string(96) "" string(13164) "[{"templateId":366311,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":378,"categoryName":"Golf Templates","templateTitle":"Golf Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Cros Golf - Club And course WordPress Elementor Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Cros Golf - Club And course WordPress Elementor Theme #366311","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Welcome to the digital fairway where your golfing journey takes a swing into the modern era. Cros, the epitome of sophistication in Golf Club WordPress Themes, invites you to step onto the virtual green and explore a world where pixels meet Cros.

Picture this: a sleek and attractive design that echoes the precision of a well-executed swing. Cros isn’t just a theme; it's your caddy in the digital realm, catering not only to golf clubs but also embracing the spirit of various sports. Whether you're a golf pro, a personal golf guru, or the captain of the sports blogosphere, Cros has your back.

Cros Golf Club wordpress theme has elementer pro and codeforest pro plugins implemented, which will give you a different experience.

Tee off your online presence with a theme that doesn't just speak golf; it shouts it from the digital rooftops. Perfect for sports centers, tennis clubs, or any sports-related endeavor, Putter is your ticket to a visually striking and functionally sound website.

Imagine your website as the 18th hole—a final destination for sports enthusiasts seeking the latest in sports reviews, game analyses, and a store that caters to their every sporting need. Cros is not just a theme; it’s a sporty lifestyle wrapped in a digital package.

The richness of your golf club is seamlessly translated onto the digital canvas, where every pixel exudes a sense of exclusivity. The harmonious balance between text and images creates an immersive experience, inviting users to explore the essence of your esteemed establishment.

This theme is a way to see, understand, observe and easily implement the world of golf that should not be missed.

Indulge in the epitome of sophistication with our Golf Club WordPress Theme, a digital ode to the perception that golf is the \"rich man's sport.\" Step into a virtual realm where opulence takes center stage, and every pixel is a brushstroke of lavishness.

As users explore your virtual greens, the justification for golf as a \"rich man’s sport\" unfolds seamlessly. The visuals are a symphony of sophistication, and the narrative is one of privilege and exclusivity.

In the world of premium aesthetics, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Our theme embraces this philosophy with animation effects that are not just a spectacle but a testament to refined taste. Imagine a website where every scroll, click, and transition feels like a leisurely walk through a manicured golf course—smooth, effortless, and undeniably delightful.

Use Plugins :

Code4rest-Pro (Premium Extra Header Addons) ( Free )

Unlimited-For-Elementor-Premium ( Free )

Slider Revolution ( Free )

Theme Features :

Drag & Drop Header

Drag & Drop Footer

Sticky Nav

Unlimited Colors & Styles

Google Web Fonts, System

Google Map Integrated

Unique Design

Clean Code

Fully Customizable

Fully Responsive Layout

Clean & Modern Design

Excellent Customer Support

Use this code For Demo Import Problem in PHP .htaccess file on the hosting Server :

php_value upload_max_filesize 600M

php_value post_max_size 600M

php_value memory_limit 256M

php_value max_execution_time 300

","templateFullTitle":"Cros Golf - Club And course WordPress Elementor Theme","templatePreviewMetaDescription":"Welcome to the digital fairway where your golfing journey takes a swing into the modern era. Cros, the epitome of sophistication in Golf Club WordPress Themes,","templateDemoMetaDescription":"Before you buy it, get the feel and look of the premium Cros Golf - Club And course WordPress Elementor Theme WordPress Theme (#366311) by experiencing the live preview. View the pages, check the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","specificTemplateNameListing":null,"specificTemplateNamePreview":null,"anchorTitle":"Cros Golf - Club And course WordPress Elementor Theme","anchorFeature":"Responsive","isInvertOrder":true,"isRTL":true,"anchorType":"","templateUrl":"/wordpress-themes/cros-golf-club-and-course-wordpress-elementor-theme-366311.html","userRating":0,"designIndex":1,"authorUserId":"78163290","exclusive":"1","state":1,"price":29,"inserted_date":"2023-10-17","sent":0,"downloads":1,"search_words":"activity athletic club course courses fitness golf responsive sport training wordpress elementor","is_adult":0,"exc_price":2100,"sent_date":"2023-10-17 12:15:19","last_upload":"2024-07-30 07:44:11","package_id":295,"hasExclusivePrice":1,"screenshots":[{"scr_type_id":334,"filename":"366311-6-original.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":366311,"width":1600,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":3258299,"href":"","height":1000},{"scr_type_id":311,"filename":"366311-5-big.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":366311,"width":1600,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":3258300,"href":"","height":1000},{"scr_type_id":312,"filename":"366311-5-med.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":366311,"width":370,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":3258301,"href":"","height":370},{"scr_type_id":9,"filename":"366311-5-m.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":366311,"width":145,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":3258302,"href":"","height":156},{"scr_type_id":57,"filename":"366311-5-b.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":366311,"width":430,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":3258303,"href":"","height":269}],"demoUrl":"/demo/366311.html","image":"","searchHash":"551de79dd11f1b8a1b3994a11f9122a4","previewHash":"1550338d360141683dc0c3946948b290","authorNickname":"Code4rest","lowLevelTopic":"Golf Templates","weightedRating":null,"annualSale":1,"monthlySales":1,"quarterlySales":1,"productBoost":0,"onSale":0,"finalPrice":21,"discountPercent":0,"discountAmount":0,"semiannualSales":1,"properties":{"features":["Admin Panel","Advanced Theme Options","Background video","Blog","Drag and Drop Content","Gallery","One click installation","Parallax","Portfolio","Responsive","Tabs","Team Members","Website Builder"],"isLastAdded":"1","livePreviewURL":"","styles":["Clean","Flat","Minimalist"],"nameOfTheTemplate":"Cros Golf - Club And course WordPress Elementor Theme","shortDescription":"

