string(96) ""
string(17766) "[{"templateId":258230,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":249,"categoryName":"Painting Company Templates","templateTitle":"Painting Company Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Handymane - Repairman Services WordPress Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for Handymane - Repairman Services WordPress Theme #258230","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"
Handymane WordPress Theme is a WordPress theme that will create a superior brand image in the corporate concept made for Repair, Maintenance, Repairman, Plumbing, Boiler Repair, Boiler Maintenance, Electrician, HomeRepair, Industrial, Air ConditionerRepair and All Repair Services.
If you are a mechanic or repair company, you will not be able to abandon this template.
We guarantee that you will satisfy your customers with its special mobile design and special effects compatible with all devices.
Customers who will enter your site will see professional images with a special slider screen. And then it will create a striking impression with the special 3D effect visuals we have created in the corporate writing area.
We gave directions with amazing effects, together with the 3D services area in a special box layout. and just below we have added the brands area that you will repair and maintain. Thus, we gave a solid site image with a full corporate structure.
You will enlighten your visitors with this special mechanic wordpress theme that we have developed in Blue and White colors. You will get high returns with this template that we have created in special colors and tones that you can trust your customers.
Especially our administration panel is very simple. You will quickly complete all your content with special theme pages thanks to our special acf system. You will be able to customize all your colors and fonts with one click.
It has been coded as fully SEO compatible so that you can rank higher in search engines. So your competitors will stay behind.
Handymane WordPress Theme Features:
Easy and professional management (All rights, fonts, for use)
Via one-click demo (You can transfer content with one-click demo)
Responsive layout (Custom wordpress theme shaped for all mobile devices)
250 custom icon sets (Professional icons)
80 special web effects (Professional effects to customize your website)
Custom page designs (Easy page pages with custom page fields)
60 custom web fronts (your custom articles for your website)
Special menu (Special menu that we have effected with fine lines)
3d full screen custom slider area (Custom designed slider screen)
Carousel review (Swiper carousel)
Carousel team member (Swiper carousel)
Carousel blog (Swiper carousel)
SEO infrastructure development (Search engine specific infrastructure)
3d service special set area (professional services area prepared with icon program in box layout)
Team area (Private team area)
Offer forms (Special forms – contact formula 7)
Contact forms (Special forms – contact formula 7)
Custom blog structure (Accelerated article fields)
Pop-up menu (Custom screen menu)
Custom side widget (Icon set side widget)
Newsletter area (Footer newsletter area)
Social media icons (Custom social media icons)
Special services page (3d effects services page)
About us page (3d effect about page)
Brands area (Special area created for the brands you repair and repair)
Pop-up forms (Pop-down form fields from your packages)
Special front loader effect (Special effect)
Go up button (Fast speed)
Background replacement feature (Background structure for all pages)
Page title change feature (Page title structure for all pages)
Sticky menu (Full compatible sticky menu)
","templateFullTitle":"Handymane - Repairman Services WordPress Theme","templatePreviewMetaDescription":"Handymane WordPress Theme is a WordPress theme that will create a superior brand image in the corporate concept made for Repair, Maintenance, Repairman,","templateDemoMetaDescription":"Before you purchase it, get the look and feel of the top quality Handymane - Repairman Services WordPress Theme WordPress Theme (#258230) by visiting the demo preview. Browse through the pages, examine the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","specificTemplateNameListing":null,"specificTemplateNamePreview":null,"anchorTitle":"Handymane - Repairman Services WordPress Theme","anchorFeature":"Premium","isInvertOrder":true,"isRTL":true,"anchorType":"","templateUrl":"/wordpress-themes/handymane-repairman-services-wordpress-theme-258230.html","userRating":0,"designIndex":1,"authorUserId":"2271497","exclusive":"1","state":1,"price":79,"inserted_date":"2022-07-04","sent":0,"downloads":23,"search_words":"business handyman maintenance plumber plumbing repair services electricity repairman electrician car repair