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string(13025) "[{"templateId":243579,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":223,"categoryName":"Shoe Store Templates","templateTitle":"Shoe Store Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Elegant Shop Pro- Minimal, Fast and Multipurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Elegant Shop Pro- Minimal, Fast and Multipurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme #243579","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"
Keeping shop owners in focus, be it startup or big store, this theme has tons of features that will help shop owners build a sophisticated and premium looking online store. You don’t have to think about the technicalities of WordPress and WooCommerce. Just sign in and customize your dream shop with a simple built in customizer.
It has additional custom pages that will add value to your store. Likewise, it has multiple header and banner options to suit your store’s objective. You can also change the font from Google fonts and typography according to the style you love. Other endless lists include translation ready, one click demo import option, RTL compatibility and more.
Whether it be your clothing store, jewelry shop, single product shop, electronic gadgets, furniture or any physical goods, Elegant shop pro is the perfect theme you’re looking for.
Features that make Elegant Shop Pro the best theme for your ecommerce business:
Support that works: We don't make impractical claims about our support systems. We do everything we can to resolve your problems within 16 hours to 24 hours of the issue reported. More than 99%, we pull it off. Rest of the issues we resolve either by theme updates or customizations.
Mega Menu Options: Ever you’ve felt your store should be equipped with a beautiful mega menu, you’re in the right place. With the max mega menu plugin, you can design a beautiful mega menu for your shop.
Elementor Compatible: Elegant Shop Pro theme is compatible with the Elementor website builder. Once you install the plugin, you can adjust the page's appearance, layout, and functionality on your own.
Beautiful in every device: Check it on your mobile, it looks soothing. Check it on your desktop, it looks majestic. Check it on your tablet, it looks creamy. Beautiful in every device. Sell your product and services from all available screen sizes.
Appealing UI/ UX: We have researched to deliver a full functional user interface and user experience for all kinds of online stores. You can change fonts, typography options and layouts based on your requirements.
Blazing Fast: Optimized for Core Web Vitals. Yes, you heard it right. Elegant shop pro is tuned and optimized for performance to enhance your visitors' experience. With this, you don’t have to worry about one of the parameters for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
One Click Demo Import: Simple as it gets. If you are new to WordPress and don’t know where to start, click the button and see the magic. All the demo contents will be imported within a few minutes.
Documentation: Yes, our documentations are plain, precise and simple.You can read it and customize your shop side by side, no dramas!
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Keeping shop owners in focus, be it startup or big store, this theme has tons of features that will help shop owners build a sophisticated and premium looking online store. You don’t have to think about the technicalities of WordPress and WooCommerce. Just sign in and customize your dream shop with a simple built in customizer.
It has additional custom pages that will add value to your store. Likewise, it has multiple header and banner options to suit your store’s objective. You can also change the font from Google fonts and typography according to the style you love. Other endless lists include translation ready, one click demo import option, RTL compatibility and more.
Whether it be your clothing store, jewelry shop, single product shop, electronic gadgets, furniture or any physical goods, Elegant shop pro is the perfect theme you’re looking for.
Features that make Elegant Shop Pro the best theme for your ecommerce business:
Support that works: We don't make impractical claims about our support systems. We do everything we can to resolve your problems within 16 hours to 24 hours of the issue reported. More than 99%, we pull it off. Rest of the issues we resolve either by theme updates or customizations.
Mega Menu Options: Ever you’ve felt your store should be equipped with a beautiful mega menu, you’re in the right place. With the max mega menu plugin, you can design a beautiful mega menu for your shop.
Elementor Compatible: Elegant Shop Pro theme is compatible with the Elementor website builder. Once you install the plugin, you can adjust the page's appearance, layout, and functionality on your own.
Beautiful in every device: Check it on your mobile, it looks soothing. Check it on your desktop, it looks majestic. Check it on your tablet, it looks creamy. Beautiful in every device. Sell your product and services from all available screen sizes.
Appealing UI/ UX: We have researched to deliver a full functional user interface and user experience for all kinds of online stores. You can change fonts, typography options and layouts based on your requirements.
Blazing Fast: Optimized for Core Web Vitals. Yes, you heard it right. Elegant shop pro is tuned and optimized for performance to enhance your visitors' experience. With this, you don’t have to worry about one of the parameters for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
One Click Demo Import: Simple as it gets. If you are new to WordPress and don’t know where to start, click the button and see the magic. All the demo contents will be imported within a few minutes.
Documentation: Yes, our documentations are plain, precise and simple.You can read it and customize your shop side by side, no dramas!
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#243579 Preview