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string(11708) "[{"templateId":144041,"typeId":69,"typeName":"WooCommerce Theme","typeUrl":"woocommerce-themes","categoryId":437,"categoryName":"Gifts Store Templates","templateTitle":"Gifts Store Responsive WooCommerce Theme","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce Theme","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Live demo for Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce Theme #144041","typeShortName":"WooCommerce","templatePreviewFBTitle":"
Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Crafty is a PRO demo of the WooVina theme built with WooCommerce and Elementor Pro as a great solution for online stores. This pre-built website has a clean, minimal design and a fully responsive layout that you can import & create your amazing website without having to add extra customization!
Crafty Template Features:
Beautiful design & Fully responsive: It is still the same beautiful theme on every possible viewport, assuring that every pixel always responds perfectly.
Translation & support RTL language: This demo is fully support RTL language. No matter the language you speak, build sites in your mother tongue.
Customizable all sections: In the customize panel, one can manage layout of the website container, header, shop, single pages, sidebar & footer.
Mega menu & offcanvas filter: Display a larger menu, with more experiences for user. Focus on banner, promotion and anything you want.
Ajax Filters: Filter products by colors and other parameters using tags.
Ajax Cart: An option to purchase the items without leaving current page.
Built-in styles and color palettes: Set colors & fonts easily! We understand it's important to be able to set fonts & colors that integrate with your brand.
Customer accounts: Customers can register, login, change addresses and view past orders.
","templateFullTitle":"Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce Theme","templatePreviewMetaDescription":"Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress ThemeCrafty is a PRO demo of the WooVina theme built with WooCommerce and Elementor Pro as a great solution","templateDemoMetaDescription":"Try out the live preview of the top notch Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce Theme (#144041) to get a better knowledge of what this template is before you purchase it. View the pages, check the images, press the buttons, explore the features.","specificTemplateNameListing":null,"specificTemplateNamePreview":null,"anchorTitle":"Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce Theme","anchorFeature":"Bootstrap","isInvertOrder":true,"isRTL":true,"anchorType":"","templateUrl":"/woocommerce-themes/crafty-a-clean-minimalist-woocommerce-theme-144041.html","userRating":0,"designIndex":1,"authorUserId":"1859540","exclusive":"0","state":1,"price":46,"inserted_date":"2020-12-09","sent":0,"downloads":4,"search_words":"woovina pro demos premium woocommerce theme premium wordpress theme minimalist","is_adult":0,"exc_price":2100,"sent_date":"2020-12-17 02:56:47","last_upload":"2024-06-07 08:13:03","package_id":295,"hasExclusivePrice":1,"screenshots":[{"id":2147500,"templ_id":144041,"filename":"144041-original.png","width":800,"height":500,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":334,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2147501,"templ_id":144041,"filename":"144041-big.png","width":800,"height":500,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":311,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2147502,"templ_id":144041,"filename":"144041-med.jpg","width":370,"height":370,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":312,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2147503,"templ_id":144041,"filename":"144041-m.jpg","width":145,"height":156,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":9,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2147504,"templ_id":144041,"filename":"144041-b.jpg","width":430,"height":269,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":57,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0}],"demoUrl":"/demo/144041.html","image":"","searchHash":"f7abd3b39d9ddaf6835d4acd89ddcd8a","previewHash":"edba50e5e6a316220e453bf88fd0bf0c","authorNickname":"WOOVINA","lowLevelTopic":"Gifts Store Templates; Tools & Equipment Templates","weightedRating":null,"annualSale":1,"monthlySales":0,"quarterlySales":0,"productBoost":125,"onSale":0,"finalPrice":46,"discountPercent":0,"discountAmount":0,"semiannualSales":1,"properties":{"features":["Responsive","Admin Panel","Search Engine Friendly","Bootstrap","Ajax","Retina Ready","Mobile Layout Included","Right to left language support","Single Product","eCommerce","Dropdown Menu","Google map","Sample content","Tabs","Advanced Theme Options","Drag and Drop Content","MegaMenu","Blog","Online Store/Shop","Gallery","HTML 5","JQuery","Lazy Load effect","Website Builder"],"topic":["Gifts Templates","Gifts Store Templates","Tools & Equipment Templates","Home & Family","Holidays, Gifts & Flowers"],"isFree":"none","color":"white","showVariantForcibly":"b","exclusive":"0","alreadyPacked":"1","authorUserId":"1859540","marketplaceMembership":"One","imagesIncluded":"Yes","tags":["minimalist","premium woocommerce theme","woovina pro demos","premium wordpress theme"],"wordPressBuilder":"Elementor Website Builder","nameOfTheTemplate":"Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce Theme","shortDescription":"
Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Crafty is a PRO demo of the WooVina theme built with WooCommerce and Elementor Pro as a great solution for online stores. This pre-built website has a clean, minimal design and a fully responsive layout that you can import & create your amazing website without having to add extra customization!
Crafty Template Features:
Beautiful design & Fully responsive: It is still the same beautiful theme on every possible viewport, assuring that every pixel always responds perfectly.
