string(96) "" string(16300) "[{"templateId":118183,"typeId":24,"typeName":"Joomla template","typeUrl":"joomla-templates","categoryId":100,"categoryName":"Construction Company Templates","templateTitle":"Construction Company Responsive Joomla Template","templatePreviewHtmlTitle":"Constru - Construction, Building Industry Joomla 5 Template","templateDemoHtmlTitle":"Demo Preview for Constru - Construction, Building Industry Joomla 5 Template #118183","typeShortName":"Joomla","templatePreviewFBTitle":"

Constru - Construction & Building Business Joomla Template is build on the best and fastest Joomla Framework: Helix Ultimate with theme options (from where you can change colors in few seconds), drag and drop system and more, J2store for ecommerce and Creative Slider for slide.

Constru Joomla Template is built for Building Services, Architecture, Engineering, Cleaning Service and other Construction related services and it is suitable for any kind of small business activity – Maid, Maintenance, Painting and Decorating, Refurbishment, Partitions & Ceilings, Plastering & Rendering, Carpentry & Joinery, Built in – Furniture, Flooring, Plumbing and others. It has purpose oriented design and comes with Opening Hours, Free Consultation.


- Unlimited colors

- Colors can be changed in 2seconds

- New icon fonts in addon

- RTL language layout

- Helix Framework Ultimate

- Quickinstall

- Megamenu

- Layout builder

- Responsive

- Clean & Minimal Hotel template

- Contact form

- Css custom in every addon tab, so easy to custom

- Color change

- Typography change

- Parallax

- Background gradient

- Over 40 addons

- SEO & SMM Optimised

- Multilingual Support

- Post Formats

- 600 Google Fonts

- Logo Option

- Favicon option

- Social Share

- Social Icons

- Fluid and Boxed Layout

- FontAwesome 4 and 5

- Sticky Header

- Facebook Open Graph Data

- Mobile layout

- and more

What you will get?

With our template you will get: our free support, free updates for life, fast demo installation (quickinstall), images (are free rights so you can use theme into your website), pages, theme style, slider are also in pack.

Quickstart installation included

We included quickinstall zip for you to have our demo in seconds. Quickinstall is joomla installed + templates, extensions, plugins, configured and ready to use in your websites. You need to upload on your server, to create new database, user, add user to database and hit install button.

RTL Ready

Our Constru Joomla template comes with RTL ready, so you need just to add your language and that's it (just default joomla settings).

Detailed documentation

After downloading entire pack, please unzip it and open documentation folder, here open file index.html in browser and use mouse scroll to check entire doc. In documentation you have all you need to know regarding installation, settings and setup our template.

","templateFullTitle":"Constru - Construction, Building Industry Joomla 5 Template","templatePreviewMetaDescription":"Constru - Construction & Building Business Joomla Template is build on the best and fastest Joomla Framework: Helix Ultimate with theme options (from where","templateDemoMetaDescription":"Before you purchase it, get the look and feel of the high quality Constru - Construction & Building Business Joomla Template (#118183) by enjoying the live preview. Browse through the pages, examine the images, click the buttons, explore the functionality.","specificTemplateNameListing":null,"specificTemplateNamePreview":null,"anchorTitle":"Constru - Construction, Building Industry Joomla 5 Template","anchorFeature":"Bootstrap","isInvertOrder":true,"isRTL":true,"anchorType":"","templateUrl":"/joomla-templates/constru-construction-building-business-joomla-template-118183.html","userRating":0,"designIndex":"88","authorUserId":"1527933","exclusive":"1","state":1,"price":49,"inserted_date":"2020-10-13","sent":0,"downloads":16,"search_words":"construction architecture engineering cleaning service decorating interior design ceilings flooring constructor materials blog clean ecommerce store page builder machine company industry corporate","is_adult":0,"exc_price":2100,"sent_date":"2020-10-13 13:19:49","last_upload":"2024-12-03 09:32:15","package_id":295,"hasExclusivePrice":1,"screenshots":[{"id":2018358,"templ_id":118183,"filename":"118183-2-original.jpg","width":1600,"height":1000,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":334,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2018359,"templ_id":118183,"filename":"118183-2-big.jpg","width":1600,"height":1000,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":311,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2018360,"templ_id":118183,"filename":"118183-2-med.jpg","width":370,"height":370,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":312,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2018361,"templ_id":118183,"filename":"118183-2-m.jpg","width":145,"height":156,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":9,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0},{"id":2018362,"templ_id":118183,"filename":"118183-2-b.jpg","width":430,"height":269,"href":"","window_params":"","scr_type_id":57,"banner_url":"","banner_open_url":"","banner_open_window_params":"","wide":0}],"demoUrl":"/demo/118183.html","image":"","searchHash":"9bd96e25330e5b55522e62ddbe618a00","previewHash":"3265e760a3df2b08c51d64afdd545fa3","authorNickname":"prothemes","lowLevelTopic":"Maintenance Services Templates; Building Materials; Construction Company Templates","weightedRating":null,"annualSale":2,"monthlySales":0,"quarterlySales":0,"productBoost":35,"onSale":0,"finalPrice":43,"discountPercent":0,"discountAmount":0,"semiannualSales":1,"properties":{"bitLyUrl":"","features":["Dropdown Menu","Google map","Quickstart Package","Sample content","Tabs","Drag and Drop Content","MegaMenu","Static","Parallax","HTML 5","JQuery","Admin Panel","Ajax","Bootstrap","Light Template","Multipurpose","Responsive","Retina Ready","Search Engine Friendly","Single Product","Team Members","eCommerce","Background video","j2store"],"livePreviewURL":"","styles":["Clean","Corporate"],"nameOfTheTemplate":"Constru - Construction, Building Industry Joomla 5 Template","shortDescription":"

