string(96) "" string(14634) "[{"templateId":367223,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":370,"categoryName":"Archery Templates","templateTitle":"Archery Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Archeri - Archery WordPress Theme #367223 - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Archeri - Archery WordPress Theme #367223","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Discover the Archeri WordPress Theme, a modern and specialized solution tailored for archery enthusiasts, archery schools, and those offering archery training. With the Archeri theme, you can unlock the legendary history and passionate spirit of archery, showcasing your passion in a professional and modern way.

Explore the Outstanding Features of the Archeri WordPress Theme:

  1. Swift Theme Customization: Archeri offers a quick and hassle-free theme customization area where you can effortlessly tailor your logo, color scheme, tone, fonts, sizing, contact information, and overall corporate identity with a single click.
  2. Modern Interface Design: The theme boasts a contemporary interface design, complete with a dynamic zoom slider area and swift circle layouts that vividly represent the strength and precision of archery.
  3. Stunning Circle Hover Effects: Archeri leaves a remarkable impression with its captivating circle hover border effects, making your website visually appealing and engaging.
  4. Vast Selection of Corporate Icons: Showcase your professionalism with hundreds of corporate icons, presenting your page in a thoroughly professional manner.
  5. Dedicated Instructor Section: Professionally introduce your team members using the modern instructors' area, providing visitors with insights into your instructors' expertise and qualifications.
  6. State-of-the-Art Gallery Section: Highlight your facility and equipment professionally with the modern gallery area, designed to showcase your archery environment and gear.
  7. Impactful Icon Circle-Enhanced Activities Section: Leave a lasting impression with the modern icon circle effects in the activities area, captivating your visitors.
  8. Advanced Activity Detail Pages: Deliver detailed content with the advanced activity detail page, ensuring a comprehensive presentation of your offerings.
  9. Professional Client Logo Displays: Display your sponsors in a contemporary manner with client logo carousels and tables.
  10. Engaging Blog Display: Present your news and articles professionally with blog carousels and table views.
  11. Swift Loading Effects: Enhance your site's modern appeal with a quick loading effect.
  12. Quick Return to Top Button: Provide users with easy navigation to the top of the page.
  13. Contemporary Contact Page: A modern and professional contact page is included.
  14. Google Maps Integration: Ensure visitors can find your location easily with integrated Google Maps.

And Much More: These are just some of the key features that Archeri has to offer. There are numerous other functionalities and tools that you can explore to enhance your archery website.

With the Archeri theme, your archery-focused website will have a professional, modern, and engaging appearance. It's the perfect solution for those in the archery industry looking to make a strong online presence. Experience the demo to explore even more features.

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Discover the Archeri WordPress Theme, a modern and specialized solution tailored for archery enthusiasts, archery schools, and those offering archery training.

","nameOfTheTemplate":"Archeri - Archery WordPress Theme","previewScreensOrVideoURLs":",,,,","shortDescription":"

Discover the Archeri WordPress Theme, a modern and specialized solution tailored for archery enthusiasts, archery schools, and those offering archery training. With the Archeri theme, you can unlock the legendary history and passionate spirit of archery, showcasing your passion in a professional and modern way.

Explore the Outstanding Features of the Archeri WordPress Theme:

  1. Swift Theme Customization: Archeri offers a quick and hassle-free theme customization area where you can effortlessly tailor your logo, color scheme, tone, fonts, sizing, contact information, and overall corporate identity with a single click.
  2. Modern Interface Design: The theme boasts a contemporary interface design, complete with a dynamic zoom slider area and swift circle layouts that vividly represent the strength and precision of archery.
  3. Stunning Circle Hover Effects: Archeri leaves a remarkable impression with its captivating circle hover border effects, making your website visually appealing and engaging.
  4. Vast Selection of Corporate Icons: Showcase your professionalism with hundreds of corporate icons, presenting your page in a thoroughly professional manner.
  5. Dedicated Instructor Section: Professionally introduce your team members using the modern instructors' area, providing visitors with insights into your instructors' expertise and qualifications.
  6. State-of-the-Art Gallery Section: Highlight your facility and equipment professionally with the modern gallery area, designed to showcase your archery environment and gear.
  7. Impactful Icon Circle-Enhanced Activities Section: Leave a lasting impression with the modern icon circle effects in the activities area, captivating your visitors.
  8. Advanced Activity Detail Pages: Deliver detailed content with the advanced activity detail page, ensuring a comprehensive presentation of your offerings.
  9. Professional Client Logo Displays: Display your sponsors in a contemporary manner with client logo carousels and tables.
  10. Engaging Blog Display: Present your news and articles professionally with blog carousels and table views.
  11. Swift Loading Effects: Enhance your site's modern appeal with a quick loading effect.
  12. Quick Return to Top Button: Provide users with easy navigation to the top of the page.
  13. Contemporary Contact Page: A modern and professional contact page is included.
  14. Google Maps Integration: Ensure visitors can find your location easily with integrated Google Maps.

And Much More: These are just some of the key features that Archeri has to offer. There are numerous other functionalities and tools that you can explore to enhance your archery website.

With the Archeri theme, your archery-focused website will have a professional, modern, and engaging appearance. It's the perfect solution for those in the archery industry looking to make a strong online presence. Experience the demo to explore even more features.

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Technical operations

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