Modern customers know how to use the Internet. And most importantly they start searching for flooring companies online too. And if you want to boost your client base you have to keep it in your mind. You need a good website. Yet, it is not enough to create a simple website with a classic design and a few buttons. After all, a bad website will be worth possible advertising. You need something eye-catchy and modern. And most importantly you need something that perfectly suits flooring business.
And this is why we developed a Pelocor Floor Joomla theme. It has all you need to tell about your services, materials, prices and so on. And since it is a pre-developed website theme you can use it right after purchase.
Let's start with a design. Pelocor Floor Joomla theme has a stylish design with many eye-catchy geometrical elements, nice animations, and transitions. And you can add new elements to decorate it. After all, Pelicor Floor is a fully editable theme and you can change or remove any part of it. And due to the color scheme you can create a website that creates an atmosphere of reliability.
This theme is also a multipage product. It includes a blog for your posts, a gallery for your images and a portfolio developed to present your projects in the best way. In case you want to communicate with clients you can rely on social o[tions, testimonials, contact forms and forum page.
Moreover, your client can register on your website to keep an eye on their orders. Which is useful for your client base.
Coder also made a lot to create a Joomla theme that works without issues. This is why Pelicor website theme is highly responsive, fast, and well-optimized. And do not miss the opportunity to check out Pelicor Joomla theme demo!
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And this is why we developed a Pelocor Floor Joomla theme. It has all you need to tell about your services, materials, prices and so on. And since it is a pre-developed website theme you can use it right after purchase.
Let's start with a design. Pelocor Floor Joomla theme has a stylish design with many eye-catchy geometrical elements, nice animations, and transitions. And you can add new elements to decorate it. After all, Pelicor Floor is a fully editable theme and you can change or remove any part of it. And due to the color scheme you can create a website that creates an atmosphere of reliability.
This theme is also a multipage product. It includes a blog for your posts, a gallery for your images and a portfolio developed to present your projects in the best way. In case you want to communicate with clients you can rely on social o[tions, testimonials, contact forms and forum page.
Moreover, your client can register on your website to keep an eye on their orders. Which is useful for your client base.
Coder also made a lot to create a Joomla theme that works without issues. This is why Pelicor website theme is highly responsive, fast, and well-optimized. And do not miss the opportunity to check out Pelicor Joomla theme demo!
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