Constru - Construction & Building Business Joomla Template is build on the best and fastest Joomla Framework: Helix Ultimate with theme options (from where you can change colors in few seconds), drag and drop system and more, J2store for ecommerce and Creative Slider for slide.

Constru Joomla Template is built for Building Services, Architecture, Engineering, Cleaning Service and other Construction related services and it is suitable for any kind of small business activity – Maid, Maintenance, Painting and Decorating, Refurbishment, Partitions & Ceilings, Plastering & Rendering, Carpentry & Joinery, Built in – Furniture, Flooring, Plumbing and others. It has purpose oriented design and comes with Opening Hours, Free Consultation.


- Unlimited colors

- Colors can be changed in 2seconds

- New icon fonts in addon

- RTL language layout

- Helix Framework Ultimate

- Quickinstall

- Megamenu

- Layout builder

- Responsive

- Clean & Minimal Hotel template

- Contact form

- Css custom in every addon tab, so easy to custom

- Color change

- Typography change

- Parallax

- Background gradient

- Over 40 addons

- SEO & SMM Optimised

- Multilingual Support

- Post Formats

- 600 Google Fonts

- Logo Option

- Favicon option

- Social Share

- Social Icons

- Fluid and Boxed Layout

- FontAwesome 4 and 5

- Sticky Header

- Facebook Open Graph Data

- Mobile layout

- and more

What you will get?

With our template you will get: our free support, free updates for life, fast demo installation (quickinstall), images (are free rights so you can use theme into your website), pages, theme style, slider are also in pack.

Quickstart installation included

We included quickinstall zip for you to have our demo in seconds. Quickinstall is joomla installed + templates, extensions, plugins, configured and ready to use in your websites. You need to upload on your server, to create new database, user, add user to database and hit install button.

RTL Ready

Our Constru Joomla template comes with RTL ready, so you need just to add your language and that's it (just default joomla settings).

Detailed documentation

After downloading entire pack, please unzip it and open documentation folder, here open file index.html in browser and use mouse scroll to check entire doc. In documentation you have all you need to know regarding installation, settings and setup our template.