boiler repair boiler maintenance home repair industrial air conditioner repair repairman services construction repairman wordpress theme handyman wordpress theme","is_adult":0,"exc_price":2100,"sent_date":"2022-07-04 11:39:03","last_upload":"2024-11-06 10:56:26","package_id":295,"hasExclusivePrice":1,"screenshots":[{"id":2717981,"templ_id":258230,"filename":"258230-original.png","width":800,"height":500,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":334,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2717982,"templ_id":258230,"filename":"258230-big.png","width":800,"height":500,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":311,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2717983,"templ_id":258230,"filename":"258230-med.jpg","width":370,"height":370,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":312,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2717984,"templ_id":258230,"filename":"258230-m.jpg","width":145,"height":156,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":9,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2717985,"templ_id":258230,"filename":"258230-b.jpg","width":430,"height":269,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":57,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0}],"demoUrl":"/demo/258230.html","image":"","searchHash":"56e7fd7ac44830247c54c4f95fe70978","previewHash":"994d25eb6650622f303e193aeb8f2a23","authorNickname":"garantiwebt","lowLevelTopic":"Painting Company Templates; Plumbing Templates; Home Repairs Templates; Lighting & Electricity Templates; Air Conditioning Templates","weightedRating":null,"annualSale":4,"monthlySales":1,"quarterlySales":3,"productBoost":0,"onSale":1,"finalPrice":62,"discountPercent":10,"discountAmount":7,"semiannualSales":4,"properties":{"features":["Premium","Responsive","Pro","Admin Panel","Bootstrap","Ajax","CV","Team Members","Light Template","Dropdown Menu","Google map","Tabs","Advanced Theme Options","Performance Optimization","Blog","Gallery","Portfolio","HTML 5","JQuery","Lazy Load effect"],"styles":["3D effect","Clean","Corporate","Minimalist","Artworks","Vector","Mobile"],"isLastAdded":"1","topic":["Painting Company Templates","Plumbing Templates","Home Repairs Templates","Lighting & Electricity Templates","Industrial Templates","Maintenance Services Templates","Air Conditioning Templates","Business & Services"],"isFree":"none","color":["white","blue","cyan"],"showVariantForcibly":"b","exclusive":"1","alreadyPacked":"1","compatibleWith":"Revolution Slider","authorUserId":"2271497","imagesIncluded":"Yes","tags":["business","construction","electrician","electricity","handyman","industrial","maintenance","plumber","plumbing","repair","repairman","services","home repair","car repair","boiler repair","boiler maintenance","air conditioner repair","repairman services","repairman wordpress theme","handyman wordpress theme"],"marketplaceMembership":"None","paidSupport":"Yes","wordPressBuilder":"WordPress Customizer API","wordpressComCompatibility":"Not Compatible","wordpressCompatibility":["6.0.x","6.1.x","6.2.x","6.3.x","6.4.x","6.5.x","6.6.x"],"nameOfTheTemplate":"Handymane - Repairman Services WordPress Theme","previewScreensOrVideoURLs":",,,, //","shortDescription":"
Handymane WordPress Theme is a WordPress theme that will create a superior brand image in the corporate concept made for Repair, Maintenance, Repairman, Plumbing, Boiler Repair, Boiler Maintenance, Electrician, HomeRepair, Industrial, Air ConditionerRepair and All Repair Services.
If you are a mechanic or repair company, you will not be able to abandon this template.
We guarantee that you will satisfy your customers with its special mobile design and special effects compatible with all devices.
Customers who will enter your site will see professional images with a special slider screen. And then it will create a striking impression with the special 3D effect visuals we have created in the corporate writing area.
We gave directions with amazing effects, together with the 3D services area in a special box layout. and just below we have added the brands area that you will repair and maintain. Thus, we gave a solid site image with a full corporate structure.
You will enlighten your visitors with this special mechanic wordpress theme that we have developed in Blue and White colors. You will get high returns with this template that we have created in special colors and tones that you can trust your customers.
Especially our administration panel is very simple. You will quickly complete all your content with special theme pages thanks to our special acf system. You will be able to customize all your colors and fonts with one click.
It has been coded as fully SEO compatible so that you can rank higher in search engines. So your competitors will stay behind.
