string(96) "" string(13936) "[{"templateId":183146,"typeId":61,"typeName":"OpenCart Template","typeUrl":"opencart-templates","categoryId":427,"categoryName":"Computer Store Templates","templateTitle":"Computer Store Responsive OpenCart Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Martaza - Multipurpose OpenCart Template - TemplateMonster","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo for Martaza - Multipurpose OpenCart Template #183146","typeShortName":"OpenCart","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Theme Overview

Martaza is one of the best responsive and multipurpose design, Designed to match the style of an electronics webstore. Martaza Theme is specially Suitable for mega store, electronics store, kitchen accessories, tv, digital, mobile, computers, laptop, speaker, sound system, CCTV, camera, watch, accessories, deals, appliances, fashion, furniture, home decor, minimal and multipurpose store. Martaza Electronics Opencart template is looking good with colors combination and layout. All sub pages are customized. Martaza them is professional and looking clean and different look. Martaza OpenCart Theme is one of the best theme for creating ecommerce online website.

Martaza is support multiple languages. Full right-to-left language (Arabic) support. Boost your site with web optimized Google fonts with customizable style Multilingual languages - Martaza theme supports multiple languages so it can help you create store according to your country and sell your products in the world without hasitate. Multiple currencies - visitor can buy product on own currency. Image popup - Image Popup allows to view images in large size without going to the product page just by clicking on the image.

Create Your website as you wish how it should look using best feature of opencart, so don't need any coding knowledge. Martaza is design with high quality which helps you create your website with an awesome combination of color related to your products. Martaza SEO friendly so you can add your website content accordingly to high rank in search engines which can help you drive more amd more traffic on your website.

Responsive design - Martaza is full responsive and mobile friendly design so it's allows to get a better shopping view on any devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptop, computers.

SEO friendly - Martaza is designed for SEO friendly because you can add your store content to the top ranking on the search engine.

Sticky menu - Using this features visitor can navigate menu from anywhere of the website don't need to go to the top of the page.

Custom block - Martaza custom block module helps you add custome block to your homepage or any other pages as per your requirements, you can add or remove custom blocks from layouts. You can create multiple blocks.

Quick view - Quick view allows to view products with all detailed information quickly in the popup without opening the product page and visitors can buy or add to wishlist, buy now etc.

Multilingual languages - You can view website on your language using language option, It's very easy just switch language and view full website on your language.

Multiple currencies - You can buy anything on your currency.


