string(96) "" string(16064) "[{"templateId":162393,"typeId":61,"typeName":"OpenCart Template","typeUrl":"opencart-templates","categoryId":427,"categoryName":"Computer Store Templates","templateTitle":"Computer Store Responsive OpenCart Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Cartsly - Responsive Multi-Purpose OpenCart Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Cartsly - Responsive Multi-Purpose OpenCart Template #162393","typeShortName":"OpenCart","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Theme Overview

Cartsly is a robust and flexible theme, Designed to match the style of an electronics website. Cartsly Theme is specially Suitable for mega store, electronics store, kitchen accessories, tv, digital, mobile, computers, laptop, speaker, sound system, CCTV, camera, watch, accessories, deals, appliances, fashion, furniture, home decor, minimal and multipurpose store. Cartsly Electronics Opencart template is looking good with colors combination and layout. All sub pages are customized. It is very nice with its clean and professional look. Cartsly Premium OpenCart Theme is the best choice for your eCommerce online website store.

Cartsly is support multiple languages. Full right-to-left language (Arabic) support. Boost your site with 600+ web optimized Google fonts with customizable style Multilingual languages - OpenCart theme supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide. Multiple currencies - OpenCart supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales. Product image pop-up - this feature allows visitors to view images in large size without going to the product page just by clicking on the product image.

Opencart theme allows you to create a store you wish how it should look using drag & drop feature so you can create a store by yourself without any knowledge of coding or hiring tech guy for it. Opencart themes are designed high quality which helps you create your brand store with an awesome color combination. Opencart themes are designed SEO friendly so you can add your store content accordingly to rank high in search engines which can help you drive more visitors to your store.

Responsive design - Cartsly is full responsive design which allows visitors to get a better shopping experience when opened from any devices such as mobile phones, tablets, computers.

SEO friendly - Cartsly is designed SEO friendly so you can add your store content accordingly to rank high in search engines which can help you drive more visitors to your store.

Stick to top menu - this feature allows you to stick your store menu to top so when visitors scroll down, it helps visitors to navigate anywhere without going back to top.

Custom block - opencart custom block plugin which helps you add a customized block to your homepage or other pages, you ca

n assign new blocks using layouts. You can create multiple blocks using it.

Quick view - this feature allows visitors to view products with all detailed information quickly via pop-up menu without opening the product page and allows visitors to take action such as add to wishlist, add to cart, buy now.

Multilingual languages - Cartsly supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide.

Multiple currencies - Cartsly supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales.


","templateFullTitle":"Cartsly - Responsive Multi-Purpose OpenCart Template","templatePreviewMetaDescription":"Theme OverviewCartsly is a robust and flexible theme, Designed to match the style of an electronics website. Cartsly Theme is specially Suitable for mega","templateDemoMetaDescription":"The demo preview for this professional Cartsly - Responsive Multi-Purpose OpenCart Template (#162393) is available here for you to get informed about the theme before buying it. Browse through the pages, check the images, press the buttons, explore the functionality.","specificTemplateNameListing":null,"specificTemplateNamePreview":null,"anchorTitle":"Cartsly - Responsive Multi-Purpose OpenCart Template","anchorFeature":"Responsive","isInvertOrder":true,"isRTL":true,"anchorType":"","templateUrl":"/opencart-templates/cartsly-responsive-multi-purpose-opencart-template-162393.html","userRating":0,"designIndex":1,"authorUserId":"1731972","exclusive":"1","state":1,"price":97,"inserted_date":"2021-02-01","sent":0,"downloads":0,"search_words":"ecommerce,multipurpose,opencart3,wood,furniture,light,wooden,mobile,store,responsive,fashion,accessories,shoe,modern,clothes,shopping,theme,clean,minimal,food","is_adult":0,"exc_price":2100,"sent_date":"2021-02-01 12:47:57","last_upload":"2021-02-01 12:49:53","package_id":295,"hasExclusivePrice":1,"screenshots":[{"scr_type_id":334,"filename":"162393-original.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":162393,"width":1600,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2239119,"href":"","height":1000},{"scr_type_id":311,"filename":"162393-big.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":162393,"width":1600,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2239120,"href":"","height":1000},{"scr_type_id":312,"filename":"162393-med.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":162393,"width":370,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2239121,"href":"","height":370},{"scr_type_id":9,"filename":"162393-m.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":162393,"width":145,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2239122,"href":"","height":156},{"scr_type_id":57,"filename":"162393-b.jpg","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0,"templ_id":162393,"width":430,"window_params":"","banner_url":"","id":2239123,"href":"","height":269}],"demoUrl":"/demo/162393.html","image":"","searchHash":"cc3561ec21fa4acd376980d164c7633f","previewHash":"b874b347937b78e32b83be4286a392c1","authorNickname":"WebiBazaar","lowLevelTopic":"Mobile Store Templates; Computer Store Templates; Electronics Store Templates","weightedRating":null,"annualSale":0,"monthlySales":0,"quarterlySales":0,"productBoost":null,"onSale":0,"finalPrice":97,"discountPercent":0,"discountAmount":0,"semiannualSales":0,"properties":{"productFamily":"None","color":["black","white","orange"],"followUpLetter":"opencart-offers","productSize":"44476513","uniqueKeywords":"ecommerce,multipurpose,opencart3,wood,furniture,light,wooden,mobile,store,responsive,fashion,accessories,shoe,modern,clothes,shopping,theme,clean,minimal,food","templateSupportOptions":"[{\"id\":277186,\"template_id\":298396,\"type\":1,\"measure\":\"day\",\"value\":1,\"phone\":\"\"}]","changeLog":"## V.2.0.0 - July 16 2021\r\n\r\n-Fixed Some Minor Issues\r\n\r\n## V.1.0.0 - Jan 21 2020\r\n\r\n## V.1.0.0\r\n-Initial Release","showVariantForcibly":"b","affiliateSells":"1","metaDescription":"Theme OverviewCartsly is a robust and flexible theme, Designed to match the style of an electronics website. Cartsly Theme is specially Suitable for mega","opencartEngine":"","imageKeyFeatures":"","features":["Premium","Responsive","Admin Panel","Search Engine Friendly","Bootstrap","Ajax","Retina Ready","Multipurpose","Right to left language support","Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)","eCommerce","MegaMenu","Blog","Gallery","One Page Templates","HTML 5","JQuery"],"saleSells":"1","livePreviewURL":"","authorUserId":"1731972","isFree":"none","authorMainScreenshot":"","templateGroup":"eCommerce Templates","hELPURL":"/quick-start-guide/opencart/","popularity":"Zero Downloads","alreadyPacked":"1","installation":"Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder).","openCartModules":["Account","Affiliate","Banner","Bestsellers","Carousel","Category","Featured","Information","Latest","Camera Slideshow","Specials"],"exclusive":"1","imagesIncluded":"No","templateSoftwareRequired":"Apache Server","templateIcon":"icon-opencart","lastmod":"2021-07-19T04:22:13-04:00","previewScreensOrVideoURLs":",,,,","types":"OpenCart Templates","trendiness":"1","demoMetaDescription":"The demo preview for this professional Cartsly - Responsive Multi-Purpose OpenCart Template (#162393) is available here for you to get informed about the theme before buying it. Browse through the pages, check the images, press the buttons, explore the functionality.","shortDescription":"