Handymane WordPress Theme Features:
Easy and professional management (All rights, fonts, for use)
Via one-click demo (You can transfer content with one-click demo)
Responsive layout (Custom wordpress theme shaped for all mobile devices)
250 custom icon sets (Professional icons)
80 special web effects (Professional effects to customize your website)
Custom page designs (Easy page pages with custom page fields)
60 custom web fronts (your custom articles for your website)
Special menu (Special menu that we have effected with fine lines)
3d full screen custom slider area (Custom designed slider screen)
Carousel review (Swiper carousel)
Carousel team member (Swiper carousel)
Carousel blog (Swiper carousel)
SEO infrastructure development (Search engine specific infrastructure)
3d service special set area (professional services area prepared with icon program in box layout)
Team area (Private team area)
Offer forms (Special forms – contact formula 7)
Contact forms (Special forms – contact formula 7)
Custom blog structure (Accelerated article fields)
Pop-up menu (Custom screen menu)
Custom side widget (Icon set side widget)
Newsletter area (Footer newsletter area)
Social media icons (Custom social media icons)
Special services page (3d effects services page)
About us page (3d effect about page)
Brands area (Special area created for the brands you repair and repair)
Pop-up forms (Pop-down form fields from your packages)
Special front loader effect (Special effect)
Go up button (Fast speed)
Background replacement feature (Background structure for all pages)
Page title change feature (Page title structure for all pages)
Sticky menu (Full compatible sticky menu)
","uniqueKeywords":"business,handyman,maintenance,plumber,plumbing,repair,services,electricity,repairman,electrician,car repair,boiler repair,boiler maintenance,home repair,industrial,air conditioner repair,repairman services,construction,repairman wordpress theme,handyman wordpress theme","advImage":"","affiliateSells":"1","authorMainScreenshot":"","imageKeyFeatures":",,,,","livePreviewURL":"","metaDescription":"Handymane WordPress Theme is a WordPress theme that will create a superior brand image in the corporate concept made for Repair, Maintenance, Repairman,","saleSells":"1","templateSupportOptions":"[]","bitLyUrl":"","demoMetaDescription":"Before you purchase it, get the look and feel of the top quality Handymane - Repairman Services WordPress Theme WordPress Theme (#258230) by visiting the demo preview. Browse through the pages, examine the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","customUrl":"/wordpress-themes/handymane-repairman-services-wordpress-theme-258230.html","productSize":"45754897","changeLog":"Theme Update Version 1.0.8\n\nWe are pleased to announce a critical update to enhance theme stability and security:\n\n• Plugin Updates: All necessary plugins have been updated to their latest versions, including:\n\n-Advanced Custom Fields (now at version 6.3.6)\n-Classic Editor\n-Classic Widgets\n-Contact Form 7\n-Duplicate Menu\n-Duplicate Page\n-And all other essential plugins for optimal theme functionality\n\nTo maintain security, we advise all users to download the updated theme package and manually install the latest plugin versions from the \"inc/plugins/\" directory. Please ensure your PHP version is 8.0 or above when updating plugins to avoid compatibility issues.\n\nThis update strengthens security and ensures optimal performance, keeping your theme up-to-date and fully compatible.\n\n1.0.7\n\nAdvanced Custom Field Framework Plugin Upgraded, updated - Important critical update. It needs to be reinstalled. When updating plugins, make sure your PHP versions are 8.0 and above.\n\n1.0.6\n\nAcf Advanced Custom Fields 6.2.1 plugin has been updated.\n\n1.0.5\n\nAdvanced Custom Field Plugin 6.1.8 Upgraded, updated - Important critical update. It must be reinstalled.\nClassic Editor Plugin 1.6.3 Upgraded, updated\nContact Form Plugin 7 5.8 Upgraded, updated\nDuplicate Page Plugin 4.5.2 Upgraded, updated\nOne Click Demo Import Plugin 3.1.2 Upgraded, updated\nWordPress Importer Plugin 0.8.1 Upgraded, updated\nWP Options Importer Plugin 7.0 Upgraded, updated\nDuplicate Menu Plugin 0.2.2 Upgraded, updated\nMake sure your php versions are 8.0 and above when updating plugins.\n\n\n1.0.4\n\nAdded critical update.\n\nTheme settings custom meta fields have been updated. The json file has been updated. Carousels have been updated. All plugins have been updated. Icon codes have been updated. Updated web effects. Acf tabs updated. Updated sass and custom css files.\n\n1.0.3\n\ncritical update,\n\nAll plugins have been updated. Footer field has been updated. Images have been optimized. Code density has been increased. Special loader areas and button areas have been added to the administration panel. Added custom seo meta fields to theme settings.\n\n1.0.2\n\nUpdated the mobile design layout in the slider.\n\n1.0.1\n\nResponsive footer fields have been updated.","changeLogDate":"2024-11-06","trendiness":"1","webServerCompatibility":"Apache 2.4","pHPVersionCompatibility":["8.1","8.0","8.2"],"databaseServerCompatibility":["MySQL 8.0","MySQL 5.7"],"designSoftware":["Adobe Photoshop","Adobe Illustrator","Google Web Designer"],"generalSoftwareRequirements":["Code editing tool","ZIP unarchiver"],"excerpt":"
Handymane WordPress Theme is a WordPress theme that will create a superior brand image in the corporate concept made for Repair, Maintenance, Plumbing, Home Repair and All Repair Services.