string(96) "" string(12881) "[{"templateId":343278,"typeId":1,"typeName":"Website template","typeUrl":"website-templates","categoryId":104,"categoryName":"Artist Portfolio Templates","templateTitle":"Artist Portfolio Responsive Website Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Inntel - Personal Portfolio Website Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for Inntel - Personal Portfolio Website Template #343278","typeShortName":"Website","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Inntel – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Inntel – Personal Portfolio HTML Template is for many purposes. Inntel is clean, creative, trendy and suitable for every need. This template is designed for creative individuals developers, designers, companies, freelancers, etc. Inntel is a light, clean and Creative Personal Portfolio Template. We have used Bootstrap 5+ frameworks for designing this template. You can use it for your resume, business, fashion or portfolio etc. This template is written in valid and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code, so you can easily edit and customize the template.

The Business & Portfolio Template is a versatile and visually appealing option for individuals and businesses looking to showcase their expertise and attract potential clients. It's clean design and modern layout create a professional and polished look that can leave a positive impression on visitors.

Here are some key features and benefits of the Business & Portfolio Template:

  1. Clean and modern design: The template's design is sleek, organized, and visually appealing. It focuses on providing a professional and polished appearance, which can help create a positive impression on potential clients or employers.
  2. Easy customization: The template is typically designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs. You can customize the color scheme, typography, layout, and content to align with your personal or company branding.
  3. Showcase expertise and projects: The template provides dedicated sections or pages to highlight your expertise, skills, past projects, and achievements. This enables you to effectively demonstrate your capabilities and build credibility with potential clients or employers.
  4. Responsive and user-friendly: The Business & Portfolio Template is typically designed to be responsive, meaning it can adapt to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures that your website looks great and functions well across various platforms, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Overall, the Business & Portfolio Template offers a professional and modern solution for individuals and businesses seeking to showcase their expertise. Its clean design, customization options, and focus on highlighting skills and projects make it an attractive choice for freelancers, developers, designers, and companies looking to make a strong impression online.

Template Features :


Image Credit :

Note: In the main downloadable files demo images are not included. In this template demo image used for preview purposes only.

but included a documentation file for full instructions.

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Inntel - Personal Portfolio Template is an trendy, clean and creative designed template for showcasing personal portfolio.

","nameOfTheTemplate":"Inntel - Personal Portfolio Website Template","shortDescription":"

Inntel – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Inntel – Personal Portfolio HTML Template is for many purposes. Inntel is clean, creative, trendy and suitable for every need. This template is designed for creative individuals developers, designers, companies, freelancers, etc. Inntel is a light, clean and Creative Personal Portfolio Template. We have used Bootstrap 5+ frameworks for designing this template. You can use it for your resume, business, fashion or portfolio etc. This template is written in valid and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code, so you can easily edit and customize the template.

The Business & Portfolio Template is a versatile and visually appealing option for individuals and businesses looking to showcase their expertise and attract potential clients. It's clean design and modern layout create a professional and polished look that can leave a positive impression on visitors.

Here are some key features and benefits of the Business & Portfolio Template:

  1. Clean and modern design: The template's design is sleek, organized, and visually appealing. It focuses on providing a professional and polished appearance, which can help create a positive impression on potential clients or employers.
  2. Easy customization: The template is typically designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs. You can customize the color scheme, typography, layout, and content to align with your personal or company branding.
  3. Showcase expertise and projects: The template provides dedicated sections or pages to highlight your expertise, skills, past projects, and achievements. This enables you to effectively demonstrate your capabilities and build credibility with potential clients or employers.
  4. Responsive and user-friendly: The Business & Portfolio Template is typically designed to be responsive, meaning it can adapt to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures that your website looks great and functions well across various platforms, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Overall, the Business & Portfolio Template offers a professional and modern solution for individuals and businesses seeking to showcase their expertise. Its clean design, customization options, and focus on highlighting skills and projects make it an attractive choice for freelancers, developers, designers, and companies looking to make a strong impression online.

Template Features :


Image Credit :

Note: In the main downloadable files demo images are not included. In this template demo image used for preview purposes only.

but included a documentation file for full instructions.

","uniqueKeywords":"cv,blog clean,dark,designer,developer,one page,onepage,personal,profile,responsive,resume,vcard,portfolio,modern,creative,clean","advImage":"","affiliateSells":"1","authorMainScreenshot":"","imageKeyFeatures":"","livePreviewURL":"","metaDescription":"Inntel – Personal Portfolio HTML TemplateInntel – Personal Portfolio HTML Template is for many purposes. Inntel is clean, creative, trendy and suitable for","saleSells":"1","templateSupportOptions":"[]","demoMetaDescription":"Before you buy it, get informed about the high quality Inntel - Personal Portfolio Website Template Website Template (#343278) by experiencing the demo. Go through the pages, check out the images, click the buttons, explore the functionality.","customUrl":"/website-templates/inntel-personal-portfolio-website-template-343278.html","productSize":"5002930","trendiness":"1","types":"HTML Website Templates","templateIcon":"icon-monster_dark","hELPURL":"/quick-start-guide/website-template/","followUpLetter":"website-template-offers","productFamily":"None","templateGroup":"HTML Templates","category":"Website templates"}}]" array(17) { [0]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" [1]=> string(20) "Server: nginx/1.22.0" [2]=> string(35) "Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 05:27:18 GMT" [3]=> string(45) "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" [4]=> string(17) "Connection: close" [5]=> string(130) "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Pagination-Current-Page, X-Pagination-Page-Count, X-Pagination-Per-Page, X-Pagination-Total-Count" [6]=> string(12) "Vary: Accept" [7]=> string(27) "X-Pagination-Total-Count: 1" [8]=> string(26) "X-Pagination-Page-Count: 1" [9]=> string(28) "X-Pagination-Current-Page: 1" [10]=> string(25) "X-Pagination-Per-Page: 20" [11]=> string(293) "Link: ; rel=self, ; rel=first, ; rel=last" [12]=> string(38) "Expires: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 05:32:18 GMT" [13]=> string(26) "Cache-Control: max-age=300" [14]=> string(16) "Direct_API: true" [15]=> string(22) "X-Cache-Status: BYPASS" [16]=> string(24) "X-Up:" } #343278 Preview

Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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