","templateFullTitle":"Martaza - Multipurpose OpenCart Template","templatePreviewMetaDescription":"Theme OverviewMartaza is one of the best responsive and multipurpose design, Designed to match the style of an electronics webstore. Martaza Theme is specially","templateDemoMetaDescription":"Prior to buying it, get the look and feel of the top quality Martaza - Multipurpose OpenCart Template OpenCart Template (#183146) by viewing the live preview. View the pages, examine the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","specificTemplateNameListing":null,"specificTemplateNamePreview":null,"anchorTitle":"Martaza - Multipurpose OpenCart Template","anchorFeature":"Premium","isInvertOrder":true,"isRTL":true,"anchorType":"","templateUrl":"/opencart-templates/martaza-multipurpose-opencart-template-183146.html","userRating":0,"designIndex":1,"authorUserId":"1731972","exclusive":"1","state":1,"price":77,"inserted_date":"2021-05-06","sent":0,"downloads":0,"search_words":"minimal,clean,modern,blog,store,form","is_adult":0,"exc_price":2100,"sent_date":"2021-05-06 12:16:38","last_upload":"2021-05-06 13:51:14","package_id":295,"hasExclusivePrice":1,"screenshots":[{"scr_type_id":334,"filename":"183146-original.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":183146,"width":1600,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2342705,"href":"","height":1000},{"scr_type_id":311,"filename":"183146-big.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":183146,"width":1600,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2342706,"href":"","height":1000},{"scr_type_id":312,"filename":"183146-med.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":183146,"width":370,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2342707,"href":"","height":370},{"scr_type_id":9,"filename":"183146-m.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":183146,"width":145,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2342708,"href":"","height":156},{"scr_type_id":57,"filename":"183146-b.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":183146,"width":430,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2342709,"href":"","height":269}],"demoUrl":"/demo/183146.html","image":"","searchHash":"5c041e63fccea31162474ff5b0075b65","previewHash":"4f4ac314631aec3404fbea51440e31db","authorNickname":"WebiBazaar","lowLevelTopic":"Mobile Store Templates; Audio Store Templates; Computer Store Templates; Electronics Store Templates","weightedRating":null,"annualSale":null,"monthlySales":null,"quarterlySales":0,"productBoost":125,"onSale":0,"finalPrice":77,"discountPercent":0,"discountAmount":0,"semiannualSales":0,"properties":{"productFamily":"None","color":["black","white","blue"],"followUpLetter":"opencart-offers","productSize":"47203929","uniqueKeywords":"minimal,clean,modern,blog,store,form","templateSupportOptions":"[]","showVariantForcibly":"b","affiliateSells":"1","metaDescription":"Theme OverviewMartaza is one of the best responsive and multipurpose design, Designed to match the style of an electronics webstore. Martaza Theme is specially","opencartEngine":"","imageKeyFeatures":"","features":["Premium","Responsive","Admin Panel","Search Engine Friendly","Bootstrap","Ajax","Retina Ready","Right to left language support","eCommerce","MegaMenu","Blog","Portfolio","HTML 5"],"saleSells":"1","livePreviewURL":"","authorUserId":"1731972","isFree":"none","authorMainScreenshot":"","templateGroup":"eCommerce Templates","hELPURL":"/quick-start-guide/opencart/","popularity":"Zero Downloads","alreadyPacked":"1","installation":"Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder).","openCartModules":["Account","Affiliate","Banner","Carousel","Category","Featured","Information","Latest","Specials"],"exclusive":"1","imagesIncluded":"No","templateIcon":"icon-opencart","lastmod":"2022-02-19T00:05:55-05:00","previewScreensOrVideoURLs":",,,,","types":"OpenCart Templates","trendiness":"1","demoMetaDescription":"Prior to buying it, get the look and feel of the top quality Martaza - Multipurpose OpenCart Template OpenCart Template (#183146) by viewing the live preview. View the pages, examine the images, click the buttons, explore the features.","shortDescription":"

Theme Overview

Martaza is one of the best responsive and multipurpose design, Designed to match the style of an electronics webstore. Martaza Theme is specially Suitable for mega store, electronics store, kitchen accessories, tv, digital, mobile, computers, laptop, speaker, sound system, CCTV, camera, watch, accessories, deals, appliances, fashion, furniture, home decor, minimal and multipurpose store. Martaza Electronics Opencart template is looking good with colors combination and layout. All sub pages are customized. Martaza them is professional and looking clean and different look. Martaza OpenCart Theme is one of the best theme for creating ecommerce online website.

Martaza is support multiple languages. Full right-to-left language (Arabic) support. Boost your site with web optimized Google fonts with customizable style Multilingual languages - Martaza theme supports multiple languages so it can help you create store according to your country and sell your products in the world without hasitate. Multiple currencies - visitor can buy product on own currency. Image popup - Image Popup allows to view images in large size without going to the product page just by clicking on the image.

Create Your website as you wish how it should look using best feature of opencart, so don't need any coding knowledge. Martaza is design with high quality which helps you create your website with an awesome combination of color related to your products. Martaza SEO friendly so you can add your website content accordingly to high rank in search engines which can help you drive more amd more traffic on your website.

Responsive design - Martaza is full responsive and mobile friendly design so it's allows to get a better shopping view on any devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptop, computers.

SEO friendly - Martaza is designed for SEO friendly because you can add your store content to the top ranking on the search engine.

Sticky menu - Using this features visitor can navigate menu from anywhere of the website don't need to go to the top of the page.

Custom block - Martaza custom block module helps you add custome block to your homepage or any other pages as per your requirements, you can add or remove custom blocks from layouts. You can create multiple blocks.

Quick view - Quick view allows to view products with all detailed information quickly in the popup without opening the product page and visitors can buy or add to wishlist, buy now etc.

Multilingual languages - You can view website on your language using language option, It's very easy just switch language and view full website on your language.

Multiple currencies - You can buy anything on your currency.


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Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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