PetMart is Responsive opencart Animal Theme. It also provides many categories of products for cat, dog, fish, birds or any pet else such as food, accessories. This theme has many functions in home page. It has cross-browser compatibility and friendliness with Mobile devices. It looks very professional and great color combinations. Petshop is a fully responsive layout that extremely specially design to focus on mobiles and tablet devices, Very perfect view in mobile device. Petshop theme has full functioning features of a modern template for any e-Commerce website. It is very nice with its clean and official ecommerce look. There are many effects, multi-language, multi-currency, image popup view and much more, It is highly customizable because everything can be changed. you see completely this theme with powerful features with perfect resolution & design. some advance features like One Click Product QuickView, Retina Ready, AJAX add to cart, Cloudzoom, Fully Customizable. Create websites for Petshop, pet blog, petshop, pet hotel, pet shop, pet shop, pet center, pet clinic, pet club, animal care, pet sitting, dog walker, kennel, dog walking, pet grooming, veterinary.
Custom block - opencart custom block plugin which helps you add customized block to your homepage or other pages, you can assign new blocks using layouts. You can create multiple blocks using it.
Newsletter - this feature allows you to capture your visitors emails, so you can share tips & benefits of your products or services and market them your new launching products or offer discounts on specific products, This can help you grow your sales and turn your visitors into your lifetime customers.
Multilingual languages - opencart theme supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide.
Multiple currencies - opencart supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales.
Petshop store is surely meet all your desires to create a for your website, Petstore, Animal food. In This theme includes lots of smart features and lots of advance features your website business. The template is suitable for any store on the updated OpenCart 3.x version.
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Images used in live preview are not included in package.
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Browse through the pages, check out the images, press the buttons, explore the features.","shortDescription":"PetMart is Responsive opencart Animal Theme. It also provides many categories of products for cat, dog, fish, birds or any pet else such as food, accessories. This theme has many functions in home page. It has cross-browser compatibility and friendliness with Mobile devices. It looks very professional and great color combinations. Petshop is a fully responsive layout that extremely specially design to focus on mobiles and tablet devices, Very perfect view in mobile device. Petshop theme has full functioning features of a modern template for any e-Commerce website. It is very nice with its clean and official ecommerce look. There are many effects, multi-language, multi-currency, image popup view and much more, It is highly customizable because everything can be changed. you see completely this theme with powerful features with perfect resolution & design. some advance features like One Click Product QuickView, Retina Ready, AJAX add to cart, Cloudzoom, Fully Customizable. Create websites for Petshop, pet blog, petshop, pet hotel, pet shop, pet shop, pet center, pet clinic, pet club, animal care, pet sitting, dog walker, kennel, dog walking, pet grooming, veterinary.
Custom block - opencart custom block plugin which helps you add customized block to your homepage or other pages, you can assign new blocks using layouts. You can create multiple blocks using it.
Newsletter - this feature allows you to capture your visitors emails, so you can share tips & benefits of your products or services and market them your new launching products or offer discounts on specific products, This can help you grow your sales and turn your visitors into your lifetime customers.
Multilingual languages - opencart theme supports multilingual languages so it can help you create store according to your country audience or you can sell your products or services worldwide.
Multiple currencies - opencart supports multiple currencies so you can promote your store worldwide and get more visitors to your store and grow your sales.
Petshop store is surely meet all your desires to create a for your website, Petstore, Animal food. In This theme includes lots of smart features and lots of advance features your website business. The template is suitable for any store on the updated OpenCart 3.x version.
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Images used in live preview are not included in package.
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