Barbon is a Joomla 4 & 5 Template, fully responsive with 3 website demos for Barber shops ready to use. Use this template to construct sites for tattoos, haircuts, and all types of what you want to do, because it has tons of features and extensions like SP Page Builder Pro, Helix Ultimate 2, Bootstrap 5, Photo Gallery and much more.
Building your site
So easy that you only need 3 steps: Install Demo (Quickstart in Joomla 5), select your preferred demo and fill your content easily. Or you can combine versions to create your own exclusive version.
You can customize the fonts, colors (custom prest or edit prests), backgrounds, header styles, layout, module positions, menus, megamenus, etc. from the advanced Helix Ultimate 2 template manager.
To create content without limits, you have SP Page Builder with Artificial Intelligence, a visual and real-time builder, with more than 68 addons and each addon with many styles.
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Barbon is a Joomla 4 & 5 Template, fully responsive with 3 website demos for Barber shops ready to use. Use this template to construct sites for tattoos, haircuts, and all types of what you want to do, because it has tons of features and extensions like SP Page Builder Pro, Helix Ultimate 2, Bootstrap 5, Photo Gallery and much more.
Building your site
So easy that you only need 3 steps: Install Demo (Quickstart in Joomla 5), select your preferred demo and fill your content easily. Or you can combine versions to create your own exclusive version.
You can customize the fonts, colors (custom prest or edit prests), backgrounds, header styles, layout, module positions, menus, megamenus, etc. from the advanced Helix Ultimate 2 template manager.
To create content without limits, you have SP Page Builder with Artificial Intelligence, a visual and real-time builder, with more than 68 addons and each addon with many styles.
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Barbon is a Joomla 4 & 5 Template, fully responsive with 3 website demos for Barber shops ready to use. Use this template to build sites for tattoos, haircuts, and all types that you want