","webForms":["Booking Form","Contact Form","Login Form","Newsletter Subscription","User Registration","Search Form"],"joomlaEngine":"3.9","joomlaCompatibility":["5.1.x","5.0.x"],"topic":["Business & Services","Industrial Templates","Maintenance Services Templates","Building Materials","Architecture","Construction Company Templates","Design","Design & Photography","Home & Family"],"uniqueKeywords":"construction,architecture,engineering,cleaning service,decorating,interior design,ceilings,flooring,constructor,materials,blog,clean,ecommerce,store,page builder,machine,company,industry,corporate","customUrl":"/joomla-templates/constru-construction-building-business-joomla-template-118183.html","isFree":"none","metaDescription":"Constru - Construction & Building Business Joomla Template is build on the best and fastest Joomla Framework: Helix Ultimate with theme options (from where","htmlTitle":"Construction & Building Business Joomla Template","changeLog":"## Dec 03 2024\n- Joomla 5\n- Extension updated\n- Quickinstall Joomla 5\n- PHP 8.1, 8.2\n- CSS fixes\n- Twitter icon fix\n- Responsive menu fix (now is configured and is showing)\n\n\n## Mar 08 2024\nNew SP Page Builder\n- Added Image Shapes and CSS Effects in the Image addon\n- Content Truncation option added in the Text Block addon\n- Included ACL functionality in the Row settings for better access control management\n- Added option to include SEO data while exporting page\n- Radius option added in the Options section of the Gallery addon\n\nUpdates SP Page Builder\n- Enhanced accessibility for Tab, Form Builder, and Feature Box addons\n- Improved code editor and system editor to adapt to various display resolutions\n- Google Map API updated to address deprecation issues\n\nFixes\n- Resolved pagerelated ACL issues\n- Fixed addons’ zindex issue\n- Fixed Div addon custom position issue\n- Fixed Search plugin’s sorting issue\n- Resolved Video addon’s YouTube shorts functionality issue\n\n## Sep 28 2023\nHelix Framework:\n- New module position logged-in-usermenu added on user logged in menu\n\nFixes\n- Custom Style Preset $scssVars issue\n- Menu icon not working\n\n\nSp Page Builder 5\nNEW \n- Implemented a feature to fix legacy page content for improved compatibility\n- Added a new \"Border\" field to enhance design customization options\n- Fixed multiword search issue on page list page.\n- Fixed the team carousel item links\n- Fixed an issue with the Tab addon's icon or image options\n- Fixed a bug where accordion bodies were missing\n- Fixed the missing child issue within deep nested row in the layers panel\n- Included missing selector text and textrelated settings for images and icons in the modal addon\n- Fixed issue displaying only the initial category in multiselect for article addon.\n\nSp Page Builder 3\nFixes\n- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.\n- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.\n- Droptables custom addon issue.\n- Addon text editor emoji support issue.\n- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap\n- Upgrade option from SP PageBuilder 3 to SP PageBuilder 5\n\n## May 08 2023\nNew version of SP Page Builder Version 3.8.10\n\nBug Fix:\n- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.\n- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.\n- Droptables custom addon issue.\n- Addon text editor emoji support issue.\n- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap\n\nAll new updates are in folder Extensions-Update and can be installed manually from Joomla Administrator. \n\nAfter installation, clean cache. Don't forget to make full backup before installing this update.\n*********************************************************************************\n\nAdded html steps: \n##February 03, 2023\n- New folder how-to-update-to-joomla4 is added in main zip pack.\n- Unzip main zip pack and open index.html from folder how-to-update-to-joomla4 into your browser.\n- All steps that need to be made to update your Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 using 2 methods: Step by step or using Quickinstall.\n- How to prepare your Joomla 3 website before updating to Joomla 4.\n- 20.10.2022 - Extension updated to latest version.\n*************************************************************\n\n- Template updated to Joomla 4 ** new**\n- Extensions updated to Joomla 4 ** new**\n- Quickinstall for Joomla 4 ** new**\n- Documentation for Joomla 4 with images and detailed ** new**","color":["black","white","grey","red"],"imageKeyFeatures":"","demoMetaDescription":"Before you purchase it, get the look and feel of the high quality Constru - Construction & Building Business Joomla Template (#118183) by enjoying the live preview. Browse through the pages, examine the images, click the buttons, explore the functionality.","changeLogDate":"2024-12-03","lastmod":"2022-02-16T16:27:31-05:00","trendiness":"1","showVariantForcibly":"b","dqi":"88","previewScreensOrVideoURLs":"","authorUserId":"1527933","exclusive":"1","authorMainScreenshot":"","affiliateSells":"1","saleSells":"1","templateSupportOptions":"[]","alreadyPacked":"1","marketplaceMembership":"One","excludeExclusive":"Yes","tags":["architecture","ceilings","clean","company","construction","constructor","corporate","decorating","engineering","flooring","industry","machine","materials","store","blog","ecommerce","interior design","page builder","cleaning service"],"advImage":"","productSize":"57200909","imagesIncluded":"Yes","authorMainScreenshotVersion":"2","joomlaEditor":"SP Page Builder","paidSupport":"Yes","pHPVersionCompatibility":["8.2","8.1"],"webServerCompatibility":["Apache 2.4","Nginx 1.2x"],"databaseServerCompatibility":["MySQL 8.0","MySQL 5.7"],"generalSoftwareRequirements":["Code editing tool","ZIP unarchiver"],"excerpt":"

Constru Joomla Template is built for Building Services, Architecture, Engineering, Cleaning Service and other Construction related services and it is suitable for any kind of small business activity

","installation":"Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder).","types":"Joomla Templates","templateIcon":"icon-joomla","followUpLetter":"joomla-templates-offers","productFamily":"None","templateGroup":"CMS Templates","category":"Website templates","popularity":[],"freeTemplatesOffers":[]}}]" array(17) { [0]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" [1]=> string(20) "Server: nginx/1.22.0" [2]=> string(35) "Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 13:29:23 GMT" [3]=> string(45) "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" [4]=> string(17) "Connection: close" [5]=> string(130) "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Pagination-Current-Page, X-Pagination-Page-Count, X-Pagination-Per-Page, X-Pagination-Total-Count" [6]=> string(12) "Vary: Accept" [7]=> string(27) "X-Pagination-Total-Count: 1" [8]=> string(26) "X-Pagination-Page-Count: 1" [9]=> string(28) "X-Pagination-Current-Page: 1" [10]=> string(25) "X-Pagination-Per-Page: 20" [11]=> string(293) "Link: ; rel=self, ; rel=first, ; rel=last" [12]=> string(38) "Expires: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 13:34:23 GMT" [13]=> string(26) "Cache-Control: max-age=300" [14]=> string(16) "Direct_API: true" [15]=> string(22) "X-Cache-Status: BYPASS" [16]=> string(24) "X-Up:" } #118183 Preview

Technical operations

Live demo of this template will be available within 5-6 hours.

Go back to the template gallery