Translation & support RTL language: This demo is fully support RTL language. No matter the language you speak, build sites in your mother tongue.
Customizable all sections: In the customize panel, one can manage layout of the website container, header, shop, single pages, sidebar & footer.
Mega menu & offcanvas filter: Display a larger menu, with more experiences for user. Focus on banner, promotion and anything you want.
Ajax Filters: Filter products by colors and other parameters using tags.
Ajax Cart: An option to purchase the items without leaving current page.
Built-in styles and color palettes: Set colors & fonts easily! We understand it's important to be able to set fonts & colors that integrate with your brand.
Customer accounts: Customers can register, login, change addresses and view past orders.
","lastmod":"2021-08-26T04:35:07-04:00","uniqueKeywords":"woovina pro demos,premium woocommerce theme,premium wordpress theme,minimalist","advImage":"","affiliateSells":"1","authorMainScreenshot":"","livePreviewURL":"","metaDescription":"Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce WordPress ThemeCrafty is a PRO demo of the WooVina theme built with WooCommerce and Elementor Pro as a great solution","saleSells":"1","templateSupportOptions":"[]","bitLyUrl":"","customUrl":"/woocommerce-themes/crafty-a-clean-minimalist-woocommerce-theme-144041.html","demoMetaDescription":"Try out the live preview of the top notch Crafty - A Clean, Minimalist WooCommerce Theme (#144041) to get a better knowledge of what this template is before you purchase it. View the pages, check the images, press the buttons, explore the features.","productSize":"12129323","imageKeyFeatures":",,,,,","trendiness":"1","paidSupport":"Yes","wordpressComCompatibility":"Not Compatible","webServerCompatibility":["Apache 2.4","Nginx 1.2x"],"pHPVersionCompatibility":["8.1","8.0","7.4","8.2"],"databaseServerCompatibility":["MySQL 8.0","MySQL 5.7","MariaDB 10"],"designSoftware":"Adobe Photoshop","generalSoftwareRequirements":["Code editing tool","ZIP unarchiver"],"excerpt":"
Crafty is a complete website template for Handmade, Crafts Shop built with WordPress, WooCommerce, Elementor, WooVina theme. It has a beautiful design, fast loading, SEO friendly.
","changeLogDate":"2024-06-07","changeLog":"Version 1.1.2 | May 31, 2024 \n- Tweak - Update all plugins & theme to latest version\n- Tweak - Update sample data file\n- Fix - Fix some CSS bug with the latest version of WordPress, WooCommerce & Elementor\n- Fix - Fully compatible with Elementor 3.21.8\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WooCommerce 8.9.1\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WordPress 6.5.3\n\nVersion 1.1.1 | February 02, 2024\n- Tweak - Update all plugins & theme to latest version\n- Tweak - Update sample data file\n- Fix - Fix bug import carousel images\n- Fix - Fix some CSS bug with the latest version of WordPress, WooCommerce & Elementor\n- Fix - Fully compatible with Elementor 3.19.0\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WooCommerce 8.5.2\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WordPress 6.4.3\n\nVersion 1.1.0 | Octorber 13 , 2023\n- Tweak - Update all plugins & theme to latest version\n- Tweak - Improved style RTL language\n- Tweak - Update sample data file\n- Fix - Fix some CSS bug with the latest version of WordPress, WooCommerce & Elementor\n- Fix - Fully compatible with Elementor 3.16.5\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WooCommerce 8.2.0\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WordPress 6.3.1\n\nVersion 1.0.9 | May 06, 2023\n- Tweak - Update all plugins & theme to latest version\n- Fix - Fix some CSS bug with the latest version of WordPress, WooCommerce & Elementor\n- Fix - Fully compatible with Elementor 3.12.2\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WooCommerce 7.6.1\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WordPress 6.2\n- Fix - Fully compatible with PHP 8.1.0\n\nVersion 1.0.8 | November 24, 2021\n- Tweak - Optimized Elementor DOM Output\n- Tweak - Improved Asset Loading\n- Tweak - Improved CSS Loading\n- Tweak - Accessibility Improvements\n- Tweak - Optimized Preloader duration & fadeout time\n- Tweak - Add \"display=swap\" to Google Fonts requests\n- Tweak - Remove unused fonts, css, js\n- Tweak - Optimized Javascript and CSS code\n- Tweak - Update all plugins & theme to latest version\n- Fix - Fully compatible with Elementor 3.4.7\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WooCommerce 5.9.0\n- Fix - Fully compatible with WordPress 5.8.2","wordpressCompatibility":["6.2.x","6.3.x","6.4.x","6.5.x"],"wooCommerceCompatibility":["8.5.x","8.6.x","8.7.x","8.8.x"],"types":"WooCommerce Themes","templateIcon":"icon-woo","followUpLetter":"woocommerce-offers","productFamily":"None","templateGroup":"Wordpress Store","category":"Website templates"}}]"
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#144041 Preview