Virtual Employee Hiring Freelancer HTML Template is a powerful, responsive, and high-performance job board template with awesome features for a job platform. It’s based on Bootstrap and contains a lot of components to easily make a job listing website.
Responsive Design: A responsive design ensures that the template adapts to different screen sizes and devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users, including those on mobile devices and tablets.
Bootstrap Framework: Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides a responsive grid system, pre-designed UI components, and CSS styles. It simplifies the process of building web pages and ensures a consistent look and feel.
Job Listings: The template likely includes components or layouts for displaying job listings. This could involve displaying job titles, descriptions, company logos, application deadlines, and more.
User Registration and Login: A job platform typically requires user registration and login functionality to allow employers and job seekers to create accounts, access their profiles, and post or apply for jobs.
Search and Filtering: Effective search and filtering options are crucial for users to find relevant job listings. Features like search bars, and filters by location, category, and date can enhance the user experience.
Profiles and Resumes: Job seekers may need to create profiles and upload resumes. The template might include sections for user profiles, contact details, skills, and the ability to upload and manage resumes.
Employer Features: Employers often need additional features, such as posting job listings, managing applicants, and accessing a dashboard to track their job postings' performance.
Responsive Navigation: A user-friendly navigation menu and layout are essential for easy site navigation.
SEO-Friendly: The template may come with features that support search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the site's visibility on search engines like Google.
Performance Optimization: To ensure fast loading times and smooth user experience, the template might include performance optimization features like lazy loading of images and code minification.
Documentation and Support: Good templates typically come with documentation that explains how to use and customize them. Some may also offer customer support or forums for troubleshooting.
It's important to note that while a template can provide a solid foundation, you may need to further customize and develop your job board or freelance hiring platform to meet your specific needs and requirements. Additionally, consider the template's compatibility with the backend technology you plan to use, as well as any legal and security considerations when handling user data and payments on your platform.
Features list
Built with Bootstrap 5.3
Freelancing Page
14+ All Pages
Responsive Design
Premium Job Option
Candidate Pages
Employer Pages
Multi-Search, Resume & Employer Pages
Well documented
Creative Design
13+ Inner Pages
Developer Friendly Code
Easy to customize
Font Awesome 600+ icons
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Virtual Employee – Job Board Hiring Freelancer HTML Template. It’s a High-Quality and well organized Job Board Template.
","nameOfTheTemplate":"Virtual Employee Hiring Freelancer Clean Bootstrap HTML Website Template (Jobs)","shortDescription":"
Virtual Employee Hiring Freelancer HTML Template is a powerful, responsive, and high-performance job board template with awesome features for a job platform. It’s based on Bootstrap and contains a lot of components to easily make a job listing website.
Responsive Design: A responsive design ensures that the template adapts to different screen sizes and devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users, including those on mobile devices and tablets.
Bootstrap Framework: Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides a responsive grid system, pre-designed UI components, and CSS styles. It simplifies the process of building web pages and ensures a consistent look and feel.
Job Listings: The template likely includes components or layouts for displaying job listings. This could involve displaying job titles, descriptions, company logos, application deadlines, and more.
User Registration and Login: A job platform typically requires user registration and login functionality to allow employers and job seekers to create accounts, access their profiles, and post or apply for jobs.
Search and Filtering: Effective search and filtering options are crucial for users to find relevant job listings. Features like search bars, and filters by location, category, and date can enhance the user experience.
Profiles and Resumes: Job seekers may need to create profiles and upload resumes. The template might include sections for user profiles, contact details, skills, and the ability to upload and manage resumes.
Employer Features: Employers often need additional features, such as posting job listings, managing applicants, and accessing a dashboard to track their job postings' performance.
Responsive Navigation: A user-friendly navigation menu and layout are essential for easy site navigation.
SEO-Friendly: The template may come with features that support search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the site's visibility on search engines like Google.
Performance Optimization: To ensure fast loading times and smooth user experience, the template might include performance optimization features like lazy loading of images and code minification.
Documentation and Support: Good templates typically come with documentation that explains how to use and customize them. Some may also offer customer support or forums for troubleshooting.
It's important to note that while a template can provide a solid foundation, you may need to further customize and develop your job board or freelance hiring platform to meet your specific needs and requirements. Additionally, consider the template's compatibility with the backend technology you plan to use, as well as any legal and security considerations when handling user data and payments on your platform.
Features list
Built with Bootstrap 5.3
Freelancing Page
14+ All Pages
Responsive Design
Premium Job Option
Candidate Pages
Employer Pages
Multi-Search, Resume & Employer Pages
Well documented
Creative Design
13+ Inner Pages
Developer Friendly Code
Easy to customize
Font Awesome 600+ icons
","uniqueKeywords":"creative,resume,modern,jobs,freelancer,freelancer jobs,jobportal,freelancers for hire","advImage":"","affiliateSells":"1","authorMainScreenshot":"","imageKeyFeatures":"","livePreviewURL":"","metaDescription":"Virtual Employee Hiring Freelancer HTML Template is a powerful, responsive, and high-performance job board template with awesome features for a job platform.","saleSells":"1","templateSupportOptions":"[]","demoMetaDescription":"Before you purchase it, get informed about the Virtual Employee Hiring Freelancer Clean Bootstrap HTML Website Template Website Template (#359663) by enjoying the demo. View the pages, check out the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","customUrl":"/website-templates/virtual-employee-hiring-freelancer-clean-bootstrap-html-website-template-359663.html","productSize":"6590694","trendiness":"1","changeLog":"Version 1.0.0 - First release","types":"HTML Website Templates","templateIcon":"icon-monster_dark","hELPURL":"/quick-start-guide/website-template/","followUpLetter":"website-template-offers","productFamily":"None","templateGroup":"HTML Templates","category":"Website templates"}}]"
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#359663 Preview