string(96) "" string(13738) "[{"templateId":210164,"typeId":17,"typeName":"WordPress theme","typeUrl":"wordpress-themes","categoryId":490,"categoryName":"Child Charity Templates","templateTitle":"Child Charity Responsive WordPress Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Mercify - Nonprofit, Charity, Donation and Fundraising WordPress Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live preview for Mercify - Nonprofit, Charity, Donation and Fundraising WordPress Theme #210164","typeShortName":"WordPress","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Mercify is a WordPress theme that may be used to create a website for a charity, donate, or fundraising, among other things.

It's a nice-looking WordPress theme with a modern and clean style that's built with Bootstrap 5. Furthermore, the theme offers a versatile layout that allows you to create a responsive website. The theme is totally responsive and designed for tablets and smartphones.

The theme is compatible with the most popular eCommerce plugins, such as WooCommerce, as well as contribution plugins, such as GiveWP, and it has simple contact and donation forms that can be integrated with PayPal, MailChimp, and other services.

The theme is SEO-friendly and comes with a plethora of options for customizing it to your suit. The theme will assist you in setting up campaigns and making it simple to keep track of the funds raised and donations received.

What features are included?

and much more...

Key Features:

Elementor Page Builder is an important feature.

With the Drag & Drop Elementor page builder, you can construct stunning pages in real time and preview them in the blink of an eye. With Elementor Page Builder, everything gets simpler and more convenient.

Builder for the Header and Footer

You are free to design your own header and footer. You can set one header and footer using the theme customizer option regardless of how many headers or footers are available. With the theme, you'll also get a pre-made header and footer.

Import demos with a single click.

It is really simple to include demo content on your website. You only need one mouse click to activate the theme and all plugins. Your site will look just like our demo after a few seconds.

Images for free.

All of the photographs on your site will be displayed after you import the demo material. I hope you are pleased with it.

Documentation and assistance.

If you have any problems or concerns with the theme, or if you have any feature requests, please start a support ticket. We would be delighted to assist and will do our best to assist.


Font Awesome (Icons)

Flaticon (Icons)


Pixabay (Images)


Change Log

Version 1.0.0 -Initial Release

","templateFullTitle":"Mercify - Nonprofit, Charity, Donation and Fundraising WordPress Theme","templatePreviewMetaDescription":"Mercify is a WordPress theme that may be used to create a website for a charity, donate, or fundraising, among other things.It's a nice-looking WordPress theme","templateDemoMetaDescription":"Explore the live preview for the high quality Mercify - Nonprofit, Charity, Donation and Fundraising WordPress Theme WordPress Theme (#210164) to understand what this template is prior to buying it. View the pages, check out the images, click the buttons, explore the functionality.","specificTemplateNameListing":null,"specificTemplateNamePreview":null,"anchorTitle":"Mercify - Nonprofit, Charity, Donation and Fundraising WordPress Theme","anchorFeature":"Responsive","isInvertOrder":true,"isRTL":true,"anchorType":"","templateUrl":"/wordpress-themes/mercify-nonprofit-charity-donation-and-fundraising-wordpress-theme-210164.html","userRating":"5","designIndex":1,"authorUserId":"1669413","exclusive":"1","state":1,"price":46,"inserted_date":"2021-10-25","sent":0,"downloads":15,"search_words":"charity donations foundation fundraising nonprofit elementor crowdfunding fundraiser crowdsourcing funding financing child charity social welfare social awareness","is_adult":0,"exc_price":2100,"sent_date":"2021-10-25 10:54:41","last_upload":"2023-08-29 10:51:16","package_id":295,"hasExclusivePrice":1,"screenshots":[{"id":2477666,"templ_id":210164,"filename":"210164-original.png","width":1600,"height":814,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":334,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2477667,"templ_id":210164,"filename":"210164-big.png","width":1600,"height":814,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":311,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2477668,"templ_id":210164,"filename":"210164-med.jpg","width":370,"height":370,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":312,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2477669,"templ_id":210164,"filename":"210164-m.jpg","width":145,"height":156,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":9,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2477670,"templ_id":210164,"filename":"210164-b.jpg","width":430,"height":219,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":57,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0}],"demoUrl":"/demo/210164.html","image":"","searchHash":"250b4051899a080d6aac5654a884ed45","previewHash":"3113dfdee9d5dc48d328c6645387303e","authorNickname":"ThemeIM","lowLevelTopic":"Child Charity Templates; NGO","weightedRating":4.1818181818182,"annualSale":2,"monthlySales":0,"quarterlySales":0,"productBoost":50,"onSale":0,"finalPrice":46,"discountPercent":0,"discountAmount":0,"semiannualSales":0,"properties":{"features":["Responsive","Search Engine Friendly","Bootstrap","Retina Ready","Team Members","Light Template","Google map","Sample content","Drag and Drop Content","Themes Bundle","Blog","HTML 5","JQuery","Parallax","Website Builder"],"styles":["Clean","Flat","Material Design"],"isLastAdded":"1","topic":["Charity Templates","Religious Templates","Child Charity Templates","Society & People","NGO"],"isFree":"none","color":["black","white","cyan","green"],"showVariantForcibly":"b","exclusive":"1","authorUserId":"1669413","alreadyPacked":"1","compatibleWith":["WooCommerce","WPML","MailChimp","Polylang"],"marketplaceMembership":"One","imagesIncluded":"Yes","tags":["charity","donations","financing","foundation","funding","fundraising","nonprofit","elementor","crowdfunding","fundraiser","crowdsourcing","child charity","social welfare","social awareness"],"wordPressBuilder":["Gutenberg Editor","Elementor Website Builder"],"wordpressCompatibility":["5.5.x","5.6.x","5.7.x","5.8.x","5.9.x","6.0.x","6.1.x","6.2.x","6.3.x","6.4.x"],"paidSupport":"Yes","wooCommerceCompatibility":["5.0.x","5.1.x","5.2.x","5.3.x","5.4.x","5.5.x","5.6.x","7.1.x","7.2.x","7.3.x","7.4.x","7.5.x","7.6.x","7.7.x","7.8.x","7.9.x","8.0.x"],"nameOfTheTemplate":"Mercify - Nonprofit, Charity, Donation and Fundraising WordPress Theme","shortDescription":"

Mercify is a WordPress theme that may be used to create a website for a charity, donate, or fundraising, among other things.

