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string(14485) "[{"templateId":346320,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":100,"categoryName":"Construction Company Templates","templateTitle":"Construction Company Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Constructivo - Construction Building HTML Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live preview for Constructivo - Construction Building HTML Template #346320","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"
Constructivo - Construction Company Website Template
Introducing Constructivo - a dynamic Construction Company Website Template crafted to elevate your construction business online. With its modern design and user-friendly interface, Constructivo empowers you to showcase your projects, services, and expertise seamlessly.
Constructivo is meticulously designed with the construction industry in mind. It offers a range of pre-built pages and features tailored to meet the specific needs of construction companies, contractors, builders, and related businesses.
With easy-to-use customization options, you can effortlessly personalize the template to reflect your brand identity. Showcase your completed projects with stunning galleries and highlight the scope of your services through engaging content sections.
The template also includes integrated contact forms, allowing potential clients to reach out to you conveniently. Additionally, the testimonial section helps build trust and credibility by displaying positive feedback from satisfied clients.
Built with responsiveness in mind, Constructivo ensures your website looks impressive and functions flawlessly on all devices. Whether accessed from desktops, tablets, or smartphones, your content will captivate visitors and reinforce your professionalism.
Furthermore, Constructivo is optimized for search engines, helping you rank higher in search results and attract organic traffic. This SEO-friendly approach boosts your online visibility, making it easier for potential clients to find and connect with your construction services.
With Constructivo, take your construction company to new heights. Impress clients with your digital presence, showcase your expertise, and establish your brand as a leading force in the construction industry. Embrace the future of construction business websites with Constructivo and thrive in the digital landscape.
Fully responsive template
Multi-page design
RTL Ready
Unique Design
No jQuery dependency
Working contact form (ajax and PHP)
Bootstrap Grid
Clean and modern design with clean code and easy to customize
Fully Supported All Mobile and Tablet Devices
Animation on scroll effect
Off-canvas mobile menu
SEO Optimized
Cross Browser compatible
All demo Images Included
Fast Free Support
Template Included:
HTML Files
CSS Files
Js Files
JQuery Files
Images (images included)
Documentation (how to change anything in the template)
Fast Free Support
Free Google Fonts: We used Google fonts because Google Fonts are free to use, and have more than 1000 fonts to choose to develop your website.
Bootstrap: We have used Bootstrap's grid system to create some responsive HTML templates. They are completely free
Google Map: Adding a responsive Google Maps widget can help consumers locate your customers' businesses, gives credibility to their organizations
Demo Images: All demo images are included with a theme to run your business successfully and fastly
Working Contact Form: Build a working HTML contact form using a Bootstrap framework and AJAX with PHP.
Valid SEO-Friendly Code: We write HTML, and CSS code to make responses faster on search-engines
Theme Documentation: Detailed documentation covers all the ins and out of your theme.
Customer Support: Excellent Customer Support – We care about your site as much as you do and will help in any way we can!
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Constructivo - Construction Company Template for Home Maintenance, General Construction, Restructured, Project Management, Architecture Services, Builders & General Contractor Websites
","nameOfTheTemplate":"Constructivo - Construction Building HTML Template","shortDescription":"
Constructivo - Construction Company Website Template
Introducing Constructivo - a dynamic Construction Company Website Template crafted to elevate your construction business online. With its modern design and user-friendly interface, Constructivo empowers you to showcase your projects, services, and expertise seamlessly.
Constructivo is meticulously designed with the construction industry in mind. It offers a range of pre-built pages and features tailored to meet the specific needs of construction companies, contractors, builders, and related businesses.
With easy-to-use customization options, you can effortlessly personalize the template to reflect your brand identity. Showcase your completed projects with stunning galleries and highlight the scope of your services through engaging content sections.
The template also includes integrated contact forms, allowing potential clients to reach out to you conveniently. Additionally, the testimonial section helps build trust and credibility by displaying positive feedback from satisfied clients.
Built with responsiveness in mind, Constructivo ensures your website looks impressive and functions flawlessly on all devices. Whether accessed from desktops, tablets, or smartphones, your content will captivate visitors and reinforce your professionalism.
Furthermore, Constructivo is optimized for search engines, helping you rank higher in search results and attract organic traffic. This SEO-friendly approach boosts your online visibility, making it easier for potential clients to find and connect with your construction services.
With Constructivo, take your construction company to new heights. Impress clients with your digital presence, showcase your expertise, and establish your brand as a leading force in the construction industry. Embrace the future of construction business websites with Constructivo and thrive in the digital landscape.
Fully responsive template
Multi-page design
RTL Ready
Unique Design
No jQuery dependency
Working contact form (ajax and PHP)
Bootstrap Grid
Clean and modern design with clean code and easy to customize
Fully Supported All Mobile and Tablet Devices
Animation on scroll effect
Off-canvas mobile menu
SEO Optimized
Cross Browser compatible
All demo Images Included
Fast Free Support
Template Included:
HTML Files
CSS Files
Js Files
JQuery Files
Images (images included)
Documentation (how to change anything in the template)
Fast Free Support
Free Google Fonts: We used Google fonts because Google Fonts are free to use, and have more than 1000 fonts to choose to develop your website.
Bootstrap: We have used Bootstrap's grid system to create some responsive HTML templates. They are completely free
Google Map: Adding a responsive Google Maps widget can help consumers locate your customers' businesses, gives credibility to their organizations
Demo Images: All demo images are included with a theme to run your business successfully and fastly
Working Contact Form: Build a working HTML contact form using a Bootstrap framework and AJAX with PHP.
Valid SEO-Friendly Code: We write HTML, and CSS code to make responses faster on search-engines
Theme Documentation: Detailed documentation covers all the ins and out of your theme.
Customer Support: Excellent Customer Support – We care about your site as much as you do and will help in any way we can!
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#346320 Preview