Welcome to the digital fairway where your golfing journey takes a swing into the modern era. Cros, the epitome of sophistication in Golf Club WordPress Themes, invites you to step onto the virtual green and explore a world where pixels meet Cros.

Picture this: a sleek and attractive design that echoes the precision of a well-executed swing. Cros isn’t just a theme; it's your caddy in the digital realm, catering not only to golf clubs but also embracing the spirit of various sports. Whether you're a golf pro, a personal golf guru, or the captain of the sports blogosphere, Cros has your back.

Cros Golf Club wordpress theme has elementer pro and codeforest pro plugins implemented, which will give you a different experience.

Tee off your online presence with a theme that doesn't just speak golf; it shouts it from the digital rooftops. Perfect for sports centers, tennis clubs, or any sports-related endeavor, Putter is your ticket to a visually striking and functionally sound website.

Imagine your website as the 18th hole—a final destination for sports enthusiasts seeking the latest in sports reviews, game analyses, and a store that caters to their every sporting need. Cros is not just a theme; it’s a sporty lifestyle wrapped in a digital package.

The richness of your golf club is seamlessly translated onto the digital canvas, where every pixel exudes a sense of exclusivity. The harmonious balance between text and images creates an immersive experience, inviting users to explore the essence of your esteemed establishment.

This theme is a way to see, understand, observe and easily implement the world of golf that should not be missed.

Indulge in the epitome of sophistication with our Golf Club WordPress Theme, a digital ode to the perception that golf is the \"rich man's sport.\" Step into a virtual realm where opulence takes center stage, and every pixel is a brushstroke of lavishness.

As users explore your virtual greens, the justification for golf as a \"rich man’s sport\" unfolds seamlessly. The visuals are a symphony of sophistication, and the narrative is one of privilege and exclusivity.

In the world of premium aesthetics, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Our theme embraces this philosophy with animation effects that are not just a spectacle but a testament to refined taste. Imagine a website where every scroll, click, and transition feels like a leisurely walk through a manicured golf course—smooth, effortless, and undeniably delightful.

Use Plugins :

Code4rest-Pro (Premium Extra Header Addons) ( Free )

Unlimited-For-Elementor-Premium ( Free )

Slider Revolution ( Free )

Theme Features :

Drag & Drop Header

Drag & Drop Footer

Sticky Nav

Unlimited Colors & Styles

Google Web Fonts, System

Google Map Integrated

Unique Design

Clean Code

Fully Customizable

Fully Responsive Layout

Clean & Modern Design

Excellent Customer Support

Use this code For Demo Import Problem in PHP .htaccess file on the hosting Server :

php_value upload_max_filesize 600M

php_value post_max_size 600M

php_value memory_limit 256M

php_value max_execution_time 300

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Whether you're browsing from your desktop, tablet, or smartphone, the responsive design guarantees a seamless and visually pleasing experience.

","types":"WordPress Themes","templateIcon":"icon-wordpress","hELPURL":"/quick-start-guide/wordpress/","followUpLetter":"wp-themes-offers","productFamily":"None","templateGroup":"Wordpress Store","category":"Website templates"}}]" array(17) { [0]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" [1]=> string(20) "Server: nginx/1.22.0" [2]=> string(35) "Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:34:50 GMT" [3]=> string(45) "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" [4]=> string(17) "Connection: close" [5]=> string(130) "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Pagination-Current-Page, X-Pagination-Page-Count, X-Pagination-Per-Page, X-Pagination-Total-Count" [6]=> string(12) "Vary: Accept" [7]=> string(27) "X-Pagination-Total-Count: 1" [8]=> string(26) "X-Pagination-Page-Count: 1" [9]=> string(28) "X-Pagination-Current-Page: 1" [10]=> string(25) "X-Pagination-Per-Page: 20" [11]=> string(293) "Link: ; rel=self, ; rel=first, ; rel=last" [12]=> string(38) "Expires: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:39:50 GMT" [13]=> string(26) "Cache-Control: max-age=300" [14]=> string(16) "Direct_API: true" [15]=> string(22) "X-Cache-Status: BYPASS" [16]=> string(24) "X-Up:" } #366311 Preview

Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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