string(96) "" string(13781) "[{"templateId":375548,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":217,"categoryName":"Psychologist Templates","templateTitle":"Psychologist Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Medrom - Medical Equipment WordPress Elementor Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live preview for Medrom - Medical Equipment WordPress Elementor Theme #375548","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"
Dive into the world of Medrom– where functionality meets flexibility for your medical website. With a robust theme options panel, taking control of your online presence has never been so empowering.
Celebrating one year of wisdom and wit! 🎉 Ready to elevate your online presence? Dive into the digital realm with Medrom pre-built WordPress site – your prescription for a sleek and user-friendly website. Crafted with precision and designed for simplicity, it's the perfect remedy for your medical or dental practice.
Especially in Medrom, you will find Slider Revolution, through which you can guide medical and health regarding by making more attractive pictures.
Picture this: a seamless user experience that not only captivates but also educates. Medrom template combines functionality with aesthetics, ensuring your visitors feel at ease navigating through your virtual clinic. From appointment scheduling to informative resources, your website becomes a one-stop hub for all things health-related.
But we're not just stopping at aesthetics. Behind the scenes, Medrom site is a breeze to maintain. No coding headaches or tech-induced stress – just a smooth, hassle-free operation. Because in the world of websites, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Celebrate your digital milestone by embracing innovation. Medrom pre-built WordPress site: where professionalism meets the pixel. Here's to a year of growth and a website that's as healthy as your practice! 🥳🌐
But wait, there's more! Medrom doesn't just stop at comprehensive options; it seamlessly integrates with the Visual Composer plugin. Customization becomes a breeze as you effortlessly mold the theme to suit your unique vision. It's not just about a website; it's about crafting an online experience that mirrors your medical expertise.
Imagine a canvas where every section is a stroke of your professional prowess. Tailor your medical services, showcase your stellar team, and broadcast the latest news – all with a few clicks. Because in the digital realm, your website should be as dynamic as your practice.
Let's not forget the simplicity in the details. Visual Composer ensures that even the non-tech-savvy can embrace the art of customization. No coding nightmares, just a user-friendly interface that empowers you to curate your virtual clinic effortlessly.
Here's to a year of innovation, where Medrom becomes the prescription for a website that not only looks good but works even better! 🥳✨
Code4rest-Pro (Premium Extra Header Addons) ( Free )
Unlimited-For-Elementor-Premium ( Free )
Slider Revolution ( Free )
Drag & Drop Header
Drag & Drop Footer
Sticky Nav
Unlimited Colors & Styles
Google Web Fonts
Google Map Integrated
Unique Design
Clean Code
Fully Customizable
Fully Responsive Layout
Clean & Modern Design
Excellent Customer Support
Use this code For Demo Import Problem in PHP .htaccess file on the hosting Server :
php_value upload_max_filesize 600M
php_value post_max_size 600M
php_value memory_limit 256M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300
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","nameOfTheTemplate":"Medrom - Medical Equipment WordPress Elementor Theme","shortDescription":"Dive into the world of Medrom– where functionality meets flexibility for your medical website. With a robust theme options panel, taking control of your online presence has never been so empowering.
Celebrating one year of wisdom and wit! 🎉 Ready to elevate your online presence? Dive into the digital realm with Medrom pre-built WordPress site – your prescription for a sleek and user-friendly website. Crafted with precision and designed for simplicity, it's the perfect remedy for your medical or dental practice.
Especially in Medrom, you will find Slider Revolution, through which you can guide medical and health regarding by making more attractive pictures.
Picture this: a seamless user experience that not only captivates but also educates. Medrom template combines functionality with aesthetics, ensuring your visitors feel at ease navigating through your virtual clinic. From appointment scheduling to informative resources, your website becomes a one-stop hub for all things health-related.
But we're not just stopping at aesthetics. Behind the scenes, Medrom site is a breeze to maintain. No coding headaches or tech-induced stress – just a smooth, hassle-free operation. Because in the world of websites, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Celebrate your digital milestone by embracing innovation. Medrom pre-built WordPress site: where professionalism meets the pixel. Here's to a year of growth and a website that's as healthy as your practice! 🥳🌐
But wait, there's more! Medrom doesn't just stop at comprehensive options; it seamlessly integrates with the Visual Composer plugin. Customization becomes a breeze as you effortlessly mold the theme to suit your unique vision. It's not just about a website; it's about crafting an online experience that mirrors your medical expertise.
Imagine a canvas where every section is a stroke of your professional prowess. Tailor your medical services, showcase your stellar team, and broadcast the latest news – all with a few clicks. Because in the digital realm, your website should be as dynamic as your practice.
Let's not forget the simplicity in the details. Visual Composer ensures that even the non-tech-savvy can embrace the art of customization. No coding nightmares, just a user-friendly interface that empowers you to curate your virtual clinic effortlessly.
Here's to a year of innovation, where Medrom becomes the prescription for a website that not only looks good but works even better! 🥳✨
Code4rest-Pro (Premium Extra Header Addons) ( Free )
Unlimited-For-Elementor-Premium ( Free )
Slider Revolution ( Free )
Drag & Drop Header
Drag & Drop Footer
Sticky Nav
Unlimited Colors & Styles
Google Web Fonts
Google Map Integrated
Unique Design
Clean Code
Fully Customizable
Fully Responsive Layout
Clean & Modern Design
Excellent Customer Support
Use this code For Demo Import Problem in PHP .htaccess file on the hosting Server :
php_value upload_max_filesize 600M
php_value post_max_size 600M
php_value memory_limit 256M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300
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