Are you looking for a creative computer, technology, or IT theme? A theme that will reveal the full potential and essence of your company, work or startup? You already found it! ROBOit is a creative WordPress theme with an unusual design and will be a perfect solution for websites of IT companies, technologies, startups and everything related to computers, software development, servers and the internet.
That theme is almost completely editable. You can change all contents and design of its blocks and sections using the amazing Elementor plugin with some other add-ons and with a built-in \"Theme Settings\" option to customize your site according to your taste and color!
Variety of pages with thematic content
Exclusive bundled \"MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on\" plugin with new creative widgets for Elementor
Fast-loading template without anything redundant
Easy to Install, Use and Customize
WC3 Valid clean and SEO-friendly code
Fully Responsive
Support for customers
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Are you looking for a creative computer, technology, or IT theme? A theme that will reveal the full potential and essence of your company, work or startup? You already found it! ROBOit is a creative WordPress theme with an unusual design and will be a perfect solution for websites of IT companies, technologies, startups and everything related to computers, software development, servers and the internet.
That theme is almost completely editable. You can change all contents and design of its blocks and sections using the amazing Elementor plugin with some other add-ons and with a built-in \"Theme Settings\" option to customize your site according to your taste and color!
Variety of pages with thematic content
Exclusive bundled \"MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on\" plugin with new creative widgets for Elementor
ROBOit is a creative WordPress theme will be a perfect solution for websites of IT companies, technologies, startups and everything related to computers, software development, servers and the internet
","productFamily":"None","color":"black","followUpLetter":"wp-themes-offers","generalSoftwareRequirements":["Code editing tool","ZIP unarchiver"],"reviewsTotal":"1","wordpressCompatibility":["5.7.x","5.8.x","5.9.x","6.0.x","6.1.x","6.2.x","6.3.x"],"templateSupportOptions":"[]","changeLog":"## Version 1.5.0 - 12.10.2023:\r\n\r\n- Fixed a lot of important design fixes;\r\n- \"Update time of post\" line is visible;\r\n- Added new \"Services\" page with thematical content;\r\n- Added \"Header Settings\" tab in \"Theme Settings\";\r\n- Added option to change the color of header menu links in the admin panel;\r\n- Added option to change the color of the footer and it`s text in the admin panel;\r\n- Added option to change the color of content headings, text, lines and search field in sidebar on pages and posts in the admin panel;\r\n- Added option to change the color of text highlighting with the mouse in the admin panel;\r\n- Added option to change the background color of price list blocks;\r\n- Added \"Secondary Color\" option in \"Theme Settings\";\r\n- Removed option to change the color of each second section in the admin panel;\r\n- Section \"Single Post\" renamed to \"Single Posts and Pages\" in \"Theme Settings\";\r\n- \"Heading Divider Color\" option renamed to \"Main Color\" in \"Theme Settings\".\r\n\r\n## Version 1.4.0 - 12.05.2023\r\n- Fixed anchor menu links for secondary pages - slash will be automatically added to links if you use an anhors links in your menu\r\n- Added new page templates with thematic content: Fullwidth Blank (without parallax section), Fullwidth (with parallax section), With Left Sidebar, With Right Sidebar\r\n- Added new \"Our Projects\" page and child \"Team Projects\" pages for better functionality\r\n- Updated \"MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on\" from version 1.5.4 to 1.5.7 with a lot fo fixes and widget additions\r\n- Updated demo import file\r\n- Updated installation documentation\r\n- A lot of CSS minor changes and fixes\r\n\r\n## Version 1.3.1 - 16.03.2023\r\n- Fixed plugin installation and activation in bulk error\r\n\r\n## Version 1.3.0 - 17.02.2023\r\n- Replaced static dividers under section headings on dynamic and editable Elementor \"Divider\" widgets on main and about-us pages;\r\n- Added new \"Main Colors\" section in \"Theme Settings\" admin menu tab where user can set a color for headings dividers;\r\n- Updated \"MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on\" plugin from version 1.2 to version 1.5.4 in \"required-plugins\" folder;\r\n- Updated demo import file;\r\n- Some other minor style changes/fixes for a better cross-browser and mobile compatability\r\n\r\n## Version 1.2.1 - September 05 2022\r\n- Comment form removed from pages\r\n\r\n## Version 1.2.0 - September 04 2022\r\n- New \"MIM Elementor Addon\" plugin was added (no need to use \"Unlimited Elements for Elementor\" widget anymore - new plugin exists all new widgets from it and even some more new!);\r\n- All required plugins, demo and installation documentation were updated\r\n\r\n## Version 1.1 - May 16 2022\r\n- Small Fixes\r\n\r\n## Version 1.0 - May 16 2022\r\n- Initial release","reviewAverageScore":"1","livePreviewURL":"","authorMainScreenshot":"","templateGroup":"Wordpress Store","databaseServerCompatibility":["MySQL 8.0","MySQL 5.7","MariaDB 10"],"popularity":"Top Rated","alreadyPacked":"1","imagesIncluded":"Yes","templateIcon":"icon-wordpress","types":"WordPress Themes","trendiness":"2","bitLyUrl":"","paidSupport":"Yes","marketplaceMembership":"One","category":"Website templates"}}]"
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#246472 Preview