Agrofarm is a WordPress theme designed specifically for agriculture and gardening-related websites. The theme has a clean and modern design that is easy to navigate and use.
Agrofarm comes with a variety of pre-designed page templates that can be customized to fit your specific needs. The theme includes templates for homepages, about us pages, services pages, blog pages, and more. These templates are designed to showcase your business and services, and provide an engaging user experience for your visitors.
Agrofarm also includes a variety of features that are essential for agriculture and gardening websites. These features include support for WooCommerce, so you can easily set up an online store to sell your products. The theme also includes support for events and calendars, so you can promote upcoming events, workshops, or classes.
Other features include support for multiple languages, a variety of color schemes, and integration with popular plugins like Yoast SEO and Contact Form 7.
Overall, Agrofarm is a great choice for anyone looking to create a professional and engaging website for their agriculture or gardening business.
It's a little different. It is based on agriculture and gardens. The demand for this type of website is huge in today's world. So here is an attempt to highlight all the issues related to agriculture and garden. This is a great theme for a variety of organizations and agriculture-based companies. We have tried to present the theme very nicely. And we have added many agriculture based options in this theme.
The Theme is relevant with Organic Food, Agriculture, Organic Food Store, Organic Agriculture, Farmer, Plant Biotechnology, Precision Farming, Tillage, fresh food store, market food, grocery market, organic food shop, Eco products stores, bakery stores, Farming, Natural Products.
Drag & Drop Page Builder Elementor
Modern & Unique Design
100% Responsive For All Kind Of Device
Woommerce Available
7+ Unique Demo
15+ Different Header Style.
S E O friendly
Mobile Friendly Layout
Added Woo Commerce Functionality
All Image Has Been Included
Google Fonts-500+
Built for WordPress
WordPress Latest Version
Unlimited Colors Customization
Header Customization
Footer Customization
Logo Customization
Menu Customization
Buttons Customization
Added Video
Smooth Scroll
Mobile Browsers Compatible
Font Awesome Icon
W3C Valid HTML Code
Flexible & Reliable support
Carousel Added
Contact Form 7
Redux framework
online documentation and video tutorial
No coding knowledge required
Easily create different Home or other pages
Flexible easy-to-use page options
Fully Customizable
Unlimited colors for design & content elements
Responsive visibility options
Optimized for Contact Form 7
MailChim for WordPress
WPML Translator
Loco Translator
Polylang Translator
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Agrofarm comes with a variety of pre-designed page templates that can be customized to fit your specific needs. The theme includes templates for homepages, about us pages, services pages, blog pages, and more. These templates are designed to showcase your business and services, and provide an engaging user experience for your visitors.
Agrofarm also includes a variety of features that are essential for agriculture and gardening websites. These features include support for WooCommerce, so you can easily set up an online store to sell your products. The theme also includes support for events and calendars, so you can promote upcoming events, workshops, or classes.
Other features include support for multiple languages, a variety of color schemes, and integration with popular plugins like Yoast SEO and Contact Form 7.
Overall, Agrofarm is a great choice for anyone looking to create a professional and engaging website for their agriculture or gardening business.
It's a little different. It is based on agriculture and gardens. The demand for this type of website is huge in today's world. So here is an attempt to highlight all the issues related to agriculture and garden. This is a great theme for a variety of organizations and agriculture-based companies. We have tried to present the theme very nicely. And we have added many agriculture based options in this theme.
The Theme is relevant with Organic Food, Agriculture, Organic Food Store, Organic Agriculture, Farmer, Plant Biotechnology, Precision Farming, Tillage, fresh food store, market food, grocery market, organic food shop, Eco products stores, bakery stores, Farming, Natural Products.
Drag & Drop Page Builder Elementor
Modern & Unique Design
100% Responsive For All Kind Of Device
Woommerce Available
7+ Unique Demo
15+ Different Header Style.
S E O friendly
Mobile Friendly Layout
Added Woo Commerce Functionality
All Image Has Been Included
Google Fonts-500+
Built for WordPress
WordPress Latest Version
Unlimited Colors Customization
Header Customization
Footer Customization
Logo Customization
Menu Customization
Buttons Customization
Added Video
Smooth Scroll
Mobile Browsers Compatible
Font Awesome Icon
W3C Valid HTML Code
Flexible & Reliable support
Carousel Added
Contact Form 7
Redux framework
online documentation and video tutorial
No coding knowledge required
Easily create different Home or other pages
Flexible easy-to-use page options
Fully Customizable
Unlimited colors for design & content elements
Responsive visibility options
Optimized for Contact Form 7
MailChim for WordPress
WPML Translator
Loco Translator
Polylang Translator
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