Shopbox - Best E-Commerce OpenCart Theme it is a simple and clean layout with an elegant design. It’s very easy to install and to use. No HTML knowledge requires, easy to install and easy to use.It has been built with mobile users in mind. So it looks great on desktops, tablets, and mobiles.
Shopbox is an awesome, robust, and flexible theme with a design and all features of online category and fully customize,suitable for an E-commerce website. It is dedicated to fashion, Jewellery, cosmetics, Home appliances, bags,Organic,Restaurant, watches, Fashion, Ceramic, Flower, Shoes, Power-Tool, Pet-Store.
Shopbox is supporting Multiple languages. Full right-to-left language (Arabic) support. Boost your site with 600+ web optimized Google fonts with customizable style Multilingual languages - opencart theme supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide. Multiple currencies - opencart supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales. Product image pop-up - this feature allows visitors to view images in large size without going to the product page just by clicking on the product image.
Performance - High-Speed performance, page speed Optimised, SEO friendly, Full page cache, Lazy loading images, combined and minify CSS and Javascript
bootstrap - Customise bootstrap 4 theming from admin panel without any code modification and create own version of bootstrap by changing color pallets, breakpoints, container size, typography, and components styles and spacing
SEO friendly - Shopbox is designed SEO friendly so you can add your store content accordingly to rank high in search engines which can help you drive more visitors to your store.
Performance - high speed performance, page speed optimized, SEO friendly, Full page cache, Lazy loading images, combined and minify CSS and Javascript
Blog - Create blog articles, categories and authors. Allow comments on post.
Custom block - OpenCart custom block plugin which helps you add a customized block to your homepage or other pages, you can assign new blocks using layouts. You can create multiple blocks using it.
Quick view - this feature allows visitors to view products with all detailed information quickly via pop-up menu without opening the product page and allows visitors to take action such as add to wishlist, add to cart, buy now.
Multilingual languages - Shopbox supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide.
Multiple currencies - Shopbox supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales.
BLOG Module
PSD included
Cross Browser Compatibility
One ClickQuickstart Install
Mobile Friendly
Custom Slideshow
Brand image slider
Grid / List view
AJAX add to cart
Product Slider
MultiCurrency Supported
Responsive Design
Cloud zoom and images slider
Customized Product Page
Well Documentation
Advanced Typography Options!
Use Google Fonts, Standard Fonts, or Upload Your Custom Font!
Advanced Search Options!
Full control over site width; content area and sidebars
Graphics Used
Quick Support
Social media Share Icons
Customer Review Options
Scroll To Top Button
Fully Customizable
Unlimited Banners + Sliders
Free updates and technical support
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Shopbox OpenCart Theme Overview
Shopbox - Best E-Commerce OpenCart Theme it is a simple and clean layout with an elegant design. It’s very easy to install and to use. No HTML knowledge requires, easy to install and easy to use.It has been built with mobile users in mind. So it looks great on desktops, tablets, and mobiles.
Shopbox is an awesome, robust, and flexible theme with a design and all features of online category and fully customize,suitable for an E-commerce website. It is dedicated to fashion, Jewellery, cosmetics, Home appliances, bags,Organic,Restaurant, watches, Fashion, Ceramic, Flower, Shoes, Power-Tool, Pet-Store.
Shopbox is supporting Multiple languages. Full right-to-left language (Arabic) support. Boost your site with 600+ web optimized Google fonts with customizable style Multilingual languages - opencart theme supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide. Multiple currencies - opencart supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales. Product image pop-up - this feature allows visitors to view images in large size without going to the product page just by clicking on the product image.
Performance - High-Speed performance, page speed Optimised, SEO friendly, Full page cache, Lazy loading images, combined and minify CSS and Javascript
bootstrap - Customise bootstrap 4 theming from admin panel without any code modification and create own version of bootstrap by changing color pallets, breakpoints, container size, typography, and components styles and spacing
SEO friendly - Shopbox is designed SEO friendly so you can add your store content accordingly to rank high in search engines which can help you drive more visitors to your store.
Performance - high speed performance, page speed optimized, SEO friendly, Full page cache, Lazy loading images, combined and minify CSS and Javascript
Blog - Create blog articles, categories and authors. Allow comments on post.
Custom block - OpenCart custom block plugin which helps you add a customized block to your homepage or other pages, you can assign new blocks using layouts. You can create multiple blocks using it.
Quick view - this feature allows visitors to view products with all detailed information quickly via pop-up menu without opening the product page and allows visitors to take action such as add to wishlist, add to cart, buy now.
Multilingual languages - Shopbox supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide.
Multiple currencies - Shopbox supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales.
BLOG Module
PSD included
Cross Browser Compatibility
One ClickQuickstart Install
Mobile Friendly
Custom Slideshow
Brand image slider
Grid / List view
AJAX add to cart
Product Slider
MultiCurrency Supported
Responsive Design
Cloud zoom and images slider
Customized Product Page
Well Documentation
Advanced Typography Options!
Use Google Fonts, Standard Fonts, or Upload Your Custom Font!
Advanced Search Options!
Full control over site width; content area and sidebars
Graphics Used
Quick Support
Social media Share Icons
Customer Review Options
Scroll To Top Button
Fully Customizable
Unlimited Banners + Sliders
Free updates and technical support
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#175275 Preview