It's a nice-looking WordPress theme with a modern and clean style that's built with Bootstrap 5. Furthermore, the theme offers a versatile layout that allows you to create a responsive website. The theme is totally responsive and designed for tablets and smartphones.

The theme is compatible with the most popular eCommerce plugins, such as WooCommerce, as well as contribution plugins, such as GiveWP, and it has simple contact and donation forms that can be integrated with PayPal, MailChimp, and other services.

The theme is SEO-friendly and comes with a plethora of options for customizing it to your suit. The theme will assist you in setting up campaigns and making it simple to keep track of the funds raised and donations received.

What features are included?

and much more...

Key Features:

Elementor Page Builder is an important feature.

With the Drag & Drop Elementor page builder, you can construct stunning pages in real time and preview them in the blink of an eye. With Elementor Page Builder, everything gets simpler and more convenient.

Builder for the Header and Footer

You are free to design your own header and footer. You can set one header and footer using the theme customizer option regardless of how many headers or footers are available. With the theme, you'll also get a pre-made header and footer.

Import demos with a single click.

It is really simple to include demo content on your website. You only need one mouse click to activate the theme and all plugins. Your site will look just like our demo after a few seconds.

Images for free.

All of the photographs on your site will be displayed after you import the demo material. I hope you are pleased with it.

Documentation and assistance.

If you have any problems or concerns with the theme, or if you have any feature requests, please start a support ticket. We would be delighted to assist and will do our best to assist.


Font Awesome (Icons)

Flaticon (Icons)


Pixabay (Images)


Change Log

Version 1.0.0 -Initial Release

","uniqueKeywords":"charity,donations,foundation,fundraising,nonprofit,elementor,crowdfunding,fundraiser,crowdsourcing,funding,financing,child charity,social welfare,social awareness","advImage":"","affiliateSells":"1","authorMainScreenshot":"","changeLog":"August 29, 2023\n-Fixed event display wrong result bugs in theme","imageKeyFeatures":"","livePreviewURL":"","metaDescription":"Mercify is a WordPress theme that may be used to create a website for a charity, donate, or fundraising, among other things.It's a nice-looking WordPress theme","saleSells":"1","templateSupportOptions":"[]","bitLyUrl":"","demoMetaDescription":"Explore the live preview for the high quality Mercify - Nonprofit, Charity, Donation and Fundraising WordPress Theme WordPress Theme (#210164) to understand what this template is prior to buying it. View the pages, check out the images, click the buttons, explore the functionality.","customUrl":"/wordpress-themes/mercify-nonprofit-charity-donation-and-fundraising-wordpress-theme-210164.html","productSize":"2967289","lastmod":"2022-03-19T12:04:44-04:00","trendiness":"1","wordpressComCompatibility":"Not Compatible","webServerCompatibility":["Apache 2.4","Nginx 1.2x"],"pHPVersionCompatibility":["8.1","8.0","7.4","8.2"],"databaseServerCompatibility":["MySQL 8.0","MySQL 5.7","MariaDB 10"],"designSoftware":["Adobe Photoshop","Figma"],"generalSoftwareRequirements":["Code editing tool","ZIP unarchiver"],"excerpt":"

It's a nice-looking WordPress theme with a modern and clean style that's built with Bootstrap 5. Furthermore, the theme offers a versatile layout that allows you to create a responsive website.

","changeLogDate":"2023-07-25","reviewsTotal":"1","reviewAverageScore":"5","types":"WordPress Themes","templateIcon":"icon-wordpress","hELPURL":"/quick-start-guide/wordpress/","followUpLetter":"wp-themes-offers","productFamily":"None","templateGroup":"Wordpress Store","category":"Website templates"}}]" array(17) { [0]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" [1]=> string(20) "Server: nginx/1.22.0" [2]=> string(35) "Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 00:40:35 GMT" [3]=> string(45) "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" [4]=> string(17) "Connection: close" [5]=> string(130) "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Pagination-Current-Page, X-Pagination-Page-Count, X-Pagination-Per-Page, X-Pagination-Total-Count" [6]=> string(12) "Vary: Accept" [7]=> string(27) "X-Pagination-Total-Count: 1" [8]=> string(26) "X-Pagination-Page-Count: 1" [9]=> string(28) "X-Pagination-Current-Page: 1" [10]=> string(25) "X-Pagination-Per-Page: 20" [11]=> string(293) "Link: ; rel=self, ; rel=first, ; rel=last" [12]=> string(38) "Expires: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 00:45:35 GMT" [13]=> string(26) "Cache-Control: max-age=300" [14]=> string(16) "Direct_API: true" [15]=> string(22) "X-Cache-Status: BYPASS" [16]=> string(24) "X-Up:" } #210164 Preview

Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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