Theme Overview

Cartsly is a robust and flexible theme, Designed to match the style of an electronics website. Cartsly Theme is specially Suitable for mega store, electronics store, kitchen accessories, tv, digital, mobile, computers, laptop, speaker, sound system, CCTV, camera, watch, accessories, deals, appliances, fashion, furniture, home decor, minimal and multipurpose store. Cartsly Electronics Opencart template is looking good with colors combination and layout. All sub pages are customized. It is very nice with its clean and professional look. Cartsly Premium OpenCart Theme is the best choice for your eCommerce online website store.

Cartsly is support multiple languages. Full right-to-left language (Arabic) support. Boost your site with 600+ web optimized Google fonts with customizable style Multilingual languages - OpenCart theme supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide. Multiple currencies - OpenCart supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales. Product image pop-up - this feature allows visitors to view images in large size without going to the product page just by clicking on the product image.

Opencart theme allows you to create a store you wish how it should look using drag & drop feature so you can create a store by yourself without any knowledge of coding or hiring tech guy for it. Opencart themes are designed high quality which helps you create your brand store with an awesome color combination. Opencart themes are designed SEO friendly so you can add your store content accordingly to rank high in search engines which can help you drive more visitors to your store.

Responsive design - Cartsly is full responsive design which allows visitors to get a better shopping experience when opened from any devices such as mobile phones, tablets, computers.

SEO friendly - Cartsly is designed SEO friendly so you can add your store content accordingly to rank high in search engines which can help you drive more visitors to your store.

Stick to top menu - this feature allows you to stick your store menu to top so when visitors scroll down, it helps visitors to navigate anywhere without going back to top.

Custom block - opencart custom block plugin which helps you add a customized block to your homepage or other pages, you ca

n assign new blocks using layouts. You can create multiple blocks using it.

Quick view - this feature allows visitors to view products with all detailed information quickly via pop-up menu without opening the product page and allows visitors to take action such as add to wishlist, add to cart, buy now.

Multilingual languages - Cartsly supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide.

Multiple currencies - Cartsly supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales.


","tags":["accessories","clean","clothes","fashion","food","furniture","light","minimal","mobile","modern","multipurpose","responsive","shoe","shopping","store","theme","wood","wooden","ecommerce","opencart3"],"bitLyUrl":"","customUrl":"/opencart-templates/cartsly-responsive-multi-purpose-opencart-template-162393.html","nameOfTheTemplate":"Cartsly - Responsive Multi-Purpose OpenCart Template","paidSupport":"Yes","topic":["Mobile Store Templates","Computers Templates","Computer Store Templates","Electronics Templates","Electronics Store Templates","Computers & Internet"],"opencartCompatibility":["","","","","",""],"changeLogDate":"2021-07-19","styles":["Clean","Minimalist","Mobile","Material Design"],"marketplaceMembership":"One","advImage":"","category":"Website templates"}}]" array(17) { [0]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" [1]=> string(20) "Server: nginx/1.22.0" [2]=> string(35) "Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 22:41:33 GMT" [3]=> string(45) "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" [4]=> string(17) "Connection: close" [5]=> string(130) "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Pagination-Current-Page, X-Pagination-Page-Count, X-Pagination-Per-Page, X-Pagination-Total-Count" [6]=> string(12) "Vary: Accept" [7]=> string(27) "X-Pagination-Total-Count: 1" [8]=> string(26) "X-Pagination-Page-Count: 1" [9]=> string(28) "X-Pagination-Current-Page: 1" [10]=> string(25) "X-Pagination-Per-Page: 20" [11]=> string(293) "Link: ; rel=self, ; rel=first, ; rel=last" [12]=> string(38) "Expires: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 22:46:33 GMT" [13]=> string(26) "Cache-Control: max-age=300" [14]=> string(16) "Direct_API: true" [15]=> string(22) "X-Cache-Status: BYPASS" [16]=> string(24) "X-Up:" } #162393 Preview

Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

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