data Installer Magento themes here

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View the pages, check out the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","shortDescription":"Looking for a modern pre-made design to power your army shop website? Then, Military Equipment Magento Theme is your absolute match! Here's why. Straight after landing on your homepage visitor's attention will be triggered by newsletter pop-up, you will be able to start generating leads from offline in the blink of an eye. The smart slider will provide for an outstanding presentation of your goods, making it easy for a user to learn about your store in detail. Using MegaMenu and live search your future clients will be able to soar on your site and have a smooth shopping experience. Also, intuitive Ajax cart will give users an opportunity to save items without reloading the page and get back to shopping in an instant. A pack of additional pages is a way to provide target audience with all the necessary information about your business and to express your brand's vision. Try out Military Equipment Magento Theme by means of the live demo and prepare to make your site rock!

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This Society & People Services Magento template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina ready displays deliver excessive pixel density which outcomes in the amazing excellence of the visual information web presentation on last-generation gadgets.

Why is it Good?

Your pictures and the whole content will look well-defined and beautiful. Colors are vivid, smart and it makes your website to look significantly better on any type of gadget.

Fresh Retina Ready Magento themes here

This Sport Magento template is Responsive

What is it?

This is an ability of the website to promptly adapt to any screen size and resolution.

Why is it Good?

Responsive web page design allows you to improve user experience and give a extensive access to the web page data from any gadget.

Click for more Responsive Magento designs here

This Hunters Equipment Magento design theme is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search Engine Friendly WordPress themes are templates that are suitable for the most common SEO plugins for WordPress.

Why is it Good?

The Search Engine Friendly theme is definitely a superb standard platform to begin advertising and also boosting search rates of the webpage. It is actually a lot easier to make use of this type of webpage for Website seo specialist mainly because half of the work is previously completed.

Click for more Search Engine Friendly Magento designs here

This is Weapons Magento template with Sample Data Installer

What is it?

Sample Data Installer is an extension that may help you easily download total version of a template which includes all of its components.

Why is it Good?

Sample Data Installer lets importing and enabling sample content in a couple of clicks.

Find more Sample Data Installer Magento themes here

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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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